Bowling Writers Association of America


The name of his organization shall be the Bowling Writers Association of America


This organization shall be dedicated to professional writing, broadcasting and photographic skills in the sport of bowling. Members shall subscribe to and support the highest ideals and skills of their profession.
The organization shall recognize its members and others for outstanding contributions to their sport for distinguished service and outstanding performance. They shall foster the exchange of ideas between members and circulate material that may benefit its members.


There shall be five classifications of membership - regular, associate, honorary, life and international. Members, as of March 1, 1980, shall retain the membership status they held on that date.

A. Regular Members

Open to those who reside within the jurisdiction of the American Bowling Congress and Women’s International Bowling Congress.
1. National: All reportorial staff members of national bowling publications; public relations representatives of nationally recognized bowling organizations or companies; any individual who contributes bowling articles to other national publications on a regular basis.
2. Daily Newspapers: All sports editors are eligible; as are staff members of freelance writers who contribute bowling related material on a regular basis.
3. Local Bowling Publications: Publications must have a printing history of at least two issues before editors, publishers and/or writers may apply for membership.
4. Radio and Television: A reporter or announcer on a national or local bowling program or one who covers the sport on a regular basis.
5. Cartoonists/Illustrators: Persons who contribute bowling artwork to any publication or television station.
6. Freelance Writers: A freelance writer not covered by any of the preceding categories, who periodically writes articles and/or books on bowling.
In the event a regular member (accepted after March 1980) should become unemployed, he/she shall remain on active member status for a period of six months pending re-employment in the field of bowling writing or broadcasting.

B. Association Members

1. An individual who became a member after March 1980, who no longer is involved in reporting bowling but wishes to continue his or her membership.
2. An individual who works in public relations in an organization or advertising agency of a company involved in sponsorship of bowling events.
3. An individual whose membership lapsed upon retirement may rejoin as an associate member.

C. Honorary Membership

1. An individual whose name is presented by the Honorary Membership Committee at the annual meeting may be elected an honorary member with the approval of three-fourths of the voting members.

D. International Membership

An individual who meets BWAA membership requirements but who resides outside the jurisdiction of the American Bowling Congress and the Women’s International Bowling Congress.

E. Life Membership

1. A Past President shall be designated as a life member.
2. Any member may receive the honor by a three-fourths affirmative vote at the annual meeting.
3. Life members may attend Board of Directors meetings with voice privileges only.

F. Membership Applications

All membership applications must be accompanied by at least two recent samples of the applicant’s work. The application should be signed by his/her superior. All applications must be accompanied by a non-refundable $10 initiation fee. The Board of Governors will consider the application. Three affirmative votes are necessary for acceptance.
Those wishing to attend the annual meeting must submit their applications to the Executive Director prior to February 1 of that year. Applications received after that deadline will be acted on after the annual meeting.

G. Membership Privileges

1. All persons upon acceptance of membership and payment of dues shall be provided with the official "BWAA lapel pin tie-tack and a membership card.
2. Voting privileges at the annual meeting shall be granted to regular and life members only.
3. Associate, honorary and international members shall be permitted to attend the annual meeting with voice but no vote. They shall be entitled to all social privileges, including the annual bowling tournament. They cannot hold office in the association.

H. Dues

1. Dues will be billed by January 1 of each year. Membership shall lapse if not paid by April 30. Membership will be in effect from January 1 to December 31.
2. Annual dues shall be determined at the annual meeting by vote of the regular and life members and will become effective January 1 following the annual meeting.
3. Life and honorary members are exempt from payment of dues.


A. Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall consist of the President, First and Second vice Presidents, Executive Director, Sergeant-At-Arms, and Board of Governors’ Chairman, Historian and 8 Directors.
The Board of Directors shall hold its meeting prior to the annual meeting of the members at a time and place set by the President.
For the transaction of business at a Board of Directors meeting, a quorum of 10 Board members is required.

B. Elections

Officers and the Board of Governors’ Chairman shall be elected by majority vote at the annual meeting for a term of one year. Directors shall be elected by plurality vote at the annual meeting for a term of one or two years. All terms will begin May 1.

