Lindsay's Horse & Rodeo Page

Hi! My name is Lindsay. I live in Central Texas where I live and breathe horses and rodeos. Since this is my first attempt at designing a web page, I may experience a few problems, but in time I will get them worked out.

I am a member of the Texas Youth Ranch Rodeo Assn. I am competing in ranch rodeo events of calf mugging, goat tying and several other events. I also compete in several other events such as barrel racing.

In 1998, I qualified for the NBHA Texas State Finals in Abilene. Unfortunately, my horse spooked during the first day of qualifications, so I didn't get to compete in the final competition. In 1999, I made it to the TYRRA State Finals. I won a trophy belt buckle in barrel racing.

The photo to the left taken after I won the reining competition for the Madisonville Sidewalk Cattleman's Queen Contest in the summer of 1997. I won 2nd Runner-Up in the contest finals for the queen's crown. I have not competed for this title since.
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Below are photos taken during a Ranch Rodeo Calf Mugging Event. The right photo shows me in the holding box waiting for the calf to exit the chute. The left photo shows us making the run for the calf. The horse is named Chance.

Above, is an award winning run in Ranch Rodeo for my high school competition this year. Pretty good shot for a young lady just getting started at calf roping. This horse is named Poco, a descendant of AQHA foundation sire, Poco Bueno.

To the right, I am holding my dog, Bear. He is a loveable Black Lab that someone dumped because they didn't want him any more. Too many of our animals are dumped along the roadsides to strive as best they can, or to die. Too many of our horses are being slaughter.

Links to some great horse and rodeo sites:

Heart Beat . . . My Lastest Purchase
Grandma's Horses at Windmill Acres
A Horse's Prayer
Texas High School Rodeo Assn.
National High School Rodeo Assn.
Cowboy Heritage
Texas Cowboy Hall of Fame
Cowboy Sports News

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© 1999, 2000, Lindsay Brown

have visited this page since it was created on May 7, 1999.

Last updated March 15, 2000.

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