EWA Profiles
Name: Avalanche
Height: 7'2"
Weight: 387 lbs
Finisher: Snow Plunge
Finisher Description: Flying splash.
Hometown: Death Valley, California
Age: 26
Birthday: ??
Ethnic Background: Caucasian
Appearance: He is a very tall person, he resembles the WCW star Wrath, he is much more powerfull, he has long hair, and a goatee, he has on scary clothes on also.
Hardcore Division: Yes
Wrestling Style: Hardcore.
Wrestling Attire: He has on sometimes a mask for special occations, dark lord style pants, and upper body.
Manager: N/A
Entrance Music: Mankind's WWF Theme Music
Titles Won: None
EWA Title Reigns: None
Name: Cain
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 200 lbs
Finisher: Rock Bottom
Finisher Description: Rock Bottom.
Hometown: El Paso, Texas
Age: 25
Birthday: October 19, 1974
Ethnic Background: Caucasian
Appearance: Has the build of Chris Jericho, the hair of Matt Hardy, goatee like Undertaker.
Hardcore Division: Yes
Wrestling Style: Cruiserweight/Martial Arts
Wrestling Attire: Baggy black jeans. Wears black sunglasses to the ring and has the same necklace as Morbius. Black tennis shoes. black shirt a la Test.
Manager: Bullgod
Entrance Music: 'Psycho Man' - Black Sabbath
Titles Won: WFWA Hardcore Championship, WFWA Crusierweight Championship, NWA World Heavyweight Championship, NWA Hardcore Championship, NWA World Tag Team Championship
EWA Title Reigns: None
Name: 'Cold' Harding Cash
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 231 lbs
Finisher: Cold Hard Cash
Finisher Description: Top-rope frogsplash.
Hometown: Lousiville, Kentucky
Age: 24
Birthday: February 17, 1975
Ethnic Background: Caucasian
Appearance: Harding has short, cut off brown hair, and is muscular. He is basically a mix between Shawn Michaels and Rob Van Dam. He also has cold, blue eyes, and has a tatoo on his left shoulder.
Hardcore Division: No
Wrestling Style: Martial Arts/Aerial.
Wrestling Attire: Harding wears long, black and green pants, black boots, and his white tape around his wrists, and hands.
Manager: C.J. Cordial
Entrance Music: 'I'm Broke' - Limp Bizkit
Titles Won: UWA Intercontinental Championship, EWA United States Heavyweight Championship
EWA Title Reigns: 1
Name: Cochese
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 256 lbs
Finisher: Cochese Package
Finisher Description: Small package roll-up pin.
Hometown: Orlando, Florida
Age: 23
Birthday: July 31, 1976
Ethnic Background: Caucasian
Appearance: Cochese is tall, has long brown hair. He keeps it tied up in the back. He has built up arms and legs. He tries to always stay in perfect shape. He also tries to keep a clean face. Almost never has a beard or gottee.
Hardcore Division: Yes
Wrestling Style: He is a typical wrestler using some high fly and hardcore moves.
Wrestling Attire: He comes to the ring wearing white over all tights. With blue, purple, and red designs on it. On the the front it says, Cochese. And on the back it says the Biggest F-cking Star.
Manager: N/A
Entrance Music: 'Back In Black' - AC/DC
Titles Won: WFW Extreme Championship, WFW Intercontinental Championship, WFW World Heavyweight Championship, UWA World Television Championship, UWA Intercontinental Championship, UWA World Heavyweight Championship
EWA Title Reigns: None
Name: 'The Money Maker' Shawn Copeland
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 223 lbs
Finisher: The Transaction
Finisher Description: Top-rope moonsault.
Hometown: Long Beach, California
Age: 23
Birthday: November 3, 1975
Ethnic Background: Caucasian
Appearance: Think of a cross-bread between Paul Roma, Edge, and HBK. Copeland wears his hair neatly trimmed and slightly frosted. His pants vary from match to match (ala HBK or Rick Rude...RIP). Copeland wears finger gloves and has two earrings he wears. At times, he will wear reading glasses during interviews.
