Welcome to my Guestbook! Thanks to all who have taken time to sign it! Chrissy - 11/05/00 17:46:37 My URL:http://krickitrecords.com My Email:Chrissy@krickitrecords.comCity/State: Mighigan Favorite Rodeo Event: any thats entertaining Favorite Breed of Horse: Stallion Comments: Hey, I like your site. By the way, I have a country music site. If you are interested in exchanging links, I'd be glad to do so. Let me know. Take Care... alesha - 10/28/00 18:52:11 My Email:foxxychika2001@yahoo.comComments: i liked your web site thing! I liked the pictures of the horses and the music was cute. - 06/20/00 07:39:13 Comments: Jason Bell - 05/25/00 22:34:18 My Email:this_ol_cowboy@hotmail.comCity/State: Stinnett, Texas Favorite Rodeo Event: Bullfighting Favorite Breed of Horse: Mountain Comments: Just thought I'd say Hi, from all us Cowboy's and Cowgirls, Here in the Texas Panhandle!!! I'm a bullfighter in Junior Rodeo's cuz I like to make the kids laugh, I find it fantastic that A dying breed like ourselves, isn't dying but only living out our tr ditions, nice talking to ya, Jason Bell Stinnett, TX, By the way you have pretty Eye's. JEANINE DUHAIME - 05/15/00 21:43:18 My Email:unitedtax@sk.sympatico.caCity/State: SPIRITWOOD Favorite Rodeo Event: BARREL RACING Favorite Breed of Horse: QUARTER HORSE Comments: GOOD JOB ON YOUR FIRST WEB PAGE allison - 05/04/00 13:39:28 My Email:bjc4200@uswest.netCity/State: Chandler/AZ Comments: Hi! How do you get the horse to walk when your horse is running? How do you hold on to the horse with one hand and with the rope? Shelly Roberts - 05/02/00 19:48:52 My Email:Skinthia@hotmail.comCity/State: Abilene,Tx Favorite Rodeo Event: Barrel Racing Favorite Breed of Horse: Quarter Horses Comments: Good Luck on this next year. I hope you reach your goals!! Shelly adrienne - 05/01/00 18:57:57 My Email:beerdrinker@mail.comCity/State: perryville Mo Favorite Rodeo Event: barrel racing Favorite Breed of Horse: Quater Comments: Terri Stewart - 04/18/00 20:59:20 My Email:tstewart@nwcc.bc.caCity/State: Houston, BC Canada Favorite Rodeo Event: Barrel Racing Favorite Breed of Horse: Quarter Horse Comments: Good luck with your rodeoing Lindsay. You seem to have your goals all layed out. I hope you reach them. I have never learned to calf rope. In Canada we call what you are doing Break Away Roping. I rodeo amateur in the BC Rodeo Association. Sonny Glass - 04/17/00 21:50:57 My Email:bigtexglass@yahoo.comCity/State: Austin,Texas Favorite Rodeo Event: bullriding Favorite Breed of Horse: paint or qaurter Comments: great page. Keep up the hard work and don't give up on your dreams William Keith - 03/24/00 01:23:14 My URL:/Nashville/2502/WilliamHome.html My Email:dodge_man79@yahoo.comCity/State: Meadowview, Va Comments: Very nice page, Listen to me its better than mine *S* Feel welcome to ICQ me anytime Cheryl - 03/20/00 17:52:55 City/State: Florida Favorite Breed of Horse: Thoroughbred Comments: I love your website. You seem like such a marvelous person. Good luck to you. Cheryl William Keith - 03/19/00 15:49:36 My Email:dodge_man79@yahoo.comCity/State: Meadowview, Va Comments: Hey Lindsay, Nice page. I'm into horses too, I love riding them & taking care of them. Don't know much about 'em yet but I'm learning *S* Planning on getting me one soon I hope. Feel free to e-mail me anytime Deb Pieschke - 03/15/00 16:52:45 My URL:http://www.innovativefab.com My Email:inn@dailypost.comCity/State: Watertown, SD Comments: