Membership Information for the NPS Taekwondo Association-Rockledge Club

Class Location: Rockledge Elementary School - Woodbridge, VA

Class Schedule: (During School Year)

Note: Class is automatically cancelled whenever school is not in session (i.e. Holidays, Breaks, etc). There will be other times when class is cancelled due to conflicts with other school events. We will do our best to inform all participants well in advance via this web site, annotations in the Sign-In Log and using announcements at class.

Alternative Locations and Times will be made for summer sessions! See Summer Session for additional information.

Promotion Tests:

Promotion tests for color belts are held as needed, but are held at least Quarterly.

Note: $5/person discount applies to families with multiple participants in any given test.


Black Belt Tests:

Black Belt Tests can be arranged through the NPS Taekwondo Association on a semi-annual basis, generally every June and December.

For more information, please contact David Burns at

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