Hardcore Division: No
Wrestling Style: Again, think of a cross-breed between Roma, Edge, and HBK. Lacks power, but makes up for it with quickness and speed. Has great techinal skills and can fly with any luchador.
Wrestling Attire: Varies...long tights and finger gloves are a must.
Manager: N/A
Entrance Music: 'Right Here, Right Now' - Fatboy Slim
Titles Won: WWA World Heavyweight Championship, EWA World Tag Team Championship, EWA Light Heavyweight Championship, EWA European Championship, EWA World Heavyweight Championship (2x)
EWA Title Reigns: 5
Name: 'The Drunk One' Jack Daniels
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 287 lbs
Finisher: 1)The Sour Mash 2)The Hangover 3)The Double Shot 4)The Lynchburg Lowdown
Finisher Description: 1)Northern Lights Bomb 2)Inverted Implant DDT 3)Powerbomb immeadiately followed up by a Boston Crab 4)Has Opponent in a Torture Rack position and from there swings his legs around and executes a neckbreaker .
Hometown: Lynchburg, Tennessee
Age: 27
Birthday: April 20, 1972
Ethnic Background: Caucasian
Appearance: Short blonde hair with mid length sideburns, goattee, big build with a well defined body, a few scars across his chest and back and a few on his arm, a tattoo of a bottle of Old No.7 on his upper left arm, tattoo of "The Drunk One" written on his back, one on the right side of his chest of a skull and under it reads "Name Your Poison", and a few others that are just some weird shapes and designs.
Hardcore Division: Yes
Wrestling Style: Brawler/Hardcore/Technician/Powerhouse .
Wrestling Attire: Daniel's wrestling attire can vary, he sometimes wears a pair of blue jeans or ripped shorts with short black wrestling boots and one of his black sleeveless T-shirts, black elbow pad...other times he wears black tights with gold trim, long black wrestling boots(a la Shane Douglas), almost always wears a black bandana to the ring and a pair of sunglasses...oh yeah and always and I mean always has a bottle of Old No.7 with him.
Manager: N/A
Entrance Music: 'It's On' - KoRn
Titles Won: NWW United States Heavyweight Championship, EWC World Television Championship, TOP World Television Championship, UWA International Championship, UIWF World Heavyweight Championship, NYSWF Northern Atlantic Championship, NYSWF Hardcore Championship (3x), NYSWF World Heavyweight Championship (2x), EWA Intercontinental Championship, EWA World Tag Team Championship
EWA Title Reigns: 2
Name: 'White Hot Chocolate' Philip Donovan
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 195 lbs
Finisher: The Vanilla Shake
Finisher Description: Phillip applies an inverted facelock on the victim. Then spins to a
side, turning the victim over so they are facing downward, then drops to the
mat slamming the victim face first into the ground.
Hometown: Santa Monica, California
Age: 21
Birthday: November 5, 1978
Ethnic Background: Caucasian
Appearance: Click here
Hardcore Division: No
Wrestling Style: Luchador.
Wrestling Attire: Philip alternates between red long tights with black/grey/white highlights and blue long tights with gold fishnet/mesh siding (similar to Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake). His footwear is always white boots with "PhD" in black letters. Also wears a white long sleeved button-down DKNY dress shirt to ringside, which he takes off and gives to a lucky fan (usually female) before the match starts.
Manager: N/A
Entrance Music: 'Between The Sheets' -- The Isley Brothers
Titles Won: EWA Light Heavyweight Championship, E-Revolution World Television Championship, E-Revolution World Heavyweight Championship, EWA World Television Championship
EWA Title Reigns: 2
Name: 'The ICON' Erik Draven
Height: 7'1"
Weight: 336 lbs
Finisher: The DVD
Finisher Description: A Death Valley Driver.
