Finebaum: I've got to vent. (Read)

Posted by TW on March 10, 1999 at 21:17:38:

I have stayed out of the Finebaum wars as I have read many posts about him and his show. But I finally had to post about him and his antics because he and Lochamy have finally gotten to me. He used to amuse me but several things recently have nauseated me.

*Two weeks ago when Wimp resigned he called him a "disgusting pig". Coach Sanderson made a mistake but he did much for basketball in ALA and that hacked me off when he said that.

*Finebaum and Lochamy have made a joke of the Gene and Murry Bartow vs. Lochamy altercation. Finebaum does everything he can to stir up and say negative things about coaches and then when they get hacked off its like the Bartow's have no class. Coach Bartow and Murry are good people and deserve better than this.

I know that I am really wasting my time to write this but I am so tired of the negative journalism (?) that they do. Most all of the coaches, regardless of what school they coach at deserve better.

Journalism? Huh! Finebaum belongs in the National Enquirer! nt

Posted by JD on March 11, 1999 at 08:58:00:


Re: Finebaum: I've got to vent. (Read)

Posted by B97 on March 11, 1999 at 08:26:43:

March 10, 1999 at 21:17:38:


We all deserve better than what is out there. Finebaum has truly shown his colors in the past year. He has (fairly or unfairly) attacked Auburn when they were down, kicked Bockrath's name around and tried to make Alabama look bad when Auburn backed out of a game with FSU, but I think worst of all is what they've done to UAB over the last weeks.

Before this message completely catches fire, I just think his timing to go after the Bartow's was disgusting. They were trying to host a basketball tournament that could only better our city. He is a complete disease in this city. He milks everything this city and state does, and then complains about it for a living. How could a sportswriter not be excited about Auburn's basketball season? When was the last time an in-state team showed such potential? All he can do is make fun of the people that are getting behind them, take their deserved spotlight away, and give it to UAB, to criticize what is going on there. I feel like I could go on for days. He is a complete bottom feeder.

I have quit listening to him over the way he handled the C-USA tournament, and I wish the Bartows had not stopped with verbal assault.

To TW: here is your problem...

Posted by RL on March 11, 1999 at 08:13:35:

March 10, 1999 at 21:17:38:

I think a lot of you, but those who actually LISTEN to Finebaum and Lockjaw Lochamy DESERVE WHAT THEY GET! I quit listening to him 6 months ago and have not missed this jerk one iota. Why not join the boycott, you will be a lot better off, believe me. Roll Tide and oblivion to Finebaum/Lochamy/jerk-team...


Re: Finebaum: I've got to vent. (me too)

Posted by BT on March 11, 1999 at 07:13:02:

March 10, 1999 at 21:17:38:

Only Funkybaum can try to rain on the Bama parade.
He and Pat Dye made snide remarks about the announcement of the moving the three games to BDS.

Dye said he couldn't understand why UA paid $350,000 per game when they could have done it last year for nothing. I didn't know he was in the athletic department and privy to our contract negotiations with the city of B'ham. But I guess he should know a little something about buyouts and payoffs. Funkybaum said BB's announcement was no surprise to him and he no longer tries to understand him because he can't ever get an interview with BB.(I wonder why?) Thank godness for FM.

The following quote was taken from

Bill Ellis of The Sports Ticket:

A State of Mind...

Tuesday, March 09, 1999

In this State we actually hate. I'm not talking about feigned anger or righteouis indignation. I'm talking about pure old hate. Take Paul Finebaum for instance. It seems to me, he does his best to stir up hatred between Alabama, Auburn, and UAB fans. He is very successful, but then any old idiot could be.