Great job on your site!!! One suggestion to help make the photos load quicker, make a thumbnail out of them and then resize you thumbnail to the size you want it - we have done that with our site and it seemed to speed the loading of the photos by almost 1/2 the time - good luck - and have a great rodeo season!!! Nicole Taylor - 03/14/00 02:20:16 My Email:pattillo@dtccom.netCity/State: Smithville Tn. Favorite Rodeo Event: all Favorite Breed of Horse: Saddlehorse Comments: I love your sight. we ride alot when its warm. Sarah - 03/10/00 17:44:59 My URL:http://www.enchantedforestcg.homestead.com My Email:indiansummer7@hotmail.comCity/State: Payson, Arizona Favorite Rodeo Event: Bull Riding Favorite Breed of Horse: White Stallions Comments: I like it!! Come and see my lil' page. Jenny - 02/16/00 18:05:17 My Email:whinny22@hotmail.comCity/State: Illinois Favorite Rodeo Event: Barrel Racing Favorite Breed of Horse: Quarter/Paint Comments: Hi, Lindsay! Your page is really cute. I am trying to start my own page and am experiencing some techincal difficulties. I barrel race also and it's great to see some fellow cowgirls out there. Talk to you later! - 12/27/99 09:18:01 Comments: - 12/27/99 09:16:56 Comments: LACEY BLOCK - 11/25/99 21:17:40 My Email:LACEYB43@HOTMAIL.COMCity/State: LANGFORD ,SD Favorite Rodeo Event: BARREL RACING Favorite Breed of Horse: SORREL Comments: I LOVED YOUR WEB SITE. Steve - 11/14/99 16:59:39 My URL:http://profiles.yahoo.com/neuroslider My Email:ubermensch_34@yahoo.comCity/State: Conway AR Favorite Rodeo Event: Team roping Favorite Breed of Horse: you have to ask? Comments: Kewl site! Wish the cowgirls around here were as cute! Candice Stevens - 10/23/99 12:21:30 My Email:twinoaks@fan.net.auCity/State: Queensland,Australia Favorite Rodeo Event: Calf roping and barrel racing Favorite Breed of Horse: Paint Horse Comments: good site. I don't compete in rodeos yet, but hope to start soon. I mainly compete in western performance. You're so lucky to live in USA and be surrounded by rodeo. There's no where near as much of it over here. To live somewhere like that has always bee a dream of mine. Seeya! Franchesca Barrow - 10/05/99 02:21:56 My Email:ilovecowboys311@hotmail.comCity/State: Point,Texas Favorite Rodeo Event: Barrel racin Favorite Breed of Horse: quarter Comments: hello i think this is a great page i really like it. i am gettin in to barel racin.My boyfriend is gettin in to bull ridin.i hope we enjoy it and from what i hear i am goin to have a blasst well like i said this is a great page well bye bye Justin Lovell - 09/21/99 20:36:48 My Email:doob@apex.netCity/State: Murray,KY Favorite Rodeo Event: Calf Roping Favorite Breed of Horse: American Quarter Horses Comments: This is a real nice site. I've always been interested in ranch rodeo, it's cool that you do that.I hope you add more to your site soon! Doob norri - 08/18/99 03:24:05 My Email:lstevens02@sprynet.comCity/State: oregon Favorite Rodeo Event: everything Favorite Breed of Horse: draft horses appy and quart horses Comments: hey i love you page!!! i just surfed on so i decided to sign you book. i have a draft horse and an appy myself and they mean the world to me, but i'm looking for a qh to take me all the way in gaming. but anyway good luck with all you horse stuff and god less later norri Jerry Ann Armstrong - 07/31/99 03:33:55 My Email:www.jerry1@alaweb.comCity/State: McKenzie, Alabama Favorite Rodeo Event: barrel racing 