I saw your video and steps package on the net and think this would be perfect

Hi Jay

Could you please give me information about your Dance Training Video etc.

We are a small group of 3 who love dancing and have danced ballroom for 3-4 years but we are by no means masters.  We love dancing but unfortunately there are no classes or clubs in Abu Dhabi where we are now located.


We want to start our own little club and have found a great deal of interest but we need some video and instructional help.  I saw your video and steps package on the net and think this would be perfect for us to start with.  We are not intending anything profoundly competitive, just personal improvement and to get people who have always wanted to but never had the opportunity to get on the floor and enjoy ballroom.  We have attracted a great deal of interest and so far will probably have about 20 -30 candidates who want to learn.

Jay - please help and give us some advice on what we may need etc.

Could you please reply to leftwich@emirates.net.ae

many thanks, Rhona Leftwich



Rhona, my alias name is Jay HELP, and I do it with the greatest of pleasure. I’ve helped more dancers in South Africa overcome a similar request to yours, than any other dance expert I know of. My ‘Social Dancer’s Complete 4-point Learning Kits’ is the ideal for you and your group, you’ll have a gas learning from it. Already I have hundreds on the waiting list – it’s a quantum leap forward for the social dance scene and the only one of its kind – it’s a revolution to social dancing, a Kit no enthusiast of the sport should be without.


Unfortunately, the package is still in the making, and will only be ready in about a month’s time. Although the video is the main learning aid, the book has 130 pages of invaluable information, covering every conceivable aspect of social dancing. For example, above and beyond all the dances and 50 patterns it graphically illustrates, it has a Workshop section that shows how to combine the variations so that they take you anti-clockwise around the floor. It teaches you the fundamentals techniques and principles of leading, following, the styling for the various dances, posture & hold for the various dances, correct footwork, how to dance in time to the music, etc.


It teaches you how to prepare for your diploma through this correspondence course. It has a questions & answers section, covering; dancing as a hobby, how to have fun practising, the pros & con of practising routines, dance hygiene, the difference between social and competitive dancing, how to recognise the different dance music, what makes an excellent dance teacher, floorcraft, etc. It also has a 20-page Dancer’s Dictionary.     


The video includes the dancer’s Workshop to show you visually how it is done as well. My videos are enormously  popular. What makes them so is that your teacher’s back (on the TV) faces you directly so that you follow your teacher directly, without having to crane your neck. We show the man’s and the lady’s parts separately and slowly to count, plus we show you all the patterns danced to music.


What I suggest you and your group do in the meantime is, order one or two dances on video, let’s say the Tango and Boogie or 2-Step and Waltz and get started, and I’ll let you know the moment the Kit is completed. The video tape with 2 dances plus postage will cost you R145, and should you want to add more dances to the same tape it will cost you an extra R39 a dance. Bear in mind, that if you order 4 dances, you get the 5th one free.


Rhona, would you like me to add you to the order list and my mailing list?

Looking for a Dance Studio in the Fourways

Hi Jay

I'm looking for a Dance Studio in the Fourways area! If you know of a good one please help?!


Thanx so much, Chanelle



Maybe someone will see and respond to your search, but here are contacts I know are per excellence:


Brian:-011-6152428 / 083 325 2597 Fax: 011 616 5502. Meryl:-011-6147306 / 083 325 2596

Simon (011) 474-2060 (W). Ipatia (011) 788-0953 (W) or (011) 828-5650 (A/H) or 082 314 1612

looking for someone to dance the Argentinian tango with me

Hi Jay

I am looking for someone to dance the Argentinian tango with me.  I have been running a small  dance school for one year specializing in this and have had training with the following masters:  Gustava Naverio, Osvaldo Zotto and Lorena, Fabian Salas, Diego di Falco and Carolina Zokalski,Fernanda Ghi and Guillermo Merlot.


I have been told that I am dancing to a good standard, and will train somebody for free providing they are prepared to work hard. Please can you tell me how to go about advertising this.


I would like to have my tango dance school and milonga included in the list of venues in Johannesburg.  How do I go about this?


Yours sincerely, Cheryl Borkum



To be listed is free, but should you want regular updates and a page on my site, it costs R50 a year. I’ve listed you in the ‘Partner Search’ section.


intake for beginners into the studio

Hello Jay

Just a short note for you to forward to all interested parties!


