Thank you for taking the time to support Michael. Remember, it doesn't hurt to write to Toyota and thank them for supporting Michael as their driver and owner. Extra support never hurts!
Also, help Michael by joining his official fan club AND visiting his official site. As the number of members and views keeps growing, sponsors conclude that their investment is money well spent.
Links to other sites on the Web
Klaussner Furniture
Lucent Electronics
Philips Lighting
Bostrom Seating
Aarons: Driving Your Dreams Home for $99
Coca Cola Racing Family
Nabisco: Ritz Crackers
Allied Truck Sales: Canton, Ohio
Burger King
United Parcel Service (UPS--The Boys in Brown)
Domino's Pizza
Best Western
NAPA, Coca Cola, Klaussner, Burger King, UPS, Domino's Pizza, Best Western | Scott Eggleston (interim) |