Welcome to the Maroon & White Guestbook! These are the entries already made by the faithful Tribesmen football supporters!!

Sean Purcell - 12/19/00 12:10:02

to be honest my real name is Edward Cosgrove and i really dont believe that brian Cannon and Cathal Ryan are any good,in fact they are shit!! I am the best and if John O'Mahony doesnt pick me for the U-21's Ill break him in two.Up the SHAMS!!!

Jean C - 12/14/00 12:31:57

here's his number I don't want it anymore, he's only a user 087 4127425

Tara Forde - 12/14/00 12:29:49
Club: Salthill

last night I had a delightful wet dream about Cathal Ryan after I read all the good things about him I also happened to stumble across his picture in the Tuam Herald about 3 weeks ago, I love his waxed legs and I would love to know his address or number i anyone has it

Eilis Nally - 12/14/00 12:01:01
Club: Barna

I agree with Sean about his comments about Cathal Ryan. Not alone is he a delightful footballer, but he has great legs to go with it. Does anyone know how I can contact him?

Sean Purcell - 12/14/00 11:55:13
Club: Tuam Stars

I would like to make the comment that I watched the Intermediate football final a few weeks back between Glenamaddy and Oughterard and I was highly impressed by the delightful skills displayed by Cathal Ryan. He shows great promise for becoming a star if ohn O'Mahony will give him the chance. Another man who must come into the reckoning also is Brian Cannon who plays with Oranmore. He again is a tremendous athlete posessing all the natural skills and qualities that great players posess. Up the shams!

Tom Sherry - 12/13/00 21:24:49
Club: Clonbur

A Come on lads why can't we all just get along

- 12/13/00 19:35:54


Raymond Brandon - 12/13/00 18:35:52
My URL:http://www.nuigalway.ie
My Email:notenoughspace@hotmail.com
Club: Skehana

Fuck the lot of ye. Ye know fuckall about GAA. Sure fuckit, who does. I'd just like to say that all Dunmore people are arseholes. Ye should be all shot.

PYPER - 12/12/00 13:54:57
My Email:pyper@justice.com
Club: Kilkerrin-Clonberne

What the hell is Tom Welsh saying about Kilkerrin-Clonberne? At least we earned the right to play in the senior league as did Clonbur, Cortoon Shamrocks, Glenamaddy & St. Grellans,Ballinasloe. Salthill should have been relegated last year. Whatever happen to Kilkerrin-Clonberne at least we have pride in our parish which is more than can be said for Salthill's foreign imports. Is there any proper football being played in Galway city?

- 12/11/00 15:51:17

There was a motion at the football board convention in Dunmore at the weekend to revert back to the 2-round league format in Intermediate football and scrap the shield. does anyone know if this motion was passed or what?

Georgages - 12/08/00 15:22:26
My Email:MW@yahoo.com
Club: Kilkerin-Clonbounre

What are ya saying about KilkerinClonbourne we are one of the better senior clubs as for Salthill we would destroy them.I bet we will be senior next year.As for Ballinasloe and the Glan,they will be back down to where they should as fast as they came up!W tch out for the championship next year we will be close!

Tom Welsh - 12/08/00 15:08:36
Club: Salthill

i would like to disagree with the last comment about Glenamaddy,there are far worse clubs in the county playing senior.Clonbur are the worst,closely followed by Cortoon,Kilkerrin/Bosnia as well as Ballinasloe whoshouldnt last next year

- 12/06/00 14:06:49

Is there any website that publishs all the club fixtures, results and league tables for Galway

Jack Murphy - 12/05/00 22:44:56
My Email:Cant@iol.ie
Club: Dunmore

Kieran Fitzgerald has really settled into full back on the Galway senior team and could be a regular in O'Mahoneys side.Lally also did well in goals of late while Kenny Naughton,Kieran Comer and Kieran Collins are also impressive of late.Its good to see t e young lads getting a chance

- 12/05/00 17:36:23

Who the fuck is Cathal Ryan? The only thing Glen will win in the near future is a one way ticket back to intermediate football,where they belong.

- 12/05/00 17:31:48

Glenamaddy deserve their go at Senior football. With players like Shay Walshe and the great dual star Cathal Ryan they are destined to win the All-Ireland Club Title in the near future.

- 12/05/00 15:10:03

Does anybody know what format the Senior League relegation play-offs will take and when they will be played

corofin supporter - 12/01/00 16:06:18

Corofin will be county champions in Galway for years to come!

