Hi, My name is Critter. My real name is Richard Clark. I live in Copake, NY, a humble little town in the Taconic Hills, where there once was more cows than people. That's the way it oughta be. When you look at my first page you will notice all the armed forces links. I am very active in the VFW, American Legion, DAV and The Military Order of The Purple Heart.

I am a Veteran of The Vietnam War. I served in 1967 and 1968 in the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers. I am a Past Commander in all the above organizations and am currently Post Service Officer in Our Local VFW and VFW County Council Commander for the years 1999-2000.

On my next pages you can find important veterans links and then we'll have some fun with other good stuff.

Thanks for stopping by. Sign my guestbook if you feel I have been any help to you or if you just want to say howdy.

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