TRW Volleyball Club Captain's Duties

  1. Maintain a list of your team members and their phone numbers. Provide this list to your league coordinator.
  2. Provide each member of your team with your telephone number and the best time to reach you. Be sure each team member has a copy of the schedule.
  3. Provide scores weekly to league coordinator per his or her direction.
  4. Make sure your team members help set up and take down nets. It is everyone’s responsibility.
  5. All requests for substitutes must go through the league coordinator with as much advance notice as possible and will be provided in accordance with the club rules. NOTE: In order to guarantee a sub, requests must be made by 4:30 PM the last working day before the match. If requests are made later than this, the coordinator will do his or her best to find a sub.
  6. For draft leagues, a permanent sub for a missing or injured player may be requested and assigned to your team by the league coordinator per TRW League Rules.
  7. Teams are expected to "call their own"; you are ultimately responsible for making calls on your team (or for delegating this responsibility to another player). Any disputes regarding calls are to be settled between the two playing team captains. If agreement cannot be reached, a replay shall be directed.
  8. Distribute a copy of the rules to your team members.
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