- 11/30/00 14:15:27

Fielding eight of their All-Ireland final side, Galway were lucky to come away with a five-point win at Ballinasloe yesterday. Were it not for three magnificent saves by Galway goalkeeper Padraig Lally, Offaly could have been the victors...... and Padraig Lally wont be in Goals next year because corofin are Going to force John o Mahoney to pick Martin Mac as Captain.. Cheers Corofin

- 11/28/00 15:49:37


the unknown - 11/09/00 16:16:03
Club: free pints club

Who is going to be captain of Galway in 2001??

tom wallace - 11/01/00 10:14:53
Club: sean a pheistin

best of luck to an cheathru rua minors in the county final 2000 on sunday

duxie walsh - 10/21/00 10:16:11

hello everybody,my name is duxie and i am a fanatical handball supporter, due to recieving no all-ireland final tickets and buying them from a lovely chap in Tuam called Geronimo,me and my mates have no money left to fund our handball club.We need a new d ubles court fast,somewhere really big would be nice. this is a plea to john power to let us to use that monstrous ass of yours as a handball alley.

- 10/20/00 14:17:40

listen lads would stop spreading bullshit rumours about the Galway senior football team. Is that all ye have to do down in tuam

SOURCE - 10/17/00 11:00:55


Sean - 10/12/00 08:43:24
My URL:/irishlover4u/index.html
My Email:irishlife_photography@irishabroad.com
Club: Shannon Rangers

nice web site sorry about the lost you play a good game .

ticket master - 10/06/00 12:31:00
My Email:tickets@ticketmaster.com

just thought i would let you know the breakdown on the tickets this comes from a reliable sourse in the county board. pat egan got 3,500 tickets late wednesday evening bring galways offical total to 10,200 roughly where did they go????the major clubs hurl ng and football recieved 70 tickets each then the eight main clubs, corofin,tuam,annaghdown,salthill(yes salthill)carraroe,dunmore,mountbellow-moylogh,abbey recieved between 65 and 75 tickets each depending on who had a bit of pull so thats between 130 -1 0 tickets then why in my club was there a draw for 90 tickets?????this is the second scandal in the club in two weeks .questions must be asked????of the club commitee????the county board????the smaller clubs got an extra 35 so what happened to nearly 4000 tickets ????? john power is a rich man this week-end so did the business people ,the clergy and the counsilers get 4000 tickets????? the end result galway gaa screwed the real fans see who will go to your matches when the the bad times return .ps wait fo the next club meeting lads ,see will yew get in next time???

- 10/02/00 09:59:53


ERROL WALSHE - 10/01/00 14:17:56


- 09/30/00 13:49:14

I agree with the last person. The Intermedaite league should be played on a 2-round basis.Either that or amalgamate the North and West leagues to give us a County Intermediate league with 16 teams, where each team plays each other once.Players in the Nort don't get much of a chance to play clubs in the Connemara/West Galway area, so this would be a good change, as we're playing the same neighbouring teams year in- year out!!

Club Footballer - 09/30/00 13:44:37

I have a major complaint with the Galway Football Board.Consider this: I play for an Intermediate football clu.We were knocked out of the Championship in the 1st week of June 2000.Now, nearly 4 months on we have played just ONE FUCKING league match.IN 4 M NTHS!!! It is an absolute joke.We still have 2 league matches to play, even though there are only 7 matches in total in the league.The football board said at the start of the year that they were going to stick to the fixtures calendar.They did initially, ut then they fixed round 5 league games when there was not supposed to be any.They have also put off rounds 6 and 7 of the league due to Galway being in the All-Ireland final.WHY? Our club has no county players and the clubs we are due to play in our 2 re aining league matches also have no players on the Galway panel.How then, can the Board justify putting off all these games.There are only 2 players(Kenneth Naughton of St.Grellans, Ballinasloe + Shay Walsh of Glenamaddy) playing Intermediate football who re on the Galway panel!!This lack of football throughout the summer is going to turn people away from the game.We are not getting enough games.THe football board HAS to re-introduce the 2-round league format, where everyone plays everyone twice, giving 14 games to each team.This years 7 games is NOT ENOUGH!!!!All we want to do is play football, but we've played just 1 games in the summer months.IT'S A FUCKING DISGRACE. It's a good job we've got such a good county team cos the people running adult football ixtures in Galway haven't got a clue.They are denying their club players from having a decent amount of games.For God's sake scrap the Shield competition which nobody wants, and give us 2 rounds of league football(14 games each at least), or even introduc a league format to the Intermediate championship to spice it up a bit.

true galway supporter - 09/29/00 18:56:34

what happened in annaghdown?

