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Telephone: (250) 717-9155
Email: referee15@hockeymail.com

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Welcome to the World Wide Referee's Association


This page has been designed to be a resource for not only officials, but players, coaches, and fans.  This page will start as a resource for Canadian Hockey Officiating Program, because I am carded in Canada as a CHOP official.  I hope to extend this page with help to Canadian Hockey League (CHL), National Hockey League (NHL), USA Hockey, the International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF), and any others that are brought to my attention.  This would be a huge job to undertake by myself seeing as I am not familiar with any other rules or procedures other than CHOP program, so any help anyone could supply would be greatly appreciated. If you are interested please email me at the address above.
As parents and fans may of us don't take the time to think about who we are yelling at.  How well do you know the rules? How many of you coaches have taken the time to just go and get carded   as an official.  Then maybe you would know what it really is you are arguing about.  Many parents and fans really don't take the time to understand what a young official has to go through while out on the ice.  My suggestion to all parents who think that the officiating if horrible in your local association is to take the course,  get carded, and try it your self.  I promise you will have a greater appreciation for the game and its officials.
This page will include a detailed rule book for Canadian Hockey Association, USA Hockey, National Hockey League, Canadian Hockey League, and International Ice Hockey Federation.  We will also include many procedures, as outlined in the CHOP manual, and frequent mistakes made by may young officials. This page will also have an area for your questions from the fans about rules and interpretations.  If any fans have a questions about a call in there son/daughters games bring it to our attention
This page will not have a place for people to complain out how brutal there official was last night but instead ask a questions get the answer may he/she was wrong, or maybe you have misinterpreted the situation.

You are the person to access this page since March 22 1999

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