C. Eligibility Requirements

1. Only regular members shall be eligible to hold BWAA offices, except that Past Presidents may be elected to Board of Governors’ Chairman or Executive Director.
2. A member in good standing for a minimum of three years, who has attended a minimum of three annual meetings in the last five years, shall be eligible for nomination as a Director.
3. Members shall be eligible for nomination as an officer after serving a minimum of one year on the Board of Directors.

D. Nominating Procedure

A Nominating Committee, appointed by the President at the annual meeting, shall consist of the two Immediate past Presidents and three other Past Presidents. The Immediate past President shall serve as chairman. If either of the two Immediate past Presidents are not in attendance at the annual meeting, the President shall appoint other Past Presidents to fill such vacancies and, if necessary, appoint a chairman of the committee. The committee shall recommend a slate of Officers, Directors, Historian and Board of Governors’ Chairman, to the membership attending the annual meeting, and shall serve from the date of appointment through the next annual meeting.

E. Vacancies

If the office of President becomes vacant, it shall be filled by the Vice Presidents in order of rank. The President, with the approval of the Board of Directors, shall fill any vacancy in other elected offices.

F. Duties of the President

The President shall preside at all BWAA meetings and the Board of Directors. He/she shall make such appointments as required by the Constitution as well as any necessary for the conducting of regular activities. He/she shall determine the necessity for interim action as it may occur. In the event of the President’s absence, the chair shall be handled by the Vice Presidents in order of rank, followed by the Executive Director.

G. First Vice President

The First Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in his/her absence. The First Vice President shall be charged with monitoring the Mission of the organization and making recommendations for changes as required.

H. Duties of the Executive Director

The Executive Director shall be custodian of the association records; shall keep a complete record of all association funds; shall deposit all moneys in the manner required by the Constitution; shall issue checks as authorized; shall conduct the association correspondence; shall keep a complete record of all meetings; shall issue membership cards and distribute the official BWAA lapel pin/tie tack to new members; shall perform such other duties as directed by the Board of Directors.


Management of the BWAA shall be vested in the Board of Directors

A. Financial

All funds received by the Executive Director shall be deposited to the credit of BWAA In a bank whose deposits are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. A copy of the Association’s bank balance shall be sent to the President monthly for verification. The Executive Director shall be authorized to pay all bills resulting from expenditures included in the annual budget approved by the Board of Directors. Expenditures not included in the budget shall be approved by the President, the Board of Governors or by the members in annual session.

B. Audit

The BWAA financial statement, including all records, shall be presented to the Audit Committee by the Executive Director the day prior to the Association’s annual meeting. After the committee has audited the records, it shall distribute a printed copy of the financial statement, together with whatever recommendations it might have, to the membership.

C. Salaries

The Executive Director’s annual salary shall be determined by the Board of Directors and reported to the members at the annual meeting.

D. Board of Governors

The Board of Governors shall consist of the Board of Governors’ Chairman, President, First Vice President, Immediate past President and the Executive Director. It shall be charged with the responsibility of acting for and on behalf of the BWAA when the Association is not in session and business requires necessary action. It also shall be charged with appraising applications of prospective members and acceptance or rejection of same. All Board of Governors action requires a majority decision and shall be reported to the Board of Directors at the next meeting of the Board.

Article 6. Meetings

The annual membership meeting shall be during American Bowling Congress Convention Week at a date and time to be set by the Board of Directors.

Article 7. Awards

The point value for the Mort Luby, John O. Martino and Rip Van Winkle awards shall be five points for first, two points for second and one point for third.

A. Bowlers of the Year

Presented annually to a male and female bowler.
The BWAA Executive Director shall chair a committee appointed by the president, which will prepare a ballot to be distributed to all regular and life members by December 31. Ballots must be returned to the Executive Director postmarked by January 15.

