P.O. BOX 13603 
50816 Kuala Lumpur 


Your Hosts: 

Kuala Lumpur 
- Hash House Harriers 
- Hash House Harriettes 
- Royal Selangor Club Hash 
- Full Moon Hash 

Petaling Jaya 
- Hash House Animales 
- Hash House Hazards 
- Hash House Harriettes 

- Hash House Harriers 

- Hash House Harriers

Breaking News!!!

As of 12/9 flyer #3 with all the latest information is out. Check it out. This is the final flyer!

As of 26/4 flyer #2 with all the latest information is out check it out.


A big terima kasih, which means Thank you in Malay for voting us host of Interhash '98. We look forward to welcoming you to a CELEBRATION OF HASH in its 60th glorious year. 

Rumble in the jungle or just take a stroll down memory trails of our hashing forefathers.

Whatever your preference, there will be something for every one. The Nine Hashes in the Klang Valley, where Kuala Lumpur and Petaling Jaya are located, await to welcome you to Malaysia and your hashing roots. 

In fact, we are so keen and serious about making Interhash '98 a great success that our Government has kindly agreed to upgrade Malaysia's Infra-structure and even build a new mega airport to welcome you. So when you arrive in October, you will arrive at our new ultra modern airport and be whizzed away along our brand new super highways or glide into Kuala Lumpur in one of our new LRT train systems (Light Railway Transport) to a wide variety of hotels, apartments and entertainment complexes. They will definitely be ready and running by the time you get here. To make sure that every thing will be running perfectly, all these new facilities will be thoroughly tested. That is why Malaysia is hosting the Commonwealth Game in September 1998 to test the readiness of our new facilities. And to ensure all systems are GO! For the biggest and best Interhash '98 ever. Of course, such testing cannot be the same as it is hard to simulate the rowdiness and drunkenness of hashers as compared to the serious and sober crowd of such Games. It's something no one in the world is prepared for! But it should be good enough as next to the Summer Olympics, The Commonwealth Games is the second biggest sporting event in the world. 

Anyway, we are confident that we would have enough space and capacity to host a crowd of at least 6,000 hashers which we expect at a minimum. 

In the meantime you can read our first flyer

If you haven't yet registered, here's your chance to do it

For further reading (i.e. there are a couple of details that should be here, but aren't) take a look at the Aussie Hash Home Page 


This site has been mastered by "Oily Spanner" and "Irish" of the Petaling Jaya Hash House Hazards with the assitance of "Floater" of the Stockholm Hash House Harriers.

Interhash '98 - Kuala Lumpur 
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