Hometown: Charlotte, North Carolina
Age: 32
Birthday: October 30, 1966
Ethnic Background: Caucasian
Appearance: Long black hair, usually tied off into a ponytail during matches. Black moustache/goatee, barbed wire tattoo on left bicep. General look is the same as Nash, only a bit bigger and more 'ripped', physique-wise.
Hardcore Division: Yes
Wrestling Style: Technican/Brawler.
Wrestling Attire: Black leather pants ('ICON' in lime green down each leg) and boots, black fingerless gloves, black tank-top shirt like Nash wears. Black elbowpads as well.
Manager: N/A
Entrance Music: 'Our Time' - Connecticut Yankee
Titles Won: Click here
EWA Title Reigns: 9
Name: E-'Nuff
Height: 6'9"
Weight: 291 lbs
Finisher: The Lockdown
Finisher Description: Spinning Rock Bottom.
Hometown: El Paso, Texas
Age: 27
Birthday: January 11, 1972
Ethnic Background: Caucasian
Appearance: Click here
Hardcore Division: Yes
Wrestling Style: Hardcore Brawler
Wrestling Attire: Orange Inmate uniform with "El Paso Co." Written on the back. Black boots...and of course...a cold stare.
Manager: Paul Role
Entrance Music: 'Devil's Dance' - Metallica
Titles Won: EWA Hardcore Championship, WWA Hardcore Championship, AEWF Hardcore Championship, NWW World Television Championship, IOW United States Heavyweight Championship, NYSWF World Heavyweight Championship
EWA Title Reigns: 1
Name: Flame
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 217 lbs
Finisher: Bout To Be Burnt
Finisher Description: Bearhug with headbutts.
Hometown: Hell, Minnesota
Age: 24
Birthday: November 22, 1976
Ethnic Background: Caucasian
Appearance: Black hair, tattoo on shoulder, well built.
Hardcore Division: Yes
Wrestling Style: Highflying, Karate, Crusierweight.
Wrestling Attire: Black pants with red flame doing up the left leg, clover fighting gloves, red fighting shoes.
Manager: N/A
Entrance Music: 'Nobody's Hotter Than Me'
Titles Won: None
EWA Title Reigns: None
Name: Bret 'The Hitman' Hart
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 234 lbs
Finisher: The Sharpshooter
Finisher Description: Sharpshooter.
Hometown: Calgary, Albeta, Canada
Age: 41
Birthday: June 2, 1958
Ethnic Background: Caucasian
Appearance: long curly black hair, no facial hair, very built, in good conditioning.
Hardcore Division: No
Wrestling Style: Technician.
Wrestling Attire: Pink and Black Wrestling Tights, white boots
Manager: N/A
Entrance Music: 'You Start A Fire In Me' - WWF
Titles Won: UWA World Television Championship, UWA World Heavyweight Championship (2x), EWA United States Heavyweight Championship
EWA Title Reigns: 1
Name: Havoc
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 225 lbs
Finisher: The BloodSport
Finisher Description: Inverted Sitting Powerbomb.
Hometown: New York, New York
Age: 18
Birthday: May 7, 1981
Ethnic Background: African American
Appearance: Havoc is semi muscular, shaved head, goatee, dark skin, and has a huge cross on his chest, and the word Havoc on his back, in between his shoulders.
Hardcore Division: Yes
Wrestling Style: Havoc is good at suplexes, but is alot more aieral, also he will fight hardcore.
Wrestling Attire: red bandanna, and red tights, with black boots.
Manager: Kelly
Entrance Music: 'Nighttime Creatures' - Mobb Deep
Titles Won: None
EWA Title Reigns: None
Name: Infamous BG
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 255 lbs
Finisher: The Blood Thicker
Finisher Description: Death Valley Driver.
