Tim Thomas, 1st Dan, Instructor

(Left) Tim being promoted to Dan Bo rank.

(Right) Tim executing a Jujitsu throw on Thil during a demonstration.

Tim Thomas is a former U.S. Marine who is now a Law Enforcement Officer for the County of Fairfax, Virginia.  He has a varied background in the martial arts and self defense.  Tim not only teaches physical defense techniques, but also avoidance and awareness, which is ninety percent of prevention.  In addition to his rank in TaeKwonDo as a 1st Dan Black Belt, he is a Virginia State Certified Law Enforcement Defensive Tactics Instructor and a Rape Aggression Defense Systems Instructor(a self defense course for women).  Tim has also studied Icho Yama Ryu Aiki Jujutsu and Gracie Brazilian Jujutsu.  He is a "Verbal Judo" practitioner who believes that every person should strive to "Look Good, Sound Good, and Be Right."  Tim enjoys public speaking and is available as a guest speaker.  He can be contacted by phone at (703)719-6187 or through Email at seo6thomas@hotmail.com.

Tim will be an assistant instructor and along with Mike Wooten, he will be teaching the beginners class starting this summer.


For more information, please feel free to contact Dave Dampier in one of the following ways: e-mail to npstkd@geocities.com, or phone him at +1 703-492-1474.

This page, and all contents, are Copyright (C) 1999 by Dave Dampier.