Welcome to the Oklahoma AFA Guestbook!

We hope you enjoy our site and welcome all comments and suggestions for
improvement. Come back often to check for updates and results they will
be posted as soon as possible. See you at the ballpark.

KristaJ - 12/23/00 03:01:43
My Email:abcKri@hotmail.com

When you going to UPDATE this site....geez.. we want to see the 2001 Schedule for Tournaments sometime before Sept 2001...lol... nah, really, u need to update this site way more often..

Lauren - 08/11/00 23:30:20
My URL:www.eteamz.com/badcompany
My Email:Softballnsync222@aol.com
Team Name: Bad Co #2

WE did bad at afa but, thats okay

Lauren 'pup #99' - 08/07/00 02:29:41
My Email:saaweet99@aol.com
Team Name: Davenport rockets , but i really play for jitterbugs

Hey,i played pick up for davenport rockets for the afa nationals. i play for the oklahoma jitterbugs. we got 5th in the nationals. i thought it was a good tournament.

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