February 5th 1998

By "Lionheart" Chris Jericho

Hello crazy Lionheads!!

Well down to the nitty gritty. I went to the WCW doc on Friday in Atlanta. After a brief examination, he sent me for an MRI. Now an MRI is a procedure, where you are transported into this little coffin like machine, where you have to stay for 30 minutes. You can't move. You can't even swallow. I'm serious. If you're claustrophobic, you would go nuts in this thing. It was very intimidating, but well worth it. The doc found I have a bulging disk in my neck. Described to me as if the jelly on the inside of a jelly doughnut was squished to on side. It's pressing into my spinal cord, which is causing me the discomfort. Sounds serious eh? Well its not. With some exercises performed by WCW trainer Danny Young, before and after each match, as therapy I should be ok. The doc said, I probably won't need any time off. So, I'm gonna survive! Thanks for your prayers and support!! Hopefully I'll be one hundred percent in no time.

Well I just returned from Texas and I must say, it was beautiful state! Now I know why Texans are so proud of their territory! It was an excellent time and I'm looking forward to returning tomorrow. Last Thursday in Memphis, Saturday in Boston and Tuesday in Corpus Christi were all great matches in my opinion!! Make sure to watch WCW Saturday night to check out me and Chavo Jr. We rocked that mug!

Speaking of Boston, Bill Goldberg and myself went to the Bruins game against the Rangers at the Fleet center before the WCW show. The Bruins organization took great care of us and seated us in the skybox. It was big Bill's first game and he loved it!

Make sure to check out the ECCW's website at This is a great company based in Vancouver Canada and my friend Doctor Luther is the top star. Check it out and look for him, he's great!

Does anyone think that the Pearl Jam song sounds like Led Zeppelin's Going To California? I think a plagiarism suit is in the making!

If anyone has a video bootleg from Metallica's Load tour or any Ramones concert, let me know.

Once again thanks for the great presentos from the po box. Thanks to Brad in Florence for the Chick Corea tape (featuring John Petrucci on the axe), Adrian from Montreal for the great Stryper live bootlegs and Alfie from Oxford for the the University of Mass t shirt! You guys really are killer. Don't forget, if you want to send some swag, or if you want an autograph pic, send a 8x10 sas to PO Box 618313, Orlando,Fl,32861. It may take some time, but you'll get me!

My movie of the week is definitely the Blues Brothers. I'm watching in on TBS right now (even though the heathens have terribly edited/butchered it). Blue Brothers 2000 better be darn good,as it's got the huge shoes of Joliet Jake to fill

I am re-reading Stephen King's Skeleton Crew for the umpteenth time and it gets me everytime, especially "The Mist". If you haven't read it, check it out!

I can't wait for the new VH to come out. You can tell it's almost ready, as Eddie VH is on the cover of every guitar mag in the country!

If you have WCW Nitro for Playstation and you want to be Chris Jericho (who doesn't), loyal Lionhead Brad says press R1 four times, press L1 four times, R2 four times, L2 four times, in that order on the start up screen when Mene Gene is talking and I'll appear. I hope! Thanks Brad.

Well that's another edition of the illustrious musings of your party host, so be careful and be good to each other.

God Bless You


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