TRW Volleyball Club League Coordinator's Duties

  1. Determine number of teams and select captains for your league based on sign-ups. Try to contact past players in the event the league doesn’t have enough players.
  2. Attend and help coordinate try-out night, if one is held.
  3. Attempt to find out playing level and/or references for any new/unknown players signing up for your league.
  4. Over-see the draft for your league.
  5. Make sure you have a master list of teams for your league, including team members and their phone numbers.
  6. Get copy of sub list from the membership officer once the sign-ups and draft have been completed.
  7. Secure an appropriate sub when requested by TRW VBC team captains.
  8. Collect weekly scores from captains and post periodically; direct captains as to how you would like this information provided.
  9. Make sure each captain has a copy of the rules and captain's duties.
  10. Provide your phone number to each captain and the best time to reach you.
  11. The captains should direct any questions, problems, or requests regarding league play to you.

*** As coordinators, you are given the power to solve disputes and handle special circumstances per the TRW League Rules. If you feel an exception to the rules should be made, please bring the matter to the attention of the club officers and it will be reviewed.****

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