1 bulls 2 Favorite Breed of Horse: appaloosa Comments: I really enjoyed your site. The pictures are great, and the some of the parts about your granny reminded me of me. Ha! Stacey "Lucille" - 05/12/99 21:26:47 My Email:Oopysnoo@aol.comCity/State: Humble Tx Comments: hey girl what's up. That is a very cute web page. Kenneth Brown - 05/11/99 17:12:59 My Email:KBrown1051@aol.comCity/State: Gatesville,Tx Favorite Rodeo Event: Bull Riding, & Barrell Racing Favorite Breed of Horse: Paint & Miniature Comments: Great page darling. you look really great on your web page. Keep up the good work and always keep doing your best in all things. Love ya ! Grandpa Kenneth Brown Anne Penton Pinckard - 05/11/99 03:13:51 My Email:pinckarda@worldnet.att.netCity/State: Milton, FL Favorite Rodeo Event: NOT BULL RIDING! Comments: Your web page looks good! Best wishes in your rodeo events. God Bless. Joyce Penton Schnoor - 05/10/99 13:49:51 My Email:SchnoorJP@aol.comCity/State: Milton, Florida Favorite Rodeo Event: All Favorite Breed of Horse: All Comments: Great pictures! Good luck and hope you win lst. Ethel Mae Townsend - 05/08/99 15:00:43 My Email:texangel5@hotmail.comCity/State: Star, Texas Favorite Rodeo Event: Bull Riding Favorite Breed of Horse: Appaloosa Comments: Your page is just beautiful...keep up the good work. I have a friend who used to be active in the barrel races...don't know if she still is. Her name was Donna Kennedy before she got married. Your grandparents, Kenneth and Mildred Brown are very special friends of ours. Marty Brown - 05/08/99 05:45:59 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/ranch/5448/spirit.html My Email:Martyb1448@aol.comCity/State: Gatesville, TX Favorite Breed of Horse: Quarter & Miniature Comments: Good luck on your rodeos this season. See you at the State Finals!!!! Granny Brown My Home Page | Visit Colosseum/Stands | Explore GeoCities | Get your own free homepage
Chrissy - 11/05/00 17:46:37 My URL:http://krickitrecords.com My Email:Chrissy@krickitrecords.comCity/State: Mighigan Favorite Rodeo Event: any thats entertaining Favorite Breed of Horse: Stallion
Comments: Hey, I like your site. By the way, I have a country music site. If you are interested in exchanging links, I'd be glad to do so. Let me know. Take Care... alesha - 10/28/00 18:52:11 My Email:foxxychika2001@yahoo.com
Comments: i liked your web site thing! I liked the pictures of the horses and the music was cute. - 06/20/00 07:39:13
Comments: Jason Bell - 05/25/00 22:34:18 My Email:this_ol_cowboy@hotmail.comCity/State: Stinnett, Texas Favorite Rodeo Event: Bullfighting Favorite Breed of Horse: Mountain
Comments: Just thought I'd say Hi, from all us Cowboy's and Cowgirls, Here in the Texas Panhandle!!! I'm a bullfighter in Junior Rodeo's cuz I like to make the kids laugh, I find it fantastic that A dying breed like ourselves, isn't dying but only living out our tr ditions, nice talking to ya, Jason Bell Stinnett, TX, By the way you have pretty Eye's. JEANINE DUHAIME - 05/15/00 21:43:18 My Email:unitedtax@sk.sympatico.caCity/State: SPIRITWOOD Favorite Rodeo Event: BARREL RACING Favorite Breed of Horse: QUARTER HORSE
Comments: GOOD JOB ON YOUR FIRST WEB PAGE allison - 05/04/00 13:39:28 My Email:bjc4200@uswest.netCity/State: Chandler/AZ
Comments: Hi! How do you get the horse to walk when your horse is running? How do you hold on to the horse with one hand and with the rope? Shelly Roberts - 05/02/00 19:48:52 My Email:Skinthia@hotmail.comCity/State: Abilene,Tx Favorite Rodeo Event: Barrel Racing Favorite Breed of Horse: Quarter Horses
