Bill's Pinball Homepage
Welcome to my homepage! Over the last three years I've rediscovered my fascination with pinball. Like most pinheads, I spent countless hours (and quarters)in arcades during my youth. Video games always seemed to have the most kids waiting to play, so I gravitated to the pinball machines. Played a little in college, but then came family, job, etc. And no time for pinball. Never really forgot the lure of the silver ball, and when we settled on a new house, the idea of a basement arcade was lurking in the back of my mind.
Picked up my first pin in 2002 - a Teed Off (which I now know I paid too much for). Having the machine became the incentive to finish the basement. I learned soon enough that one machine becomes two machines which becomes three machines - well, you get the picture.
Basement photos
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