B. Mort Luby Meritorious Service Award

Presented annually to an individual for distinguished contribution to print, broadcast, telecast or photographic bowling coverage. Nominee must be living at time of nomination.
Nominations may be made by any BWAA member and submitted to the committee chairman prior to September 1.
A committee, consisting of two Vice Presidents and four Past Presidents shall prepare a ballot and submit it to the Executive Director for distribution to all regular and life members.

C. John O. Martino Award

Named in honor of the first BWAA President, this award is presented annually to an individual, company or organization, which has devoted time, energy and talent for the betterment of the sport of bowling. BWAA members are not eligible to receive this ward. Individuals must be living a time of nomination.
Nominations may be made by any BWAA member and submitted to the committee chairman prior to September 1.
A committee, appointed by the president, shall prepare a ballot and submit it to the executive director for distribution to all regular and life members.

D. Rip Van Winkle Award

Presented annually to an individual for achievements in or contributions to the sport of bowling, which occurred 20 years or more prior to the date of presentation. Such achievements would be those which have gone unrecognized or have become obscured by the passage of time. Nominees must be living at the time of nomination.
Nominations may be made by any BWAA member and submitted to the committee chairman prior to September 1.
A committee, appointed by the president, shall prepare a ballot and submit it to the Executive Director for distribution to all regular and life members.

E. Bowler of the Month

Presented monthly to a male or female bowler, professional or amateur. A committee, appointed by the president, shall make the selection.

F. Collegiate Bowlers of the Year

Presented annually to a male and female bowlers for performance in collegiate competition.
A committee, appointed by the president, shall make the selection during the annual meeting.
Four runners-up in each division will also be named and together with the collegiate bowlers of the year, will be named as the collegiate team(s) of the year.

G. Amateur Bowlers of the Year

Presented annually to a male and female bowler who meets FIQ amateur standards.
A committee, appointed by the president, shall make the selection. The winners will be announced during the annual meeting.

H. Senior Bowler of the Year

Presented annually to a male or female bowler who is 50 or more years of age in the year of competition.
A committee, appointed by the president, shall make the selection. The winner will be announced during the annual meeting.

I. BWAA Scholarships

Presented annually, if funds are available and eligible recipients are put forth, to youngsters attending college who plan to pursue a career in communications. These collegians do not have to be bowlers or have a bowling background but such background or skills could be considered as part of the award criteria.
The youngsters must be attending college in the city or environs, which hosts the American Bowling Congress tournament that year.
A committee, appointed by the president, shall work with local association and school officials to choose the winner or winners. The winner/winners will be announced at the annual meeting.

J. President’s Award

A special award which may be presented by the President at his/her discretion to a person or persons who are deserving but are not eligible for any of the other BWAA awards.

K. Director Emeritus

The honor of Director Emeritus may be given to a member who has served on the BWAA Board of Directors for a period of not less than 10 years. Nominations for the award shall be made by the Board of Governors, approved by the Board of Directors and presented to the members at the Annual Meeting for approval. A Director Emeritus may attend the meetings of the Board of Directors and the Annual Meeting with voice privileges only.

Article 8. Committees

A committee chairperson must have attended at least one association business meeting in the previous three years.

A. Audit

A committee, appointed by the president, shall audit the BWAA financial records during the annual meeting.

B. ABC Hall of Fame

As prescribed by the ABC Hall of Fame Constitution, six BWAA members shall serve on the ABC Hall of Fame Board. A BWAA member shall be appointed annually for a term of six years. Appointments shall be made by a committee consisting of the President, Immediate past President, Board of Governors’ Chairman and two BWAA members appointed annually by the President. If vacancies occur, appointments will be made in the same manner to serve the unexpired term(s).


A minimum quorum of 50 members is necessary at the annual meeting to amend the Constitution.


The Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds affirmative vote of the members present at the annual meeting, provided a quorum is present and provided such amendments have been submitted to the Executive Director at least 90 days prior to the annual meeting.
The Executive Director shall furnish each voting member with the complete text of such proposed amendments at least 30 days prior to the meeting at which they are considered.
The Constitution also may be amended at the annual meeting without prior submission of the proposal, but such amendments can be passed only with a 75 percent vote provided a quorum is present.
