












My Biggest Pet Peeves

1. CellDriver People Who Talk On The Phone While Driving

This is my biggest pet peeve because I can't stand being held at a light or driving slower than the speed limit because someone doesn't have the decency to either pull over and finish their conversation or just hang up. On top of that, when you lay on the horn, they act like they did nothing wrong. Apparently it's a law in our great state of Connecticut that you must have a hands-free device while driving, but I'd be a rich man if I had a dollar for every person I saw on the phone in the car without an earpiece. Is it that difficult to go to the store and purchase something like this:


Or this??


Or this??


We wouldn't have so many people with bad cases of road rage (myself included once in a while) if they just took the time to make their lives easier with a hands-free device.

2. Telemarketer Telemarketers

Even on my cell phone, I can't stand being bombarded by these people trying to sell me a product I have no use for. I honestly feel for these people because all they do is sit in a cubicle for hours on end and call random people hoping to make a sale. It's almost as bad as car salesmen swarming on you the second you get out of your car at a car dealership, except telemarkers don't get a commission.

3.EmptyPTRollPTHolder People Who Don't Replace Empty Rolls

I'm sure every person that reads this section of the Domain knows someone who is guilty of this. There's nothing like heading to the "house of comfort" (as my greatgrandmother would say) only to find that there's nothing there to finish the deal. How about accidentally spilling something on the floor and wanting to clean it up, only to find that there's nothing but an empty roll just laying there. Those of you that are guilty of this- spare yourselves the wrath of fury- just REPLACE THE ROLL, like this: