This Veterans Web site is dedicated to all Veterans who went to war for our freedom and to my Uncle, Gary Burlock who served with the Marines in Korea. Your the greatest !
Semper Fi, Uncle Gary
 U.S. Marines

I'm going to be updating the Home Page from time to time so check back often

The VietNam Veterans' Memorial Wall Page
How to add this link to your homepage
Vietnam Memorial Page
Taps Version of the above link

While onboard the Carl Vinson an American G.I. awaiting deployment drew a picture. Please check it out, you won't be disappointed.
Info About Me
See what Critter did in Nam
Run your mouse over the image
 Support Our Military All The Time, and not just in time of War. This link at Julian's explains a lot, and is precise. Here is a great American in my book.
Located below are links to Military organizations, Veterans organizations and further down you will find links to sports, fun, and family stuff.
Click on images to go to the sites.
 U.S. Army
Kenneth Clark, On Last Call to arms.
 U.S. Air Force
Ronald Hartley, Flying last mission
 U.S. Navy
Spike Cogill, Gone to last sea duty.
 U.S. Coast Guard
Watch Lee each week on his NEW show, MAIL CALL, on The History Channel
Send Your Thanks to the U.S. Military
Proper care of our Flag, Flag Etiquette, and Protocol
Congratulations to David Richard Gadway
David was awarded the rank of Eagle Scout on April 27, 2003
The History of Taps
There are a lot of Vietnam Vets out there and folks who dedicate their sites to our vets who have personal web sites. Please take the time to visit some of them.
Veterans Organizations
Click on Image to go to their web site.

Help a Veteran in the VA Hospital
The Kitchen Table Gang is a "rag-tag" bunch of military types trying to make life a little more pleasant for our hospitalized veterans and our troops overseas.
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Did you ever hear a Viet Nam Veteran greet another Viet Nam Veteran? If you ever have the opportunity, listen close and you will hear them say something to each other that's very special to each other. They say "Welcome Home." They say it because, other than family and friends, nobody else ever did, not even their ungrateful countrymen. Here are the GI's who risked their lives in a hostile place, and they get called names instead of getting a thanks, or glad you made it home. "Welcome Home" is very special to a Viet Nam Vet. So the next time you meet a Viet Nam Veteran or see one you know, say "Welcome Home" and watch him smile. It's never too late. Here are some Vietnam Vets to Welcome Home. Stop in and say hello, we won't bite your ass. We fought for it - Remember?
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Check out some of Critter's favorite links. If you like sports, bikinis, or bluegrass, you'll find it here.
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Special thanks to Docs Patriotic Graphics for some of the images on this site. Also, I'd like to thank my sisters Paulie and Connie for helping so much with maintaning my website.
This is how many people have seen fit to visit my page:
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