SEA Volleyball Club

SEA Volleyball Club is a recreational club supported by the Space Park Employee Association (SEA). During the fall and winter we hold 6-person indoor volleyball leagues. We are in great need of officers. Without volunteers for next season, the league will fall apart. Take a look at our 2001 Election results for our new officers for 2001 - 2002 year.

Fall Indoor League

We will be playing our fall league at Rolling Hills Prep School Gymnasium. The gym is located one block east of Crenshaw Blvd and one block South of Carson St. League play well be between 7:00 PM and about 10:00 PM on Thursdays. We are going to try and get this season going quickly. We are not going to have a mailing but are going to do things via email and web site. We are combining the membership and leagues applications and fees. We are having a tryout night on August 22nd. Applications and fees can be paid and turned in at that time. Below are the key dates for this season:

(subject to change)
August 22, 2002 Fall League Applications Due
August 22, 2002 Tryout Night
August 26 - 28, 2002 Team Draft
August 29, 2002 Practice Night
September 5, 2002 League Starts
November 7, 2002 League Ends
November 14 - 21, 2002 Playoffs
December 5, 2002 Pizza party

To make things easier, we are combining the membership and leagues applications and fees. The new applications is below.
Click here to print out a Fall 2002 membership / league application (MS Word 6.0/95 Format)

Here are the rosters for the teams for the Fall 2002 Season:
Mixed A
Mixed B1
Mixed B2

Here is the Fall 2002 League schedules:

Here is the Fall 2002 League standings:
Mixed A
Mixed B1
Mixed B2

Look here for the duties and rules for the SEA Volleyball Club:
Captain's Duties
Coordinator's Duties

What else is going on in volleyball?

Hermosa beach , privately sponsored by the 13th Street activities.
Volleyball Ventures, provides beach tournaments throughout the year.
Westside Volleyball offering leagues and tournaments in Los Angeles and Orange Counties.
South Bay Adult School offers indoor classes through out the year.
Volleyball Shopping Mall is a place to buy volleyball supplies and equiptment.

Looking for something else to do outside?
Check out the action at the SEA Ski Club
The Beach Cities Ski Club plays volleyball as well as other activities beside skiing.

For more information about the volleyball club or if you would like to be added to our mailing list, e-mail to the author, Trudy Gleason.
Last updated 15 August, 2002.
Visitors since 6/28/99