August marks the major new intake for beginners into the studio, sooooooo......all your friends who have been dying to be as good as you - re belly.....please give them this info!!!!


(our website will carry all the info from next Tuesday! www.bellydance.co.za)




Regular Classes:

Rivonia              Mon      6:45pm             Intermediate

                                    7:45pm             Advanced/Professional

                        Wed      12:30 noon        Beginners/Intermediate

                        Wed      6:30pm             Beginners

                        Thurs    7:00pm             Advanced 

Rosebank          Tues    5:30pm             Beginners

                                    6:30pm             Intermediate

                                    7:30pm             Advanced

Pretoria             Thurs    5pm                  Beginners

                        (3:30 to 4:30pm - timeslot pending for new housewife beginners!!!!)


Please note - classes are paid for in full, monthly in advance, per month - if you do not choose this option, please note: individual classes are R60 ea.


Look forward to sharing all exciting new choreography with you, starting 01 August!


Thanks for passing this info on!


love and light

Mom Jewel, Charlotte 083 263 2913

belly dancing instruction video

Hi Jay

Please tell me more about the belly dancing instruction video.  Is it not possible to buy it online.  How much is the total including postage?


Thanks, Anjali Ambekar


Anjali, the person to contact is Phyllis @ (011) 787 6880 or 083 377 8964 Johannesburg, and mention my name. She's in your area – a great video.

Good news

Hi all you dancers

Good news. We have been able to book the Roodepoort City Hall for a Ball on Valentine's Day 2003 (Friday 14 February 2003)


The floor in the main hall has been repaired after it was damaged by stormwater at the end of 2001. This has to be one of the best dance halls in the west! It is big and has a sprung wooden floor. Security will be provided for your cars. Tickets will be limited to 150 to allow enough room to dance. More details will follow shortly.


Our next dance will also be held at the Roodepoort City Hall. It is the Spring Ball on Saturday 21 September 2002. I will provide more information on this dance soon too.


If you need more information you can contact Dieter on 083-629-1482 or Lydia on 011-679-3723


Keep dancing!

Lydia Allen

Exhibition teacher totally slammed, it was disgusting.

One little girl said to him, ‘oom, ek gaan nie met jou dans nie want jy is te dronk

Hi Jay

I know you prefer a name attached, but my children still have lessons on their course in this Rietondale Dance studio, and they would like to finish them, so I’ll have to go anonymous on this one.


We were part of an exhibition function held at the Piet v/d Walt theatre recently and the owner of the dance school Pierre van Niekerk who danced most of the exhibitions, was so drunk that everybody was talking about. One little girl said to him, ‘oom, ek gaan nie met jou dans nie want jy is te dronk’. It was disgusting. What’s more, there wasn’t much happening, yet they had 5 breaks. It was total chaos.


I know the competition dancers have many times complained to you about what they don’t like, but I’ve never seen a letter of complaints from a social dancer, so I thought it is about time we say what really happens sometimes in social dance studios.


All I know is that there are a lot of their few students who were upset on this occasion.


Jay, you don’t have to publish this letter if you don’t want to, but I think it should be shown to other social dancers.


Best regards, appalled



Appalled, believe me, I publish every letter, regardless of it contents. Unless the writer specifically requests for it not to be announced. Soon after their function, I received several phone calls from students who were also there, saying the same thing, I told them, ‘don’t tell me, WRITE’. Even one of their judges said it was disgraceful.


To Pierre van Niekerk and his partner in crime Brenton Watt, I’ve only one thing to say, and that is ‘what goes around, comes around’ and the pupils who left our organised studio to follow them illegally, I say, ‘ENJOY! ENJOY! You’re in classy company’.


Thanks for writing, and never apologise for telling the truth. We need more people like you.


Dear J

I read the anonymous letter (I wonder if it really was a genuine one and not just a figment of someone’s fertile imagination choosing to hide behind anonymity) on the dance exhibition held at the Piet van der Walt Hall at the end of June.


I presume that I had attended the same event that is now the subject of the anonymous letter, although I saw it as a well attended event from both an audience and dancers perspective and the anonymous author’s reference to "their few students" is not indicative of what I had experienced that afternoon.


I was glad to note in the editorial remarks that you will publish every letter you receive and I therefore look forward to you publishing this letter as well. In fact, I specifically ask for this letter to be placed on the website.


