To keep things simple, the cost will only be $15, and will be collected prior to the draft. The fees collected will be paid to the league statistical fees, currently paid to Any remaining funds will be used to place a winner's nameplate on the travelling trophy.
There will be no additional fees for roster moves or trades.
Divisions & Schedules
- The league consists of ten teams separated into two divisions, the Orange and Black. The Orange Division represents the best five teams from the previous year while the Black Division represents the worst five teams from the previous year. The divisions are re-shuffled after each season.
The Season
- Each team will play a head-to-head schedule against all the other teams in the league.
- The regular season consists of NFL weeks 1 through 14. Week 15 is the first round of the playoffs and the OSAFFL Super Bowl will be held during NFL Week 16.
- Each team will play its divisional opponents twice per season on a home-and-home basis. Each team will play non-divisional teams once, with a special "call-out" game during Week 1, which will be a non-divisional game.
- All teams will have seven home games and seven away games during the regular season.
- The top team from each division (based on record or tie-breakers) will be declared the conference champ and will advance to the playoffs to host the second-place team from the division in Week 15. In the event that records are tied, the tie-breaker rules will be utilized as described in the tie-breaker section below.
- The winners of Week 15 will meet in a neutral-site game during NFL Week 16. The winner of Week 16's game will be declared OSAFFL champions. Should a tie occur in the championship game, the winner will be the team with the highest scoring bench player. Should the teams still be tied after one team has exhausted all its bench players, the team that had the most points against during the year will be declared the Champion.
- This is a combination scoring league, and a scoring summary is attached. The basic thing to remember is that the scoring for each act is scored the same, regardless of position.
- Special teams plays are included with the defensive team.
- Teams designated as "Home" teams will received three extra points in the weekly total.
Record Tie-breakers
- In the event that two teams' regular season records are tied at the end of Week 14, the tie-breaker rules will be as follows:
Better Division Record, Head-to-Head record, Overall points scored, Record against highest non-involved team in division, Record against next highest team in division, Record against highest team from other division, Record against second place team from other division, then third place, then fourth place. If, for some reason, there is still a tie, a coin-flip will determine the winner.
- In the event that three or more teams' regular season records are tied at the end of Week 14, the tie-breaker rules will be as follows:
Better Division Record. Overall points scored, Record against highest non-involved team in division, Record against next highest team in division, Record against highest team from other division, Record against second place team from other division, then third place, then fourth place. If, for some reason, there is still a tie, a coin-flip will determine the winner. If a tie still exists between two or more teams after one tie-breaker, ONLY THE TEAMS STILL TIED will be evaluated for the next tie-breaker.
Game Tie-breakers
- Ties during regular season play are permissible.
- In the event of a post-season tie, the tie-breaker will be the highest-scoring bench player from each roster, then the second, and so on, until a winner can be declared. If all players scored the same points, then the team with the lower coaching percentage will advance.
- Teams consist of 16 Active players. Please review the section regarding player eligibility to determine a player’s designation. While the number of players on a team at any given time may exceed this number due to injuries and rookies, at no time can a roster ever contain more than 16 Active players.
- Each week, owners will submit a starting lineup comprised one of the following formations:
1 Quarterback 1 Quarterback
2 Running Backs 1 Running Back
3 Receivers/Tight Ends 4 Receivers/Tight Ends
1 Kicker 1 Kicker
1 Defense/Special Team. 1 Defense/Special Teams
- Lineups are due Friday night by midnight. Lineups may be submitted via phone at (405) 751-9784 or via e-mail ( The website is linked to the e-mail address, so you can submit the lineup from the website if you wish.
Player Classification
- Every player in the league will fall under one of the following categories:
Active Player
- This player counts toward your roster limit. The active player has not been placed on injury reserve and did not enter the league as a designated rookie pick. An active player may be placed on injury reserve as the rules permit.
- Rookies do not count toward your roster limit.
- Rookies are drafted in two stages. The first stage is the acquiring rights. In the reverse order of finish from the previous year, each owner will have the right to acquire the rights to one rookie player. This right may be traded to other owners.
