Camp Tapawingo

The Camp Songs We All Love So Much...

Songs... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hold my hand sit with me, As we step back in time. Feel the breeze through your hair, As we swing towards the sky. Remember the days when we played carelessly, Each one slips by, and we don't even think. That a moment at Tap is a memory so precious, Hold onto the smiles for we know they're not endless. The love that we share will remain here Untouched by time. Tapawingo, Forever stay on my mind. Slowing down to a stop, As your feet touch the earth. We now cherish our youth, For we know what it's worth. Glimpsing behind as the swing gentley sways, Chilled by the thought it's the end of our days. A moment at Tap is a memory so precious, Hold onto the smiles for we know they're not endless. The love that we share will remain here Untouched by time. Tapawingo, Forever stay of our minds. ~Danny, Lauren, Liza, Becca, Lucy Blue Team 2003~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You saw it as a mystery All my summers here Things letters can't explain Now hand in hand. Two sisters here to share it all One shadow big the other small. And we smile and read eachothers mind The years between us vanish as the sun sets And this feels like, A different kind of sisterhood these days A bond through camp that strengthens our relationship As we sing side by side Connected one more way. And the people here are helping us to see This special tie that we both share You're here with me. I glance across the campfire In hope to catch your eye. This circle here has joined us And those from years past by. We breathe the air of summer, It warms us with Tap's love. You once were just my sister Now friends we have become. Forever we're united Through family and camp Through family and camp. A different kind of sisterhood these days A bond through camp that strengthens our relationship As we sing side by side Connected one more way. And the people here are helping us to see This special tie that we both share You're here with me. Back at home again Now someone understands me. Camp stays in our thoughts, Songs ringing in the air Ringing in the air. Closer than before Since we have Tap to share. ~Tara, Molly, Lizzy, Sam, Liz Gray Team 2003~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear Journal, I laid there. My heart was filled with fear. What did my future hold? My first summer is told: I arrived at Tap, My counselor smiled at me, I met my bunk at last, I could not wait to see Traditions all around, A place where friends are found. Is my big sister here? When will she be here? Everything was new. I had great friends around me, Gray or blue, We all stay true. My Tap family. I played a tennis match, Day hikes were fun, I swam across the lake, And laughed in the sun. So much that we did, Yet so much to come. These times flew by so fast, But they’ve just begun. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I Turn I turn to you Tapawingo, This place of joy that I’ve always known. The strength, the courage, the power, To stand unafraid on my own. And my future lies open, Because of my past. I’ll meet every challenge, I’ll face any take. Thanks to you, I can do, Almost anything. I build from you Tapawingo, To heights my soul is yearning to see. My dreams, My quiet desires, Are the building blocks you’ve given to me. And you’ve laid the foundation, For towers to come. And you’ve helped me believe I can search past the sun. Towers true, Gray and blue, They’re to guide me through. We have a dream to attain, And glories to gain. Thanks to you, Gray and blue, We will all, Go, Far. (song continues… scroll down) I turn, to you Tapawingo. (far) This place of joy that I’ve always known. The strength, the courage, (the courage) the power, To stand unafraid on my own. And my future lies open, Because of my past. (my past) I’ll met every challenge, I’ll face any task. (thanks to you) Thanks to you. (thanks to you) Gray and blue (thanks to you) Thanks to you (thanks to you) We will all, Go, Far. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the Artist’s Mind In the artist’s mind, There are treasured times, She remembers from long ago. All the friends she knew, Blend of Gray and Blue, And the magic she decides to show. She paints children laughing, Playing in the sun, Living out their day’s of youth, Before their time here is done. She remembers her summers that went by too fast, Please hold on to today, It will soon be the past. Like a picture that’s framed so secure in your mind, She’ll look back at it time after time. In this cherished place, There’s an old friend’s face, Gone untainted by the brush of time. Turning and she sees, Her Tap family, And the special world she’s left behind. She can hear them laughing, Calling out her name, Wanting her to join them, In their summer home again. She remembers her summers that went by too fast, Please hold on to today, It will soon be the past. Like a picture that’s framed so secure in your mind, She’ll look back at it time after time. She’ll look back at it time after time. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My Camp Big Sister She links me to my summer family. The chain we form at Tapawingo. Her understanding and encouragement will help my confidence to grow. My camp sister ties the bond we share. Her presence comforts all my fears. When I am frightened, feeling all alone, she’s there to wipe away my tears. Gray and blue unite at Tap, our chain will keep us here. Though we may travel far away, our love will draw us here. Our hands unite for I have trust in her. I feel a sense of admiration. Through blue and gray our lasting friendships formed, and our chain is joined as one. Now a piece of the chain must come loose. As all camp sisters have to part. She’s turning now to leave my summer home. She’ll live forever in my heart. Gray and blue unite at Tap, our chain will keep us here. Though we may travel far away, our love will draw us here. As I grow up I strive to be like her. Yet I’m a model just the same. My little sister now resembles me. And that is Tapawingo’s chain. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The dawn unfolds with quiet ease, These rustle glinting bright in the breeze, Tap waits in serenity. It’s sounds are draped in silence, But then the footsteps of the campers arrive, It won’t be long now ‘till this place comes alive. We hear the awakening, Oh Tapawingo’s heartbeat. It consists of the sounds of the whispering birds at night, And the cheers from a game as it reaches it’s height, And the solemn pledge of friendship bound tight. These sounds are combined as the voice comes to beat, It’s the heartbeat of Tap and I hear it within me. It’s the singing as it dances down the hill. It’s the echo’s of laughter. And these sounds carry on right until they’re gone, But return, the summer after. These sounds are combined as the voice comes to beat, It’s the heartbeat of Tap and I hear it within me. These sounds are combined as the voice comes to beat, It’s the heartbeat of Tap and I hear it within me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Dance The dance that brings together friends. We wonder how it all will end. We are the dancers, learning to move as one. At first we’re scared and unsure, to open the door. Releasing our fears, slowly we’re more secure. The rhythm of Tapawingo’s dance. First step is blue, next step gray, traditions linger from past days. Take my hand, dance with me. It’s our time to shine. Feeling Tap’s beat deep in our heart, gives us the courage to dance center stage. Proud while preserving, the legacy of the dance. Embracing footsteps from years past. Cherish the old but at our own. Reflecting the times that we’ve spent, together always in step. The little footsteps we hear, are learning the dance, to teach it in turn. Our camp days fill us with. The rhythm of Tapawingo’s dance. Year after year, the dance unfolds, telling the story of our summers here. Deep inside, we know it’s true, Tap we owe it all to you. Year after year, the dance unfolds, telling the story of our summers here. Deep inside, we know it’s true, Tap we owe it all to you. Tap we owe it all to you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` Here is a place Here is a place with a charm of it’s own, where the trees whisper low in the winds gust. Tap has the beauty of laughter and friends, and the feeling of love is around us. The sky is so blue with a beautiful view of the sun setting over the mountain. The friendship’s we share, knowing someone is there. To laugh and to learn and to grow with. To laugh and to learn and to grow with. Tapawingo is the blue and the gray, learning together, united as one in all that we do. Spirit abounding, and scenic surroundings for the memories of Tap stay with you. The memories of Tap stay with you. Year after year we return with our hope that the happiness stays here forever. And our summer home will continue to live in the minds of the people we treasure. The time goes so fast and we wish it would last as we watch all the weeks quickly pass by. So cherish each day in your own special way, for the days here at Tap are soon gone. The days here at Tap are soon gone. Tapawingo is the blue and the gray, learning together, united as one in all that we do. Spirit abounding, and scenic surroundings for the memories of Tap stay with you. The memories of Tap stay with you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Looking at Old Photographs Looking at old photographs of camp. Searching for faces of friends, and wondering exactly how long it’s been. Since the living and learning we now know. More spirit and love than the pictures could ever show. Though the pictures fade my memories linger. Though years have quickly flown I long to be there. Pictures renew dreams of the past. Remembering when I first arrived at camp. The beauty that surrounded me, where the warmth was at camp now I long to be. Through the living and learning I no know. More spirit and love than the pictures could ever show. Though the pictures fade my memories linger, though years have quickly flown I long to be there. There’s no place like Tapawingo. My heart will always be at Tap. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Look All Around You Look all around you what do you see? Nature’s beauty set for you and me. Molded by pine trees, covered by skys. From the lakes and to the hills and here’s the reason why. If you do add a few campers, spirit so true. Our leader Jane, the teams of gray and blue. Then you will see why every year we come from far and near, singing Tap here is to you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From the blue above From the blue above, to the green beneath, Tapawingo surrounds us with it’s meanings deep. As I think of my past, and the times I have spent, I can now understand, what these things represent. The flag blowing strong reassures me I’m free, as spirit among us helps and guides me to see, that the campfire circle and services too, united the teams of gray and blue. While watching a game of which part I did play, if not with my hands in another way, the ideals camp has brought from my soul won’t part. Tapawingo you’re deep in my heart.

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Official Tapawingo Website

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