anon - 09/29/00 11:01:08
Club: miltown


- 09/29/00 10:37:22
Club: dunmore

i heard what happened in annaghdown with tickets.its no wonder they haven't had much success this year with fuckers like that running a club

- 09/29/00 10:18:52


- 09/29/00 10:10:53


- 09/29/00 10:07:46


darkeywarde - 09/28/00 16:24:55
Club: tuam

what did i say about that fool ray silke this year he should be bet with an iron bar,if i got near him sunday i would have done more than beat him with an iron bar he was an extra kerry player,if john o mahoney dosen't take care of him there is about 20,0 0 galway surporters who will ,he should never be given a galway jersey again ,all he was thinking sunday was how much money he could get this time,i reckon even corofin are fed up with him let him show his bald head in tuam and i will take care of him

- 09/28/00 10:07:22

The lads showed great character last Sunday to recover from an 0-8 to 0-1 deficit.With Kevin Walsh and Ritchie Fahy in from the start next Saturday week, I believe we'll bring Sam back to Galway.To the supporters, get behind the team from the 1st minute t e next day. GAILLIMH ABU!!!!!

- 09/28/00 09:58:09

Well, it's An Ceathru Rua vs. St.Brendans, Ballygar in this years Minor A Football Final!!!It's a tough one to call as Ballygar have some good players - Matthew Geraghty County minor this year and next year also, Thomas Coyne,David Carty, Johnny Cahill e c. Carraroe also have good players C.De Paor and a number of other county under 16 players this year.It'll be close but I go for a narrow Carraroe victory.

TRIBESMAN!!! - 09/27/00 15:18:10

I agree with the previous writer.In every other county in Ireland, the local papers have extensive gaa coverage.Our local papers do NOT give enough coverage to gaelic football. In all other counties there are extensive match reports and photos from club f otball matches every single week in the local papers.Unfortunately, The TUAM HERALD and CONNACHT TRIBUNE do NOT do this. They should be doing a hell of a lot more to promote gaelic football, which is the number 1 sport in county Galway and in Ireland.Also they give terrible coverage to underage football within the county. In other counties, every underage football county final, be it in grade A, B or C is comprehensively covered with reports and photos also etc. As well as this, our 2 county under 16 team participate in the Ted Webb Cup intercounty competition every year.They both did well this year, and yet received no coverage in the local press.None of their games were reported on.It's a fucking disgrace.So, I say to The Tuam Herald and Connacht Tribun ....get the finger out and start promoting our game of Gaelic football in Galway by giving lots more coverage week in week out.

- 09/27/00 15:17:29


Elaine - 09/26/00 16:33:42
My Email:97035211@lit.ie
Club: Kiltomer

Come on Galway, we will bet them the next day!! Ye were mighty!!

P. J...Keaveney - 09/26/00 15:39:34
My Email:keaveneyp@aol.com
Club: Corofin - whatever

Smaller regional newspapers give detailed reports of sporting and other events. Why can't the Connacht Tribune do likewise? What good is a useless summary?

- 09/21/00 18:57:54

i agree with the corofin guy talking about tickets, i am only 17 but i've gone to galway league and championshi matches ince the beginning of the 90's, i still have no ticket for this years final and i know people who haven't gone to any match this year a d they have a ticket

fix - 09/21/00 14:59:08
My Email:fixadraw@corofin.ie

congratts to corofin on fixing their club draw!!!it was no surprise to see what names came out sure if your not related to any of the board what chance have you.thanks richie you fat little cunt when did you ever play football or when did any of your crow you know who i am talking about john joe you bolix and for that blow in mike wallace well for your health i better not see you in dublin

the unknow - 09/21/00 12:01:34
Club: free pints club

all looking forward to sunday lads!!! Lads when maurice fitz comes on as a sub on sunday lets all shake croke park with a thundering rendition of the fields of Athenery and let maurice know that galway arent going to let him run riot. Gaillaimh abu,Gaillaimh abu,Gaillaimh abu,Gaillaimh abu,Gaillaimh abu,Gaillaimh abu,

pissed off with jump on the band wagon supporters - 09/20/00 17:49:34
My Email:fixadraw@galwaygaaclubs.ie

well its great to see galway back in the all-ireland final, but i would love to know where all the tickets are!!!!!!! where the fuck did all the jump on the band wagon supporters come from it was hard enough to get tickets in 98 but it has got out of hand fuckers who wouldn't know a football if it hit them have tickets,i have followed galway for years and would love to know where all these cunts were in the late 80's early 90's i remember league games in tuam where we barely got a few hundred and against t rone in 95 we were out numbered 50-1 where were you all then,not even that long ago what about down in castlebar in 98 mayo out numbered us 10-1 it was the same old faithfull who made the trip ,well between the jump on the band wagon fans (who have not a lue) and all the fixed draws in the county clubs who have aided these sort of fans the loyal supporters of the past loose out.