In law there is the audi alteram partem rule and it relates to hearing the other side of the story for the sake of justice. Lawyers can tell one more about this important judicial principle and they can of course also brief one on legal principles relating to cases of libel, for instance.


I attended this particular dance exhibition, just as I have attended many previous ones hosted by Dancewell, for instance and where many of the same participants and dance instructors participated. I do not dance, but I attend in support and appreciation of those members of my family who enjoy dancing. I must admit that I did not stay till the very end of this particular exhibition, I left with about five items still to go. My early departure was not as a result of disgust in any way or form though, but rather as a result of another commitment.


During, after and even up to now, I for the first time said that I had found this particular event to have been very well presented, arranged and organised and that for the first time in the past 18 months that I have been attending such events found myself to be really and honestly enjoying it (and I did not even visit the refreshment counter on one occasion that afternoon!). Yes, there were perhaps too many and too long breaks during the exhibition, but that is the only criticism I had and I am sure the organisers had taken cognisance of this and will bear it in mind for the future. I noticed, however, that the smokers had welcomed the regular breaks! Of course there were some other odd remarks, for instance, too much smoke, or inadequate lighting on the dancers, but then again, that was limited and I am sure that one would never be able to satisfy everyone all the time, no matter how professional one professes to be, or is. One has to live with some people’s pettiness.


I read the anonymous writer’s remark that "it is about time we say what really happens sometimes in social dance studios" with interest and found it to be very thought-provoking and illuminating. I wonder what other studios do the author refer to – surely they cannot be the newly established ones? Or will they remain anonymous as well?


I watched Pierre dance on many occasions that very afternoon, varying his dance steps from a humorous Swan Lake to well executed dance manoeuvres which resulted in spontaneous and lengthy applause on several occasions. I watched him dance with persons of ages varying from children in primary school to adults, even a lady close to 80 and his dancing and co-ordination was excellent through-out.


I therefore think that the remarks about Pierre allegedly being drunk are scandalous, libellous and totally uncalled for. Do I sense jealously? It is certainly not befitting for a professional studio to be a partner in this attempt at character assassination and I must express my disappointment at the injudicious publishing of the letter in question. I think it is disgusting. There can be many reasons that one can speculate on as being the driving force in this patently transparent vendetta. Sour grapes, jealousy, anger, can easily be construed by some to perhaps be the real reasons behind this letter being authored anonymously and subsequently published with editorial comments.


Some people may have first hand knowledge in recognising a drunk person when he or she sees one, or sometimes there is just a plain error of judgement by the one making the accusation. If one accuses, I believe one should be able to prove and not hide behind faceless anonymity. The generalised reference by the author that "everybody was talking about it" is not entirely (or at all?) correct. Certainly not one in our party of 13 noticed or talked about "it". Incidentally, on several occasions we were right next to or in close proximity of Pierre and not even mentioning the fact that he faultlessly partnered a family member in a dance. In our society there are so many who are always willing to cast the first stone or who wish to remove the splinter from another person’s eye. I do not think that we really need people like this. Unfortunately pompous and self-righteous people will always be with us.


It is a pity that the anonymous writer did not have the courage of his/her conviction to provide his or her name. It is so easy for someone with a hidden agenda, or vendetta, or even cowards, liars, mischiefmakers, etc, to hide behind anonymity. A person who is speaking the truth never needs to hide. By including allegedly corroborating witnesses such as the conveniently nameless judge at the event and other equally convenient nameless students in the editorial, just reaffirms my belief that this appears to be an orchestrated charade.


The reference in the editorial comment to "pupils who left our organised studio to follow them illegally" casts an uncalled for slur on my child and by implication on myself who had made the decision to change to another studio. I reject that statement with contempt. Freedom of choice and freedom of association are enshrined in our Constitution, so please refrain from such remarks. My daughter and I are both satisfied with the decision we had made, yet at no time did we make any disparaging remarks towards any other studio or any of its staff and we will abide by this common courtesy.


For reasons not mentioned, Brenton Watt’s name has now also been dragged into this sordidly one-sided story by means of the editorial remarks and he is now being labelled as a criminal in the editorial statement containing the words "his partner in crime Brenton Watt". All I can say about this whole sordid episode on this website is: SIES!

Perhaps you should follow the honourable way out and publish this response for the sake of fairness and balance to show that there are more than one side to a story and then after a few days remove both letters from this website to avoid possible further embarrassment for a studio I had previously held in high regard.


