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Tazz vs Al Snow
This should be a pretty hardcore match. Unless they get DQ?d for stuff like that but they
probably won?t. Anyway, we think Al Snow will win this match.

Six-Person Tag Match: Hardy Boyz & Lita vs T&A & Trish Stratus
No one likes anyone from the other team in this match ( naturally). Especially Lita and
Trish. This should be very exciting, not only the Hardys but also Lita and Trish. We think
The Hardys and Lita will win.

Steel Cage Match for the IC Title: Val Venis vs Rikishi
These two wrestlers have a somewhat long history against each other. This should be a
pretty good match and even better in a cage. I think Rikishi will come out on top in this

Tag Team Title Match: Edge & Christian vs The Acolytes
This should be a good fight. I think Edge & Christian have an advantage over The
Acolytes after what happened on Smackdown. Edge & Christian proved that they can
outsmart The Acolytes and end up beating them up. I think Edge & Christian will win
this match.

Triple Main Event:

The Undertaker vs Kurt Angle
This looks so obvious that Undertaker would win. He?s mad at Angle for costing him and
Kane the Tag Titles, he?s mad about Angle throwing milk on his motorcycle, hitting him
with a sledgehammer and on Smackdown, pouring stuff on his motorcycle and then
beating him up in the back. However, I think that what Kurt Angle did to both
Undertaker and Kane on Smackdown (beating them up and hurting their legs) shows that
King Kurt can win this match. I think he will.

Last Man Standing Match: Triple H vs Chris Jericho
These two truly hate each other. This should turn out to be a very excellent match. I think
Triple H will win this match.

WWF Title Match ( Title can change on DQ): The Rock vs Chris Benoit
This should be another great match. These two hate each other too. This one should be
very exciting. I think that Chris Benoit will win this because The Rock can?t get out of
the Crippler Crossface once Benoit gets it locked in. Chris Benoit will be the next WWF

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