Steven Mairs - 09/12/00 23:37:47
My Email:jaker@madasafish.com

like your site. I'm chairman of St. Patrick's G.F.C., Dumbarton (Scotland). We're coming over to Galway on the 21/09/2000 for the weekend and to play a couple of games. There'll be around 50 of us, including our under-age team, and we hope to experience t e same as we did 2 years ago when Galway lifted the "Sam." UP GALWAY!

Tom Harney - 09/12/00 19:00:51
My Email:harney317@aol.com

Good luck to Galway against Kerry in the Final on Sept.24. I will listen to the game on the Internet as I live in far away Montana. It is great that Galway Bay FM are on the internet and broadcasting the game. Tom Harney(formerly Claregalway).

- 09/07/00 19:56:16

If silke contains MF russell , galway will win, if he doesn't galway will lose

Liam Hickey - 08/30/00 20:57:10
My Email:liam@wolvo19.freeserve.co.uk
Club: St Marys Gaa (Wolverhampton - West Midlands-England)

Congratulations to Galway football team on their sucess against Kildare in the semi-final last sunday. Good luck for the final.

joe fahy - 08/30/00 20:00:40
My Email:eircom, net
Club: st gbls menlough

congratulations galway on winning the all ireland semi final on sunday last against kildare for most of the game ye did not look as a team bidding for an all Ireland victory but ye done it some how a warning for the backs on th team please tighten up

- 08/29/00 21:01:57


Marian Butler - 08/29/00 21:01:42
My Email:Marianb@iolfree.ie
Club: St. Pat's of Palmerstown, in Dublin

Congrats on your great site from a Galway fanatic now living in Dublin, but only for the present!

Marian Butler - 08/29/00 21:00:53
My Email:Marianb@iolfree.ie
Club: St. Pat's of Palmerstown, in Dublin


aine sheridan - 08/27/00 19:00:49
Club: milltown

Congratulations to the Galway team for beating Kidare in the semi-final on Sunday.

aine sheridan - 08/27/00 19:00:27
Club: milltown

Congratulations to the Galway team for beating Kidare in the semi-final on Sunday.

- 08/20/00 20:02:46
Club: twelve pins

My apologies to MR.power and Mr. Egan, to be fair ye played the championship however I doubt Killererin or Corofin are too happy. Hard luck to Tuam who should have beaten Dunmore with a little luck.John Donnellan has to be the most despised footballer in alway after the way he carried on. Hard luck to Barna who put up a good account of themselves.Mountbellew and menlough have to FIGHT it out again.Keep up the stamping lads, Cant wait for the rematch.It looks like it could be a St. Stephen's day County Fi al however so John Donnellan would want to stop eating all the pies

Sean Moriarty - 08/10/00 21:25:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/irishlover4u/index.html
My Email:irishlife_photography@hotmail.com
Club: Shannon rangers

nice web site take a look at the my pictures from the games in San francisco

- 08/10/00 20:22:53
Club: Milltown

Ballgar defeated Cahlesrainte by a point , the other semi final was played yesterday, haven;t heard the result

Gerry Fahy - 08/09/00 22:23:09
Club: Oranmore

well Carraroe beat Oranmore 3-11 to 1-11 in the minor west semi-final in what was a massive shock as this was a very fancied oranmore side who were very confident. in the other semi-final Salthill defeated an injury dogged Killanin side in what was a very bad game played in terrible conditions, which seemed to suit the underdogs salthill. Carraroe are now installed as massive favourites to win the west final as they have come storming through the hard side of the draw. Having accumulated massive scores in oth their matches 3-11 and 3-17 it looks like a possible landslide victory for the connamara men.

- 08/06/00 21:08:50
Club: Milltown

Ballygar were due to play Cahlestraine this week in the semi final, St.Greallans were also due to play Caltra in the second semi final. I haven't heard the results yet. Ballygar knocked out Corofin so they have been installed as favourites but any of t e teams have a good chance of winning it

