Over a year on.
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All information at this site is now considered public domain.
If I have infringed on anybody`s Copyright, I am sorry. All images considered public domain, except the artist`s impressions of a redeveloped Goodison, which remain the property of the artist,
and are used here by their kind permission.
The articles on the press page are the copyright of the papers and/or journalists that they originate from
I am not officially connected to the GFE, and have made no money from this site.
The opinions expressed on the mail page, and in the guestbook, are the opinions of the senders and not the Goodison For Ever-Ton campaign
Also, The HTML code of the "Grounds for Concern" booklet was not written by me, it is from another site.
If it belongs to you, please mail me and you will be credited here.
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