me - 08/01/00 00:45:46 | Comments: asjfha |
cris - 07/07/00 05:34:57 My | Comments: You are a gentleman! |
howdy - 05/03/00 00:54:29 | Comments: nice site |
- 02/28/00 23:22:04 | Comments: r u gay? |
- 02/28/00 00:41:45 | Comments: |
- 02/27/00 03:20:41 | Comments: |
pjme - 02/26/00 13:32:47 | Comments: Well, nice to see the face behind the typing, Sean. Very nice pics....thanks for sharing :) Hugs, pj |
Your Dad - 01/08/00 02:13:41 My | Comments: Well, the webcam wasn't on this time and the picture on your homepage is very distorted from my computer's view. I don't know if it is aol or what. You probably should update your page pretty soon, huh! |
Dad - 11/22/99 20:24:00 | Comments: |
Kim McFadden - 07/27/99 04:00:30 My | Comments: Very nice web page. Great work. Keep it up. |
Paul Nichols - 05/05/99 05:33:31 My URL: My | Comments: Nice page. Please visit my new site: Let me know what you think, Thanks. |
Sean - 04/04/99 10:46:22 My URL: My | Comments: Kewl page man, I really like it |