Letters to the Editor

EDITOR'S NOTE: There is no way to publish the mountain of e-mail we received over the last week. The emails listed below are just a small sample. We have withheld some e-mail. More than one message indicated that some Birmingham businesses are chosing not to advertise on Paul Finebaum's program because they are in the business of attracting customers not running them off.


Dear Editor:
I must take umbrage with your treatment of Mr. Thomas. You obviously
do not recognize:

1. the man's innate genius for Public Relations
2. his impeccable timing in such matters , and
3. his uncanny ability to have his finger nowhere near the pulse of the (ever) maddening crowd.

Were P.T Barnum alive today, his famous phrase would in all likelihood be: "There's a sucker born every minute...... Thomas was a few seconds off " R.M.

In response to R.M. ...
Dear R.M.
You are correct to stand up for Mr. Thomas' rights as an American to behave as stupidly as he pleases. As a famous dead frenchman or somebody similar said, "I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death my right to ridicule you in public."
Even the lowliest dregs of human society (or Paul Finebaum, as he is better known) deserves that distinctly American right to make up facts about people who are better than he, and bray them like a scalded ass all over the state.
Mssrs. Thomas and Finebaum are merely exercising that most cherished institution in our society: appealing to the lowest common denominator for mercenary reasons. Along with you, I applaud their bravery in disregarding their own consciences and mortal souls in pursuit of financial gain.
Well done, gentlemen! Nothing says "America" like a groundless lawsuit filed by a corporation, designed to intimidate and bankrupt individuals. I'm glad that stations like WERC make it possible for our children to grow up in such a rich environment of backbiting innuendo.



Dear Editor:
I believe the GM at ERC is an Utter fool.
He does not understand the difference between being controversial and being a jerk. He appears to be following PF's example. There is a common thought (and it is deserved)that people will read or listen to these things in general.
There is no doubt that there are many Bama fans that love to hear trash about AU and many AU fans that love to hear trash about Bama and even many people that just love to hear trash about anyone or anything. Since I am not one of those people that read or listen to PF, I would not know what the latest stuff is about. I do not care to know what PF says in any form. I only recommend to those that do not like his style to do something about it and
1) do not buy or read the PH
2) do not listen to his show on ERC.
3) And let the management and sponsors know that you will not and why.
After some thought, I am not surprised at the GM's gloating tone. If that is what he and ERC wants .... Then contact the sponsors and see if they share that same thought. If you do not agree, don't do business with those types. The GM has shown that $$$ is his motivation. And the lazy approach to that in the media business is the PF style of broadcasting. Otherwise, PF would actually have to work and know what he is talking about. RTR.... CW <
Give them a taste of their own medicine!!


Dear Editor:
I just read your web page and want to respond.....I lost all respect for Paul Finebaum about two years ago. After reading your article on the internet, I am loosing respect for station WERC.
I can't imagine why any station would stoop this low to defend the actions of a scumbag like Finebaum. I'm sure if WERC had known that their efforts would be revealed, they would not have made these threats.
I will probably write his sponsors and let them know how I feel. Thanks for the information. Without your website the people of the state of Alabama would have never known what was going on.
FWIW.....I'll put a link on my little web page.
p.s. I hope WERC gets this message!!
Dear Sirs:
I have nothing against Mr. Finebaum but it is obvious he has an ax to grind with the University of Alabama. I love the University very much and it troubles me deeply to hear some of Mr. Finebaum's remarks.
I will personally never buy another post-herald or listen to his radio station as long as Mr. Finebaum continues to attack the University and it's employees.
Thank you,
My wife and I own a business (in Athens, AL) which regularly advertises on the radio (in Huntsville area). Believe me, the sposors will be VERY CONCERNED if they feel their sponsorship is costing them customers. Radio advertising is not cheap. You only do it to increase customers. Rest assured, the advertisers can be swayed -- THAT'S what WERC is concerned about. It'll cost them money as advertisers walk away!Hang in there, and go get 'em!!!
Way to go!! It is indeed farcical that ERC and its sponsors can base their entire enterprise on the positive ramifications of having the sponsor's name associated with ERC's product, and then threatening to sue when a negative ramification is made public.
Shouldn't those sponsors already expect some negativity by having their names associated with that kind of figure? Perhaps they are frantically trying to cover this up so that the sponsors don't realize the dangers of such ramifications.
In any case, I truly admire your stance and hope that if they rejoin the fight that you take them down hard.
Dear Sir:
I look at the internet as the ability to inform..corporate America can not have it both ways. The ability to advertise and sell is one benefit, but it also gives people the ability to inform and organize..
When someone becomes a problem and has the ability to destroy something I love then damn if I'm going to buy products and spend my money to keep him going because someone likes the controversy and $ that that controversy brings to them.
The Internet allows one to inform people of who is sponsoring and keeping this person going..its thier own choice/responsibility to act upon it.
This is still America WERC. Lets fight..
Dear Sirs:
WERC really overstepped the bounds of all reason with their threat of legal action for a web site that obviously falls within the protection the First Amendment and free speech. Boycotts have a long tradition as an effective measure and are in way actionable.
I support the web sites at http://www.geocities.com/~bamascott/ and http://www.gate.net/~rlmott1/index/spons.html to the fullest.
Paul Finebaum is a journalist like I am an astronaut. His brand of "journalism" belongs in a tabloid, not on the air at a respected broadcasting company or in a paper like the Birmingham Post-Herald.
Dear Sir:
I applaud you 100% in standing up to these people. If they wish to be associated with Finebaum and his ilk, then they should expect that decent fans who try to be classy and uphold the traditions associated with the UofA (in my particular case) and the other institutions in this state decide they have had enough.
I'm tempted to email these guys a copy of the first amendment...obviously they've never read that it applies not only to their little rabble-rouser, but also to those of us who have had it with him.
I do not listen to PF, I do not buy the fishwrapper that prints his filth, and I do not support those who advertise on his show, and I encourage any and all to do the same. Keep up the good work.
Dear Sir:
I absolutely LOVE IT when those pointy-headed, liberal, bed-wetting, pansy, self-righteous, condescending media types get a dose of their own medicine.