
This is my new website all about soccer. I'm hoping it'll be a nice place to stop on the web to find out info on your favorite teams or U.S. National Team players. I would also like to get some user interaction with the site going. I hope to put up some message boards, I already have the poll going, and I want to know what you're thinking. Part of this site is the "Soap Box" and if you have something you really want other people to read that pertains to soccer (and I think merits placement on the site) please feel free to send it in via email. I would also like to collect terrace songs if any of you out there have any.

June 8, 1999 - Even more added. The scoreboard is nearly finished. At least it seems to work for Windows. I have gotten a messageboard adn just need to add it to the navigation list. And finally the poll works so make sure to vote.

June 3, 1999 - Starting to make some progress in really updating the site. I now have desktop themes and icons related to soccer. I added a site for terrace songs. And most important I have written my first blurb for the Soap Box. Enjoy!


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