You may publish my name, as I have nothing to hide, or to apologise for, or to be ashamed of.


Johan le Roux - 17 July 2002



Compared with the letters that made this site famous, yours is a cute little love story. You are obviously a newbie to my site. Some irate writer in 1998, when World War III raged between parents and adjudications in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng, called my ‘letters’ column The SA Tabloid. At the time, I was seriously thinking of changing the name from DISA to TSAT.


But, if you really want me to not open a stinking, rotten can of worms, of which you are oblivious, then my sincere suggestion to you is … SHOOOS - zip the lip. I’ve lots of black & white evidence that will make you and your daughter cringe, and the one would have to be totally censored. You obviously don’t know the inside shenanigans and the nocturnal iniquities of Pierre van Niekerk.


It is also clear that you didn’t read my reply to anonymous when I said, “Soon after their function, I received several phone calls from students who were also there, saying the same thing, I told them, ‘don’t tell me, WRITE’.”  Anonymous was only one of a few, but the question I’d like to ask you is, ‘what if that happened to your child, who had 15 lessons left and was really enjoying herself - innocent of all the adult funnies, would you have still put your name to it? For your child’s sake, I think not. The one child wasn’t that innocent though, when she said, ‘oom, ek gaan nie met jou dans nie want jy is te dronk’.


Johan, thanks for the note and your honesty, I’m glad you and you daughter are happy. It’s letters like these that have cleaned up many irregularities in DanceSport, which previously went unnoticed and unsolved.

you really don’t want to get yours and Cuban Corner’s titties in a tangle

Hi Jay

This is in reference to your reply of the "Exhibition teacher slammed...".

I am, as the subject denotes, one of your studio's former students who have left to join with Cuban Corner and I am really enjoying their company as well as the company of my fellow students.  What's more is that Cuban Corner really is a classy place, I have never encountered such a level of professional as I do now.  There is such a feeling of being a part of a team at Cuban Corner, that I wonder how people can think that dancing is an individual sport or social event (which is the impression of dancing that I had before I joined Cuban Corner).

As to the "chaos" of the exhibition in question, it is by far the best dance event that I have ever attended, let alone took part in.  Please let us really talk about what is going on in social dance studios – we at Cuban Corner can really talk a lot about all the fun that we are having.

All studios need people like Brenton and Charlinda who actually make dancing fun again and make us "illegal" students really look forward to going to our lessons. "We" (and I assume that you were referring to
yourself Jay), I suppose need people like "appalled" because I suppose that it makes you feel like people were somehow forced to leave your studio and not because they might actually enjoy it somewhere else. We
(and I am referring to us as South Africans) actually do not need people like "appalled" as there are far too many people in South Africa that are too quick to complain about anything and everything, rather than enjoy what they have. I look forward to seeing this letter published on this website as you publish all letters regardless of its contents.

Hendrik (illegal follower)



Hendrik, I’m going to repeat what I told Johan le Roux, but this time I’ll say it very slowly so that the next writer doesn’t make Cuban Corner sound like a funny farm.  I  p u b l i s h  e v e r y  l e t t e r, unless otherwise requested or, it won’t go in if besmeared with pornography or profanity.


The reason why Brenton & Charlinda are so wonderful is that Jay trained them, they even received extra lessons from me willingly, which they seem to have completely forgotten.


‘We’ in this mag means SA dancers. DISA supports Social, Competitive, Spanish, Freestyle, Modern, Square Dancing, Line Dancing, and Argentine Tango styles and disciplines for the whole of South Africa not just Rietondale, and it has been doing so since 1995, but I understand… you haven’t been dancing that long, so you won’t know about that. As far as the ‘illegal follows’ go, or what happen between myself and those who emigrated, I highly recommend you stay very far away from that one, of which you know sweet fancy anny. But if you really want to get yours and Cuban Corner’s titties in a tangle, try me – I WON’T WASTE A WORD, and believe me Hendrik, you will regret having ever mentioned it. You are obviously prejudiced by a one-side version of what happened.


