Tony's PAGE

A little something about myself.

Hello, my name is Tony and I live in Canada. I started off my collection of Coca-Cola things when one day my mom had gave to me a Coca-Cola straw dispenser. From then on every time I saw something that had the words Coca-Cola on it, it had to have been mine. In the past couple of years though, I have been mainly intrested in collecting Cans, Bottles, and Trays. Although my collection is still small, it will always be expanding so I suggest that you visit this site often.

My Personal Collection of Coca Cola Items (No Pictures Yet)

Tony's Coca-Cola BOTTLE collection

Tony's Coca-Cola CAN collection

Tony's Coca-Cola TRAYS

Tony's Coca-Cola SIGNS

Tony's Coca-Cola BOTTLE CAPS

Tony's Coca-Cola PINS


Tony's CLASSIFIEDS (free ads available)

Tony's Favorite Coca-Cola Web-Pages

Tony's Trade Menu

The Collecting Story

About Coke

Coke intresting Facts

A special Thanks...

Tony's Disclaimer

Any questions or comments? Email me at


you can try my other address



people have visited Tony's Coca-Cola Page Since March 22,1999


I collect PEPSI too

Coke Bottles | Coke Cans | Coke Trays | Coke Signs | Coke Bottle Caps | Coke Pins | CLASSIFIEDS | Favorite Sites | Trade Menu | My Story | About Coke | Coke Facts | Special Thanks | Disclaimer | Email


Please E-mail me at


This page was created by Tony Got, 1999

Member of The Coca-Cola Network