- The second stage is the "signing" stage. On draft day, in the same order as the acquiring rights were performed, each owner will announce if they have "signed" their rookie that was originally chosen, or if they have come to terms with a different, previously unacquired rookie.
- Rookies remain on the roster for three years as rookies, then become regular players. If an owner wishes to keep the player for a fourth and fifth year, they must protect them as a regular player.
- Rookies cannot be placed onto the injury reserve.
Injured Reserve
- Injury Replacement players do not count toward the roster limit.
- If a player becomes injured, an owner may pick up a new player WHILE the injured player is on the NFL Injury Reserve list.
- The reserve player must play the same position as the injured player, with the exception of RB/WR/TE. Any of these positions are interchangeable for injury reserve moves.
- Once the injured player becomes healthy again, the owner must release the exact player picked up, or use a Free Agent move to retain the new player.
- Owners will be allowed to replace injured players at any time until Week 10.
- After Week 10, a player may not be placed on injured reserve unless they have started at least half the fantasy team’s games.
Rosters are not allowed to exceed 16 non-injured, Active players.
- Each owner will receive 6 Free Agent moves that can be used at any time from the conclusion of Week 3 until lineups are submitted Week 10.
- When an owner releases a player from their roster and picks up a new player, they have used a Free Agent move.
- To submit a claim for a free agent, notify the commissioner before Thursday 9:00 of the player you would like to acquire. In the event that two owners wish to acquire the same player, the tie-breaker described above will dictate which owner gets the player, with the reverse effect. In other words, teams with the lowest win percentage will "win" the free agent over the team with the better winning percentage. The only exception to this rule is that if an owner has already "won" a tie-breaker for a free agent, he will then move to last in the pecking order.
- When a free agent is picked up, the player that is released must remain a free agent until the following week
Frozen Periods
- From the conclusion of the draft until the end of Week 3, no free agent moves may be performed. Trades are allowed, as are injured reserve moves.
- From Week 3 to the time that Week 10’s lineups are due, any roster moves are allowed, including free agent moves.
- From Week 10’s lineup submission to the beginning of next year’s draft, all rosters are "frozen", where the only roster move allowed is an injured reserve move. No trades are allowed until the draft.
- Trading is encouraged. Almost anything may be traded, including future draft picks and free agent moves.
- All trades will be subject to approval of the commissioner. If any owner disagrees with the commissioner’s decision to accept or reject a trade, the trade will be subject to a vote of all owners. See problem resolution for voting rules.
- Only regular players may be traded. This means that rookies that are traded will lose their rookie status.
- Also, a player that is a reserve for an injured player must be acquired outright before being traded. In most cases, this will require a free agent move.
- Players that are injured can be traded as such. If an injured player is traded, their reserve may be traded along with them without becoming a regular player.
Problem Resolution
- The commissioner will solve any disputes that may arise from time to time. The commissioner also has the right to decide on any issues not dealt with in this constitution.
- Should an owner feel unfairly slighted by any rulings made by the commissioner, he may appeal to the other non-involved owners of the league. This will likely be done through the website. A vote of ¾ will overrule the commissioner’s decision.
- For the small problems that arise from time to time, owners are encouraged to bring a problem to light and the commissioner will make a ruling.
Keeper League
- Each owner is allowed to designate two active players each year as keepers. The only hitch is that the same players may not be kept more than one year in a row.
- After a player has been designated as a keeper, that player cannot be traded or released the entire year.
Retention Rules
- Owners are only allowed to have an active player on their roster for two consecutive years. This only applies to players that are on the roster at the end of the season. If an owner is able to trade or release a player before the week 10 deadline, he will not count toward that team’s roster for that year. This will be affect a very limited few players, yet owner collaboration is HIGHLY discouraged. The purpose of this rule is so that each year, owners get fair chances at every player.
2000 update: A player that was on a roster for two consecutive years with the same team can be drafted after the 5th round of the draft.
- When a rookie has completed his eligibility (after the third year), an owner will need to use of his two keeper picks to retain the player on his team. Since his fourth year will be only his first as an active player, the owner can opt to keep him for a fifth year, which will be his second as an active player.