Comments: Good Luck on this next year. I hope you reach your goals!! Shelly adrienne - 05/01/00 18:57:57 My Email:beerdrinker@mail.comCity/State: perryville Mo Favorite Rodeo Event: barrel racing Favorite Breed of Horse: Quater
Comments: Terri Stewart - 04/18/00 20:59:20 My Email:tstewart@nwcc.bc.caCity/State: Houston, BC Canada Favorite Rodeo Event: Barrel Racing Favorite Breed of Horse: Quarter Horse
Comments: Good luck with your rodeoing Lindsay. You seem to have your goals all layed out. I hope you reach them. I have never learned to calf rope. In Canada we call what you are doing Break Away Roping. I rodeo amateur in the BC Rodeo Association. Sonny Glass - 04/17/00 21:50:57 My Email:bigtexglass@yahoo.comCity/State: Austin,Texas Favorite Rodeo Event: bullriding Favorite Breed of Horse: paint or qaurter
Comments: great page. Keep up the hard work and don't give up on your dreams William Keith - 03/24/00 01:23:14 My URL:/Nashville/2502/WilliamHome.html My Email:dodge_man79@yahoo.comCity/State: Meadowview, Va
Comments: Very nice page, Listen to me its better than mine *S* Feel welcome to ICQ me anytime Cheryl - 03/20/00 17:52:55 City/State: Florida Favorite Breed of Horse: Thoroughbred
Comments: I love your website. You seem like such a marvelous person. Good luck to you. Cheryl William Keith - 03/19/00 15:49:36 My Email:dodge_man79@yahoo.comCity/State: Meadowview, Va
Comments: Hey Lindsay, Nice page. I'm into horses too, I love riding them & taking care of them. Don't know much about 'em yet but I'm learning *S* Planning on getting me one soon I hope. Feel free to e-mail me anytime Deb Pieschke - 03/15/00 16:52:45 My URL:http://www.innovativefab.com My Email:inn@dailypost.comCity/State: Watertown, SD
Comments: Great job on your site!!! One suggestion to help make the photos load quicker, make a thumbnail out of them and then resize you thumbnail to the size you want it - we have done that with our site and it seemed to speed the loading of the photos by almost 1/2 the time - good luck - and have a great rodeo season!!! Nicole Taylor - 03/14/00 02:20:16 My Email:pattillo@dtccom.netCity/State: Smithville Tn. Favorite Rodeo Event: all Favorite Breed of Horse: Saddlehorse
Comments: I love your sight. we ride alot when its warm. Sarah - 03/10/00 17:44:59 My URL:http://www.enchantedforestcg.homestead.com My Email:indiansummer7@hotmail.comCity/State: Payson, Arizona Favorite Rodeo Event: Bull Riding Favorite Breed of Horse: White Stallions
Comments: I like it!! Come and see my lil' page. Jenny - 02/16/00 18:05:17 My Email:whinny22@hotmail.comCity/State: Illinois Favorite Rodeo Event: Barrel Racing Favorite Breed of Horse: Quarter/Paint
Comments: Hi, Lindsay! Your page is really cute. I am trying to start my own page and am experiencing some techincal difficulties. I barrel race also and it's great to see some fellow cowgirls out there. Talk to you later! - 12/27/99 09:18:01
Comments: - 12/27/99 09:16:56
Comments: LACEY BLOCK - 11/25/99 21:17:40 My Email:LACEYB43@HOTMAIL.COMCity/State: LANGFORD ,SD Favorite Rodeo Event: BARREL RACING Favorite Breed of Horse: SORREL
Comments: I LOVED YOUR WEB SITE. Steve - 11/14/99 16:59:39 My URL:http://profiles.yahoo.com/neuroslider My Email:ubermensch_34@yahoo.comCity/State: Conway AR Favorite Rodeo Event: Team roping Favorite Breed of Horse: you have to ask?