I disagree with you when you say, ‘too many people in South Africa are too quick to complain about anything and everything’. Particularly the social dancer, like docile, gullible sheep they happily accept whatever garbage is chucked at them without having the guts to peep. Complaining is a healthy sign of a democratic country. It’s the stabilising force that keeps freedom of choice flowing freely – ask any Zim reporter. So I’ll say it again, ‘Anonymous, we need more people like you. And the next time your teacher wastes 10 minutes of your valuable lesson-time talking, or reeks of alcohol or gives you a raw deal in any way, WRITE to Jay’. Now that Hendrik, does two positive, democratic things, it makes students aware and teachers petrified.


The purpose of this column is DANCE TALK, and I’ve always tried to encourage dancers to say what they feel, whether it be good or bad, that’s the real world Hendrik, but social dancers are a bunch of mutes. What’s more, they won’t condescend to mix with each other. Arthur Murray avoids Fred Astaire and visa versa and both won’t socialise with Dance Easy, Latin Look, DanceWell, Come Dancing or any other little independent social school. This whole social scenario truly refutes the real definition of the meaning of ‘social’.   


Hendrik, you did one positive thing… you said your say and I thank you.

very interested in dancing in groups

Hi Jay

Thank you for having me on your e-mail list. I am unable to go unto the Internet and was wondering if you could help me with some info. It would be highly appreciated.


I am 32 years old, live in Pretoria and am very interested in dancing - in groups (eg. modern dancing), belly-dancing (Charmaine?) and couples. I am not very up to date with the dance studios and would appreciate it if you could e-mail me some contact names in Pretoria, if possible.


Thank you very much! 



Here are phone numbers of dancers in Pretoria who could possibly help:


Elsa Lakic for groups: 083 235 2202 / 011-314 8100 / 012-998 6869

Bev Hammond for Freestyle: 012-993 3295

Ursula Baumann for Couples: 082 254 8966

Hustle in Russia

Dear friends,

We are the Federation of Hustle in Russia. We would like to exchange dance links and banners with you. Our ebsite www.mfh.ru is the official site of hustle (disco-swing and disco-fox) in Russia. Our site was created half a year ago and it is now practically fully translated into English. We would be very happy if you would invite us to your tournaments and competitions, take part in discussions on our website and leave notes in our guestbook.

You can also discuss any issues and questions on our web site in the forum section, in the questbook or by mail fh@ztel.ru.

Sincerely yours,

Vyacheslav Khlopkov

President of the Moscow Hustle Federation, multiple winner of World Masters tournaments, vice world champion in acrobatic rock-n-roll 

We have a Birthday! 12 Jul is a day of formation of Moscow Hustle Federation!


We pass successfully our first anniversary of existing!

Late our federation take up  a big publicity between Russian and foreign dancing’s sites.

All information about our competitions and workshops has been published on big Russian dancing’s sites:


http://www.ballroom.ru/i.asp?id=52&n=166&y=2002 ;  http://www.dancesport.ru/competition/competition.html ; http://www.dancehall.ru/main.html ; http://www.dancelife.ru/  ;  http://www.dance.spb.ru/ ;



Many competitions – European Hustle Cup “Eurostars 2002”, two Cups of Russia, five Moscow Championships and two Open StPetersburg Championships and Cup of Perm took place by assistance of Moscow Hustle Federation. About 200 dancers (including dancers from  Ufa, Kaliningrad, Leningrad Region, Ivanovo) have participated at these  tournaments.


New Clubs received a membership of MFH –Spartak, Continent, Alliance, BiS,ReadHope and Representations of NHF in Russian Regions ( Ufa (“Condor”),Leningrad Region (“Locomotiv”), Tula ( “Olymp”), Greece ("International Dance Studio" )) was established.


Clubs of Moscow Hustle Federation interested in development of social dances-Hustle, Salsa, Merengue, Mambo, Swing and so one.


At end of September 2002 we planned to put in practice a Constitutive Conference of Russian Hustle Federation.


The clubs interested in developing hustle in other regions of Russia and abroad should contact MHF at fh@ztel.ru


Book On Social Dancing

Hi Jay

I believe you are busy writing a book on social dancing. When will it be published and how much is it going to cost. Could you give me more information about it, because I have many friends in Nelspruit that are also interested in purchasing your book.