Gerry Fahy - 08/05/00 14:24:22
My URL:www.gerryfahy.com
Club: Oranmore

well,well,well the semi-finals of the west board minor championship are upon us once again. Hi I'm a goalie, and a fat one too from Pakistan. Carraroe are playing Oranmore on Tuesday and Salthill are playing Killanin. Oranmore and Killanin are sure to mee in the final here with oranmore coming out on top. Salthill have a very bad goalie unlike oranmore and killanin and they should be well beaten. Could someone please tell me who are in the north board final?? Bye for now

the unknown - 08/04/00 07:52:35
Club: free pints club

i was just travelling through salthill today and i was amazed at the amount of galway flags that are up !!!theres nne i say salthill are showing the littlest amount of support for the galway senior team out of all the parishs that play senior and intermed ate football and hurling in galway

- 07/31/00 12:58:47
Club: Twelve pins

No need to worry Ja,you will probably miss the all Ireland series but in true County Board style it looks like you will be back for the next round of the county championship.So i say to Mr. Power to get the finger out (of your nickers) and to Egan get off your knees and leave Johno's knob alone and play the next round, as with all the derby's there will probably be at least one draw.

- 07/24/00 20:22:17
Club: Milltown

Well done to our under 16 footballers in the Teb Webb Cup who had 2 more wins at the weekend against Mayo. GALWAY NORTH 2-14 V 0-14 MAYO..... and GALWAY CITY/WEST 4-3 V 1-6 MAYO. Both teams are unbeaten and could well meet each other in the Connacht final Should make for a decent Minor team in 2 years time!!

- 07/24/00 20:19:10

Good luck on Sunday lads!!!Let's make The HYde a sea of MAROON AND WHITE on Sunday.GAILLIMH ABU!!!!!!!

- 07/24/00 20:18:58

Good luck on Sunday lads!!!Let's make The HYde a sea of MAROON AND WHITE on Sunday.GAILLIMH ABU!!!!!!!

the unknown - 07/15/00 16:19:55
Club: Free Pints Club

How about a bit of supporter for the hurlers sunday week. We should all you unite under the galway flag and make are way to Croker

The Grunt - 07/14/00 23:29:16

Congrats Joe Fahy on that brilliant piece of sporting genius,How long did it take you to come up with that?

joe fahy - 07/12/00 23:02:47
Club: st gbrls menlough

congrats on your win over Sligo last sunday in markvtz park last weekend It Was A great boost to the maroon and white in the run up to the connaght final against Letrim,I dont think that letrim will be as easy sligo was but your team can win the Final with a small margin jf

joe fahy - 07/12/00 23:02:44
Club: st gbrls menlough

congrats on your win over Sligo last sunday in markvtz park last weekend It Was A great boost to the maroon and white in the run up to the connaght final against Letrim,I dont think that letrim will be as easy sligo was but your team can win the Final with a small margin jf

joe fahy - 07/12/00 22:33:48

congrats on your win over Sligo last sunday in markvtz park last weekend It Was A great boost to the maroon and white in the run up to the connaght final against Letrim,I dont think that letrim will be as easy sligo was but your team can win the Final with a small margin jf

joseph nalty - 07/11/00 12:51:08

i need some info about teams in the area of greenwich

joseph nalty - 07/11/00 12:49:27


the unknown - 07/07/00 16:16:29
Club: Free Pints Club

lads because as you know the "free pints club" registeration with the galway county board hasnt gone through yet i have no tickets for the match on sunday , by the way who changed the galway crest bloody tan whoever done it

TOMMY - 07/06/00 20:57:37
My URL:unison.ie
My Email:dicey.reilly
Club: tuam stars

ja fallon will be sorely missed, but i still think the team have what it takes to beat the crap out of sligo , all they have to do is focus more and sort their heads out, they have the talent, so there is no reason why we shouldn't be in croke p rk for the semi - final.

TOMMY - 07/06/00 20:57:18
My URL:unison.ie
My Email:dicey.reilly
Club: tuam stars

ja fallon will be sorely missed, but i still think the team have what it takes to beat the crap out of sligo , all they have to do is focus more and sort their heads out, they have the talent, so there is no reason why we shouldn't be in croke p rk for the semi - final.

- 07/06/00 15:16:17

well tomc from the club black cunts, obviously a colour blind git who wouldn,t know a medal if it hit him in the face. next time you see a black cunt tell your sister to pull up her pants.

tomc - 07/06/00 01:05:15
Club: black cunts

well all yew wankersfrom corofin ye are nothing but black and tan basterds hope yew all get killed in the marching with your orange jerseys especially all of the banana bunch and all involved in the corofin orange order and apprentice boys (u-12s-18s)

- 07/05/00 14:46:19

Every one going to Sligo sunday should be in the Deadly Maroon and White as it looks good to the team to see the great support!!Also new team jersey sunday!!!

