Alrighty...i typed out the first 3 myself. The Jungle March '98 has been exclusively scanned from WCW Mag for my page so i advise everyone, no stealin whatsoever! Thanx!
Wrestling World March 1993
The first article devoted to "Sudden Impact" Chris Jericho brought to you by Wrestling World magazine. Mostly talks about his early days in the Bay Area Wrestling and a feud with Shane Kody.
Wrestling World August 1994
Wrestling Worlds second article devoted to Chris Jericho..the rise of the LionHeart! Talks about his days in Japan and Mexico, some of his title reigns, and some matches.
Inside the Jungle WCW January 1998
Chris Jericho's premier column in WCW Magazine. Talks about Bret Hart signing with WCW and the amount of airtime the midcarders get.
Inside the Jungle WCW March 1998
Chris Jericho's third column in WCW Magazine. Scanned for me by a good friend. Its the month in which he hands out his own achievement awards.
Inside the Jungle WCW April 1998 
Chris Jericho's fourth column in WCW Magazine. Talks mainly about Rey Mysterio Jr and their match at January's Souled Out ppv.
Jeric Interview February 1997
Article type interview and reveals Eddy Guerrero to being a good friend of Jeric. Talks a bit bout his time in Japan and how he enjoys experiencing another country's culture.
SLAM! September 25th 1997
SLAM! is known for some of its interviews and this is one of them. Jericho reveals his growing up stage in life, and how he got into pro wrestling. Answers numerous questions and worth a look.
Prodigy Chat 12/11/98
More or less chat room mode with lots of fans voicing their questions from history, current wrestling status, to thoughts on various subjects.
RR February 28th '97
RR June 20th '97
RR November 7th '97
MM January 1998
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