

 Contact Information

 Future Projects

 Personal Interests


  My Name is Thomas J. Gigon, born April 8 1964, Swiss and Canadian National. This is my web page telling you who I am and what I do in life

 I have been educated in Lausanne-Switzerland (attending Secondary and Business School) followed by a stay in the UK and the USA (obtaining First & Proficiency Certificates and a Business Diploma from Duff's Business Institute in Pittsburgh. Since 2006, I'm also a Swiss Federal Licensed Purchaser (Brevet Federal Acheteur)

 After serving my country as a Quartermaster during Military Service, I joined SUISSE-ATLANTIQUE S.A. Lausanne-Switzerland, working first as a seaman board seagoing vessels, then in the Crewing Departement as Assistant Personnel Manager.

 To complete my professional experience I then worked for COLUMBIA SHIPMANAGEMENT LTD in Limassol-Cyprus as Personnel Superintendent, prior returning to Switzerland and collaborating with ABC MARITIME A.G. since 1.1.95 (who still is my current employeer) as Purchasing Manager in charge of all supplies for a fleet of 40 vessels (tankers and offshore vessels) head of a team of 5 purchasers. Visit their homepage :

  Some of the fine institutions and companies I worked / I'm working for :




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 Born April 8 1964, Göteborg/Sweden, Swiss and Canadian National, presently domicilated in Nyon Switzerland.

CV available upon request

 Diplomas, Certificates & other courses
List of diplomas available upon request

French, mother tongue
German, bilingual (mother of German origin)
English, excellent written & spoken knowledge
Portuguese, good knowledge

  Computer literate. Ability to work under pressure with a multinational staff, team player and leader.

Contact Information

A) E-Mail :

B) Phone ++41-78-663-02-10

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Future projects

 To be active in the purchasing field

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Personal Interests

Besides ships and shipping, I'm a modest sportmans cycling whenever possible to keep fit and healthy, with a preference for riding mountain passes in the summer. Reading, listening to jazz and classical music, visiting classical paints exhibitions are also part of my hobbies, besides enjoying french/chinese cuisine.

More about my hobby : Mountain Cycling

More about my son Juan's hobby : Hockey