- 07/04/00 19:56:51

John Donnellan HAS to start foR Galway on Sunday. With no Ja Fallon we need him on the team. We could move Niall Finnegan out to the half-forward line where he's playing for his club in the Dublin senior championship.

the unknown - 06/24/00 12:22:58
My Email:free pints club

Kieran Fitzgerald joined the panel last week. He is from corofin, a galway minor last year, plays in midfield.

- 06/23/00 20:17:27

salthill stupis wanker>> Gordan Morley plays for mayo, not galway and ye are shit

- 06/23/00 09:19:12

Can anyone tell us who are the new lads to the Galway panel

the unknown - 06/22/00 19:16:17
Club: Free Pints Club

I am losing my patence bring back Fergal Gavin now, not some young lad off the corofin u14 team no offence to corofin meant either

- 06/19/00 17:56:21

"Barna have'nt a chance against Salthill.They are a bunch of fucking clowns kicking the living shit out of each other on that farmers field they call a pitch.they should be stuck playing junior C fottball along with Spiddal, and glad to see ye with an all tar because ye wont have a county medal ever. As for that muppet who thinks St. Brendans have a chance in intermediate, go back to your farm and shag sheep. I also think that Galway won't win another All-Ireland without more Salthill players on the team ch as Robin Doyle,Gordon Morley and myself. " David Burke Good Man David burke....

John Brennan - 06/16/00 16:00:36
My Email:johnbrennan@tomhoganmotors.ie
Club: Ardrahan


unknown - 06/15/00 17:49:07
Club: free pints club

ah lads i was only testing the water with the bit about tuam stadium to see where abouts your from. Secondly i was more concerned about Galways bad performance in the league and FBD final in tuam than going back to last years champship. Glad to see someone agrees with me about Fergal Gavin.

Anthony Finnerty - 06/14/00 18:29:29
My Email:FatLarry@hotmail.com
Club: Salthill

I'd just like to say how much I love Salthill and how great all the people in the club have been to me,let me just give you a quick example of how I have been made welcome by the players.Well it was a Friday and I was sitting at home watching reruns of th goal I missed in Croke park and Burkie called up with Mixie,killers,Mullers,Begs,Doylers,Coxie,Gillers, Mackers,Dalo,Rhino and Rabb man and we went on a mad session,We must have drank about 7 bottles of Bud Lite each.Thanks again lads.

- 06/10/00 00:03:56

yeah, forgot about that match last year we beat sligo 1-17 to 0-7. glad you agree with me about tuam stadium, it is a nice stadium and isn't far behind mchale park or hyde park. totally agree too about fregal gavin, i saw him in a recent club match and e looked good.

- 06/08/00 22:38:05

I agree, Tuam Stadium is a nice pitch and I'm looking forward to playing there on Sunday in the Intermediate championship. By the way, the last time galway won a championship game in Tuam Stadium was actually in July last year, when we hammered Sligo in t e replay of the Connacht semi-final. I also think that Galway could do with Fergal Gavin on the panel as cover for Kevin walsh and O domhnaill. The panel is short in this area.

- 06/08/00 19:48:42

unknown, there is nothing wrong with tuam stadium, it is much better than the majority of pitches throughout the country but it seems idiots like you expect a croke park, last time galway won in tuam in a championship match was 96, they beat leitrim 2 13 to 2-11

theunknown - 06/07/00 11:13:50
Club: free pints club

Where is Fergal Gavin?? If we are to have any chance to win the all ireland we will need him in midfield, also when are we leaving that dump of a stadium in tuam, also when did we last win in tuam so much for the spirtual home of galway football we better watch out for the Yanks in tuam

Eoin Connolly - 06/04/00 21:05:09
My URL:http://mypage.goplay.com/salthill01
My Email:salthill01@hotmail.com
Club: Salthill

Hi Eoin Connolly here, I'm a goalie. I'm really good. I single handedly beat Carraroe in the minor league. I'm only 15. PS: I shaved my legs for charity and raised only 15 pounds. What a waste!!! but I really the smooth feel of them now. Bye for now.

John McGinty - 06/01/00 22:09:53
My Email:gaainvestigation@hotmail.com

Willie and Ned , mail me if you wish to receive a more presentable version. I did not expect the it would be presented like this in the guestbook

Willie and Ned - 05/31/00 19:08:54
My Email:Cover the back wall @yahoo.com
Club: Two mile house.

This is for John McGinty,your comment was too long,I fell asleep reading it with all the AvBs and BvAs,It's just lucky that my neighbour John Power was putting the clothes on the line and the noise of his dress blowing in the wind woke me or I'd be getti g a fierce bill from Telecom altogeather.

