![]() | Shawn Michaels |
Height: | 6'0" |
Weight: | 234 lbs. |
Experience: | 13 years |
Finishing Move: | "Sweet Chin Music"(Superkick) |
Real Name: | Mike Hickenbottom |
Other Wrestling Identities: | Sean Michaels(World Class) |
Managers: | Jose Lothario |
Career Highlights: current WWF World Heavyweight Champion ,former AWA 2-time tag champion(Midnight Rockers-Marty Jannetty), former WWF Tag Team Champion(with Diesel), 3 time WWF Intercontinental Champion
Shawn Michaels saw his first wrestling match at the age of 12. It was at this time that he knew what the wanted to do with the rest of his life. He saw the wrestling ring as a way for him to showcase his athleticism as well as his boyish charm.
Shawn began persuing his dream at the age of 18, when he began training with Jose Lothario. Two months after Shawn began training, Jose told him he was ready to begin his new career. Shawn had his first match two weeks after his 19th b-day. Shawns wrestling debut occurred in Mid South Wrestling, which was being run by Bill Watts. Shawn lost his first match, in which he wrestled Art Cruz. His second match ended in a time limit draw, but victory came his way in his third match.
After Mid South, Shawn was then booked in Kansas City with Bob Geigel. It was here that he met Marty Jannetty, and they became tag team partners. According to Shawn, this is when he started to become a "troublemaker". After wrestling in Kansas for 3 months, Jose and Chavo Guerrero called him and told him that Southwest Championship Wrestling had turned into Texas All Star Wrestling and they wanted Shawn to go back home and be the hometown boy, and he did.
From there, Shawn went to the AWA, where he worked for Vern Gagne. It was during this time that Shawn and Marty Jannetty became the Midnight Rockers. The Midnight Rockers became a sensation, which gave them the exposure that they needed. It wasn't long before they got a call from the WWF and were asked to go to a TV taping. The night of their taping they had 'a little fun' at a nightclub and the second daythey got fired.
After that incident, they began wrestling in the Continental Wrestling Alliance, and took up residence in Birmingham, Alabama.
After Continental, the Midnight Rockers went back to the AWA where they won the Tag Team title. After this, they got a call from the WWF asking if the 'were readyto be good boys. Shawn and Marty agreed that they were ready, and their careers in the WWF began.
Shawn and Marty were now in the "Big Time". They had made it to where they truly wanted to be, and were meeting people that they had watched and admired for years.Their careers and schedules had taken a definate turn for the better. They were travelling all across the U.S., performing for huge crowds, and loving every minute of it. The WWF was everything they had expected and so much more.
The reign of the Rockers ended in early 1992. It was at this time that Sensational Sherri (aka Scary Sherri)began accompanying Shawn to the ring. His whole persona changed, as did his popularity rating. Shawn became cocky and arrogant, but at the same time adored by women all over the world.
Not only did Shawns' popularity rise, but his ability and skill as a wrestler had improved as well. Shawn had been wrestling the best of the best, and in doing so he had gained valuable experience. It was in November of 1992 that Shawn captured the Intercontinental title from the British Bulldog.
During one of the first Monday Night Raw broadcasts,Shawn was being interviewed. In the interview,he said he could beat anyone anyplace, anytime. Just when he said that, MartyJannetty came into the ring and challenged Shawn. Shawn of course accepted. Later on that night, the match took place and Marty beat Shawn and became the Intercontinental Champion. However, Martys' reign was short lived. A week later,Shawn and Marty had a rematch and Shawn regained his title as Intercontinental Champion for a second time.
At the King of the Ring in 1993, Shawn introduced the world to his new bodyguard, Diesel. Diesel not only served as Shawns bodyguard, but also proved his worth as a wrestler.
Later in 1993, Shawn was stripped of the Intercontinental Belt because he didn't defend it enough. He disappeared for a month and then came back at Survivor Series later that year. At this time, he wrestled Bret Hart's team and unfortunately lost.
In late 93& early 94, Shawn had a feud with the current champion at the time-Razor Ramon. Shawn claimed that he was the real Champion& Razor was the fake champion. In reality,it was the other way around. Shawn and Razor finally had their match at Wrestlemania 10. This was a special ladder match. Shawn's bogus belt and Razors real belt were suspended above the ring. The only way to win the match was to climb up the ladder and grab both belts. Razor Ramon won the match however, and this match is still considered one of the best matches of all time.