Thanking you kindly





That’s right, I just completed my social dancer’s book. Give me a month or two for publication. I’m not too sure what the cost will be, that will depend largely on the publishes, but R70-R80 is my guess at this stage. This book ‘Social Dancing Made Easy and Understandable’ is the most comprehensive one of its kind. But it is only one part of a 4-point plan. Here’s how I’ve set it out:


Text Box: the Social Dancer’s Complete
4-point learning Kit







A Video Instruction Tape teaching and demonstrating the man’s & lady's

parts of the 10 dances listed below, with their correct timing, styles, footwork and postures – a FUN & EASY way to learn 50 important variations.


Latin: Cha-Cha, Rumba, Mambo

Ballroom: 2-Step, Waltz, Sakkie, Tango, Sokkie

Modern Beat: Swing, Boogie


A complete Social Dancer’s Guide graphically and clearly illustrating each foot placement of the patterns, with many helpful hints, suggestions and answers.  


Music - a CD or Audio Tape with 3 toe-tapping recordings of each dance of the dances listed above for you to practise to.


2 FREE private lessons for personal help and advice.

Everything you need to know about Social dancing

Be a Pleasure to dance with / Meet & mix with the Opposite Sex / be Dance Ready for all social occasions – have more Fun at parties, weddings, matric dances, anniversaries, office functions / Gain Confidence socially / Good dancers are Popular / Enjoy the Beat - you do have rhythm / Look good on the floor - improve your Posture & Hold / The key to Leading & Following – respond to any partner / A Video Instruction Tape to make learning EASY – it’s FUN / Social Dance Etiquette / Dancing as a Hobby / What to Wear / Dancing as Exercise / Make learning to dance a Fun, Family Affair.









     this COMPLETE Social Dancer’s Kit is the ideal Birthday, Wedding, Xmas present


Introduction to Belly dancing

Hi Jay

Please would you forward to everyone on your email list that may be interested?  The advert goes into the newspapers this week - so first come, first serve...



WORKSHOP: Introduction to Belly dancing, with internationally trained teacher and choreographer - Charlotte, Jewels of the Nile.



083 263 2913


Chinese maker of shoes

Dear Sir,
 We are a Chinese maker of shoes, your true source for footwear. Our products are fine made but with very good prices.
Please check our new Website: www.wins-chinaboots.com
Our aim is to have all our products 100% qualified and to give maximum satisfaction to our customers. In addition to supplying excellent service, competitive price and prompt delivery, we also welcome OEM/ODM projects. In this case, customers pay less to earn more profits.

Our R&D team invites new ideas and has helped in the development of many successful products for many of our buyers. Our well trained staffs, strict quality control and professional management will surely satisfy your needs and requirements

Please let us know which products items you are interested in  then we could make quotations for you.

With best regards, Zhang Wentao

JHB Social Club

Hi Everybody,

A function not to be missed!!




     EMAIL- jhbsocialclub@mweb.co.za   NOTE NEW EMAIL ADDRESS

                                      Website:  http://homestead.com/jhbsocialclub

CELL 0721351227

















looking for 2-3 couples for a Swing Dance Show

Hi Jay,

hope you can help.


We are looking for 2-3 couples for a Swing Dance Show. We were approached by an Event Management Agency. Recently they experienced a great demand for Swing Dance Parties.

We are busy putting together a complete new exciting Show  - and we need some more dedicated dancers.

Please let us know if you have some contacts.


And for all of the social dancer - our new classes are starting soon.

The LINDY HOP - the original Swing Dance for the 1930's - together with Big Band Music - are presently making their revival in South Africa (check out the ads on TV for some Swinging, coming up soon).


Our new Beginners classes start on the 16.07.2002 at 8 pm at the Tanzcafe in Bryanston.


For more information or a free introductory class contact Oliver on


or on



Until soon.


Your 'Swingprofessor' Oliver

Academy of Belly Dance had a very successful 30 mins show

Dear Jay

Just to let you know that the Academy of Belly Dance had a very successful 30 mins show on the 1st of June staged for Red Nose Day at the Lenasia Stadium. It was in aid of child welfare.

Best wishes Phyllis



Dear Jay,

Please inform all teachers that an ARGENTINE TANGO TEACHERS' COURSE will be run by RALPH KAHN (top trainer of this dance form in Johannesburg).  It will be held  from 11 am to 12 on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month, commencing July 2002, at Jeppe Quondam, Boeing Road East, Bedfordview, Jhb.  The cost is R100 per person per month.  Couples can book with Maureen at 011-867-3141 or 082-344-9096.(Student courses also available).

Regards, Maureen.