John McGinty - 05/30/00 17:19:01
My Email:gaainvestigation@hotmail.com

To the creater of this site, hope you don't mind me using your guestbook as i did int eh last message, feel free to mail me with suggestions

John MCginty - 05/30/00 17:12:09
My Email:gaainvestigation@hotmail.com

Hi, I am currently investigating on how to improve the current hurling championship format, please look at this and e-mail me with your comments and suggestions. Email : gaainvestigation@hotmail.com Hurling Championship Ulster (4 teams competing) First round matches: A v B C v D (Winner into final, losers into playoff) Final: B v C (Winners through to all Ireland series, losers into Connacht) Play off: A v D (Winner into Connacht, loser into second playoff) Second Play off: A v C (Winner into Connacht, loser out of championship) Connacht (to be played on a round robin system) First round matches: E v F D v A E v A D v F A v F E v D (Top 2 go into Connacht final, losers out) Final: A v E (Winner into all Ireland series, losers out) Munster Fist Round: G v H I v J K v L (Winners into Munster semis, losers into round robin) Round robin: H v J J v L H v L (Top of 3 goes into semi finals along with first round winners) Semi-Finals: G v I K v J Final: K v I (Winners into all Ireland semi, loser into all Ireland ¼ final) Leinster To remain as it is at present Why Hurling Championship format must be changed  Hurling as it is now is confined to the province of Munster apart from counties Galway, Offaly, Kilkenny and Wexford. A line drawn from Galway across to Dublin shows just how restricted the sport has come.  Underage teams do not suggest that there is going to be any change, in fact it looks the opposite, outside Munster only Galway and Kilkenny have achieved success while in muster there has been some signs of disimprovement e.g. Clare and Limerick  Hurling an ancient game saved from extinction in the last century, now it must be saved again before it reaches that point again- prevention is better than cure.  Hurling is one of the greatest games in the world, everybody in its native country should be given the option of competing and appreciating the sport.  At the moment, the championship strongly favours some teams e.g. Galway not having a competitive match for 3 months and then playing a team who has played in a Munster or Leinster championship.  The fact that 70 minutes may be the only time a team plays despite training for over ½ a year.

- 05/26/00 21:25:04

re. the last comment.How would a city boy like you know anything about gaelic football.There is not 1 city player on the Galway football team(except for Finnegan who plays in Dublin). Robin Doyle on the Galway team??Are you serious?He isn't up 2 it.Yoursl on the Galway team?You couldn't make the minor team so forget about the seniors. You can't even make the Salthill team.Gordon Morley for the Galway team?Well, that shows how much of a muppet you are if you don't even know that your own teammate is actual y on the Mayo panel and is threfore unlikely to be considered for the Galway team(even if he was good enough, which he isn't).Having said all of that, I believe that Salthill will give the senior championship a good run this year.They'll beat Barna.

David burke - 05/26/00 11:13:09
Club: salthill

Barna have'nt a chance against Salthill.They are a bunch of fucking clowns kicking the living shit out of each other on that farmers field they call a pitch.they should be stuck playing junior C fottball along with Spiddal, and glad to see ye with an all- tar because ye wont have a county medal ever. As for that muppet who thinks St. Brendans have a chance in intermediate, go back to your farm and shag sheep. I also think that Galway won't win another All-Ireland without more Salthill players on the team s ch as Robin Doyle,Gordon Morley and myself.

BRIAN FITZPATRICK - 05/24/00 20:34:47


DAVO - 05/24/00 20:29:56


DAVO - 05/24/00 20:25:16


tipster2000 - 05/19/00 22:54:00

Can Corofin make it 9 in a row?not a chance. Recent form indicates that Caherlistrane and Tuam should leavethem in their wake.Caherlistrane need a big title this year and they should land the North board title this year. On the other side Oranmore look do inant and only Barna-Spiddal should pose a threat.


the team to watch out for this year in the club championship is dunmore, they have been pretty unlucky in the last few years and i think this could be the year they make the brekthrough

- 05/19/00 16:20:48

I believe Galways championship team will be... 1.MAC 2. T MEEHAN 3. G FAHY 4. R FAHY 5. D MEEHAN 6. J DIVILLY 7. S DE PAOR 8. K WALSH(if fit) 9. S O DOMHNAILL 10. P CLANCY 11. J FALLON 12. M DONNELLAN 13. D SAVAGE 14. P JOYCE 15. N FINNEGAN. This is the eam i believe will play, but i personally don't think that John Donnellan should be left off the team. He is in sparkling form for Dunmore at the moment and will always get you scores in any game. I think he should play at no.15 with either Clancy or Finn losing out.