Comments: Kewl site! Wish the cowgirls around here were as cute! Candice Stevens - 10/23/99 12:21:30 My Email:twinoaks@fan.net.auCity/State: Queensland,Australia Favorite Rodeo Event: Calf roping and barrel racing Favorite Breed of Horse: Paint Horse
Comments: good site. I don't compete in rodeos yet, but hope to start soon. I mainly compete in western performance. You're so lucky to live in USA and be surrounded by rodeo. There's no where near as much of it over here. To live somewhere like that has always bee a dream of mine. Seeya! Franchesca Barrow - 10/05/99 02:21:56 My Email:ilovecowboys311@hotmail.comCity/State: Point,Texas Favorite Rodeo Event: Barrel racin Favorite Breed of Horse: quarter
Comments: hello i think this is a great page i really like it. i am gettin in to barel racin.My boyfriend is gettin in to bull ridin.i hope we enjoy it and from what i hear i am goin to have a blasst well like i said this is a great page well bye bye Justin Lovell - 09/21/99 20:36:48 My Email:doob@apex.netCity/State: Murray,KY Favorite Rodeo Event: Calf Roping Favorite Breed of Horse: American Quarter Horses
Comments: This is a real nice site. I've always been interested in ranch rodeo, it's cool that you do that.I hope you add more to your site soon! Doob norri - 08/18/99 03:24:05 My Email:lstevens02@sprynet.comCity/State: oregon Favorite Rodeo Event: everything Favorite Breed of Horse: draft horses appy and quart horses
Comments: hey i love you page!!! i just surfed on so i decided to sign you book. i have a draft horse and an appy myself and they mean the world to me, but i'm looking for a qh to take me all the way in gaming. but anyway good luck with all you horse stuff and god less later norri Jerry Ann Armstrong - 07/31/99 03:33:55 My Email:www.jerry1@alaweb.comCity/State: McKenzie, Alabama Favorite Rodeo Event: barrel racing 1 bulls 2 Favorite Breed of Horse: appaloosa
Comments: I really enjoyed your site. The pictures are great, and the some of the parts about your granny reminded me of me. Ha! Stacey "Lucille" - 05/12/99 21:26:47 My Email:Oopysnoo@aol.comCity/State: Humble Tx
Comments: hey girl what's up. That is a very cute web page. Kenneth Brown - 05/11/99 17:12:59 My Email:KBrown1051@aol.comCity/State: Gatesville,Tx Favorite Rodeo Event: Bull Riding, & Barrell Racing Favorite Breed of Horse: Paint & Miniature
Comments: Great page darling. you look really great on your web page. Keep up the good work and always keep doing your best in all things. Love ya ! Grandpa Kenneth Brown Anne Penton Pinckard - 05/11/99 03:13:51 My Email:pinckarda@worldnet.att.netCity/State: Milton, FL Favorite Rodeo Event: NOT BULL RIDING!
Comments: Your web page looks good! Best wishes in your rodeo events. God Bless. Joyce Penton Schnoor - 05/10/99 13:49:51 My Email:SchnoorJP@aol.comCity/State: Milton, Florida Favorite Rodeo Event: All Favorite Breed of Horse: All
Comments: Great pictures! Good luck and hope you win lst. Ethel Mae Townsend - 05/08/99 15:00:43 My Email:texangel5@hotmail.comCity/State: Star, Texas Favorite Rodeo Event: Bull Riding Favorite Breed of Horse: Appaloosa
Comments: Your page is just beautiful...keep up the good work. I have a friend who used to be active in the barrel races...don't know if she still is. Her name was Donna Kennedy before she got married. Your grandparents, Kenneth and Mildred Brown are very special friends of ours. Marty Brown - 05/08/99 05:45:59 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/ranch/5448/spirit.html My Email:Martyb1448@aol.comCity/State: Gatesville, TX Favorite Breed of Horse: Quarter & Miniature
Comments: Good luck on your rodeos this season. See you at the State Finals!!!! Granny Brown