In the Summer of '93, Shawn teamed up with Diesel and became a tag team. They were known as "Two Dudes With Attitudes". During this time, Shawn and Diesel won the WWF Tag Team Belts from the Headshrinkers a few nights before Summerslam. However, their reign wasn't that long. At the Survivor Series of the same year,Shawn accidentally gave Diesel his famous "Sweet Chin Music" instead of Razor. This was the third time that Shawn accidentally hit Diesel and Diesel had had enough. Shawn literally dropped the Tag Team belt, and they were stripped of the title.
For weeks preceeding the Royal Rumble, Shawn boasted that he was the best in the WWF and swore that he was going to win, and he was right. This win gave him a shot at the WWF champion, who was at the time, Diesel.
Shawn arrived at Wrestlemania 11 with his new body guard, Psycho-Sid. Shawn lost this match, and blamed it on Sid. Shawn said that Sid had distracted the ref, causing him to lose the match. The next day on Raw, Shawn and Diesel agreed to have a rematch. Shawn decided to give Sid the night off... BIG MISTAKE. Sid powerbombed Shawn 3 times. Diesel came to Shawn's aid. After this match, Shawn wasn't seen or heard from for about a month.
Shawn wrestled Jeff Jarrett on July 23rd, the day after his b-day for the Intercontinental Championship. The match was a see saw one. Shawn dominated and then Double J and so forth. When the smoke cleared, Shawn was declared the winner and 3 time WWF Intercontinental Champion.
In October of 1995, Shawn was attacked outside of a nightclub in Syracuse, N.Y. by several thugs. Due to his injuries, Shawn was forced to forfeit the Intercontinental Championship.
A month later at the Survivor Series however, Shawn and his team won the match up. Things were starting to look good for Shawn. The next day on Raw, Shawn had a match against Owen Hart. Shawns' fans were expecting this match to be a piece of cake and for the most part, Shawn was dominating. The turning point of the match was when Owen hit Shawn with a spinning side kick. Shawn
continued to wrestle for a few minutes but then he collapsed in the middle of the ring. The official word was that this was a result of another blow to the head too soon after suffering a concussion at the hands of the thugs in Syracuse.
Shawn appeared for the first time since the collapse in January of 1996 for a Royal Rumble press conference in Fresno, Ca. The question that was on everyone's mind was if Shawn was going to be at the Royal Rumble. Shawn announced that he would indeed be wrestling at the Royal Rumble.
At the Royal Rumble, Shawn gave a good performance. He won the Rumble for the second year in a row and again, he would face the WWF Champion who was at that time Bret Hart.
Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart met at Wrestlemania 12 for the Championship. This was named an "Iron Man Match". The rules of the Iron Man Match were the person to have the most 3 counts in a 60 minute time period would be declared the winner.
After the 60 minute time limit was up, neither Bret nor Shawn had gotten any pinfalls. The match was ordered to continue under sudden death rules. Shawn was able to score the first pinfall and was awarded his first WWF Championship title.
Shawn was a very popular champion not only in the world of wrestling but in Entertainment. He appeared on Regis and Kathy Lee, an episode of Baywatch, Playgirl Magazine, Jenny Jones, and made many other public appearances. He truly cared about each and every one of his fans and it showed. In the ring, Shawn wrestled such athletes as Diesel, The British Bulldog, Vader, and Mankind to name a few. Every one of his matches was unique. There was never a dull moment in any of his matches.
Shawn faced Psycho Sid at the 1996 Survivor Series. Unlike the majority of his matches, Shawn just didn't seem himself. The fans weren't behind him, and he lacked his usual vitality. During the match, Sid attacked Shawn's mentor, Jose Lothario by hitting him with a camera. Instead of paying attention to the match, Shawn was more concerned for Jose, and as a result Sid powerbombed Shawn and 1...2...3...Shawn's title was gone and his reign as WWF Champion had come to an end.
Shawn had a rematch for the WWF title at the 1997 Royal Rumble against Psycho Sid at San Antonio Texas, he was once again the Hometown Boy. Shawn had the flu on that day but he still wrestled, and gave an awsome showing. Shawn won the match by hitting Sid with the camera and 1,2,3 , Shawn became Champion for the second time in his hometown!
© 1997 rebels_cougar@hotmail.com