Abusive O' Neill - 05/17/00 16:03:02

This site used to be a site that a person would log on for a laugh, a site full of abuse, where's it all gone. Bring back the abuse, viva le abuse. I think I'll start the ball rolling. Your dude who claims that St. Brendans are a dark horse is obviously f om Ballygar himself coz no one from any other place in Galway would make such a stupid statement. How could Ballygar be dark horses when they nearly and should have gone down to junior last year. Decent minor teams?????? Well I for one have never heard th m winning anything. Ballygar shouldn't even be allowed to play in the Galway championship coz ain't half the parish in Roscommon, where they probably have a good chance of winning something, you might them have a decent minor team in comparsion to the res of the minors teams in Roscommon.

smokeball - 05/16/00 13:48:13
My URL:http://www.hotmail.com
My Email:ganjaman-f@hotmail.com
Club: (ex) Corofin

Respect to the people on the pitches, big love goes out to ya all homeboy and thats straight from the heart. y'all have a large one this championship!!! peace out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 love

- 05/13/00 18:19:29

I agree with the last person. Glenamaddy have to be favourites to win Intermediate championship this year.It'll be tight though.I believe the winners will come from the North League section.I can't see any of the West teams putting in a serious challenge, although possibly Carna-Cashel or Lettermore could pose somewhat of a threat. St.Brendans are looking like dark horses. There's no word on them at all, yet they've still won 3 out of 3 in the league and have had decent minor teams for the last few years.O erall though my tip are glenamaddy. if they fail, then I believe that thye winners will still be 1 of the North teams!!

the tipster - 05/13/00 11:59:08
Club: tipster2000

Caherlistrane and headford can squable all they want, as rivally increases, i dont think either team will be in the final. Unless a fitness and pioneer clinic are brought into Caherlistrane championship glory will only be but a dream. Headford are an impr ving team ,and without Monty they will have to wait another few years.Corofin will undoubtedly loose players to their senior team and while posing a treat they shouldn't achieve a lot this year.Salthill arestrengthened by their new foreigners and there te m might go a distance.St. James, although quietely confident will loose many players over the summer and there time will have to wait. Micheals and Claregalway should pose no threat while the Cloherty's have a big task on their shoulders.Newly promoted Mo ivea will be hard bet if well organised but Glenamaddy with Shay and a solid back line should be the one to beat.Look for odds of over 3/1 and back them.

- 05/12/00 14:56:20

Well now John Doe you're a brave boy arent't you. I notice you didn't state where you are from!! I wonder why that is now??

John Doe - 05/12/00 09:56:15

A Caherlistrane man and a Headford man debating football, I think both of you are on drugs. If you were debating fighting or dagging sheep it would be O.k as they're your specialist subjects.

- 05/11/00 20:04:42

Hank, you're some tulip alright. A Caherlistrane player calling Headford crap??That's fairly rich. You can't even spell your own team's name!! If we meet in the championship we'll see who'll be smiling then. If you're the Hank who plays full-forward for C herlistrane then you can't exactly afford to be talking. If you seriously think ye're going to win the championship out, then it's YOU who's on drugs!!!

Hank - 05/11/00 15:40:48
My Email:KuKluxKarlistrange@hotmail.com
Club: Carlistrane

What sort of drugs is the person who made the last comment on. Headford are crap and it doesn't matter how much training they do they're still going to be crap. Yee scared off the onlt half decent footballer yee had. It doesn't matter who wins that match oz Carlistrane are going to win the championship out.

- 05/10/00 21:07:34

Watch out St.Grellans, Ballinasloe!!! Headford are waiting for ye on 11th June in 1st round of championship. They're training hard and fancy their chances of causing an upset.

Pope John Paul - 05/10/00 17:14:24
My Email:The Pope@hotmail.com

Hello everyone, I am a big fan of Galway football and would like to know why Ray Silke is still on the county panel,'cause I think he's rubbish.Goodluck.

- 05/10/00 13:16:35

THIOCFAIDH AR LA----------------beidh ar linn----------annagh cuain

Keith Joyce - 05/10/00 12:50:59
My Email:98JoyK0@trinity-cm.ac.uk
Club: Kilaninn

see ya all intuam for the connaught final against Roscommon

PAUL C - 05/09/00 22:16:11

I've finally got rid of all the bullshit messages from this guestbook, but unfortunately I had to delete all the other messages also as I had gone over my storage limit. You should all be able to sign the Guestbook again now. P.S. The new address I've been given is as follows... www.geocities.com/galway_football ... although the old address still works I think. PAUL C

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