Hometown: Death Valley, California
Age: 24
Birthday: April 17, 1975
Ethnic Background: Caucasian
Appearance: BG is muscular, has a shaved head, and three tattoos, the first is the word Infamous which is across his stomach, one being a red wolf and the other a red lion, the lion is on his left bicep, and the wolf on his right, he has 14k gold teeth.
Hardcore Division: No
Wrestling Style: BG is technical, great at suplexes, and a mat specialist.
Wrestling Attire: BG wears black wrestling boots, red shorts, and a variety of shirts to ringside (he doesn't wear the shirt when wrestling), he also always wears a Florida State football hat.
Manager: Kelly
Entrance Music: 'Nighttime Creatures' - Mobb Deep
Titles Won: None
EWA Title Reigns: None
Name: Vincent Jackson
Height: 7'2"
Weight: 324 lbs
Finisher: The Death Valley Driver
Finisher Description: DVD.
Hometown: Boston, Massachusetts
Age: ??
Birthday: ??
Ethnic Background: Caucasian
Appearance: Very muscular. Long, flowing black hair. Has a leather mask (similar to Kane's, only purple instead of red) that he wears to hide injuries he suffered in a car accident.
Hardcore Division: No.
Wrestling Style: Physical brawler.
Wrestling Attire: Wears a long leather trenchcoat to the ring. Once inside, wears a full black body-suit.
Manager: Christina Knight
Entrance Music: 'We're In This Together' - Nine Inch Nails
Titles Won: GWF European Championship
EWA Title Reigns: None
Name: Haywood Jublome
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 245 lbs
Finisher: The Ho' Checka
Finisher Description: Top-rope brainbuster.
Hometown: Nuna' Bidness'
Age: 24
Birthday: December 7, 1974
Ethnic Background: African-American
Appearance: Haywood is a very muscular, black male, with a bald dead and clean shaven face.
Hardcore Division: No
Wrestling Style: aywood is known as a well rounded wrestler, being able to both take to the air with ease, and mat wrestle with the best of the technicians.
Wrestling Attire: Haywood wears an outfit similar to Booker T's Singles outfit except it's red only. He also almost always carries an Evian Bottle wherever he goes.
Manager: N/A
Entrance Music: 'Bow Down' - The Westside Connection
Titles Won: EWA European Championship, EWA Intercontinental Championship, ECWO Intercontinental Championship, NYSWF World Tag Team Championship, NWW Intercontinental Championship (2x), AEWF World Tag Team Championship, NYSWF World Heavyweight Championship, NWW World Heavyweight Championship
EWA Title Reigns: 2
Name: 'The Innovator Of Offense' Kanyon
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 252 lbs
Finisher: The Flatliner
Finisher Description: Reverse Russian Legsweep.
Hometown: Queens, New York
Age: 29
Birthday: 1/4/70
Ethnic Background: Caucasian
Appearance: Long black hair, brown eyes, and a beard. When not wrestling, Kanyon wears a New York baseball hat backwards, a blue crushed velvet flannel, and blue jeans.
Hardcore Division: No
Wrestling Style: Creative technician. Kanyon lives up to his Innovative name, by coming up with new moves that are rarely seen. He can wrestle a fast paced match, but would much rather slow it down and nail high impact manuevers.
Wrestling Attire: Kanyon wears long black pants that have purple and blue dragon outlines on the sides, and a dragon head on the back, with black boots.
Manager: James Vandenburgh
Entrance Music: 'Pull Me Under' - Dream Theatre
Titles Won: GWA United States Tag Team Championship, GWA World Tag Team Championship, EWF United States Tag Team Championship (2x), EWF World Tag Team Championship, GWF United States Tag Team Championship, GWF World Tag Team Championship, EWA World Tag Team Championship, AEWF World Tag Team Championship, NWW World Tag Team Championship, EWA United States Heavyweight Championship, NWW World Heavyweight Championship, WCWT Tournament Winner, EWA World Heavyweight Championship
EWA Title Reigns: 3
Name: The Kaze
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 233 lbs
Finisher: The Arabian Face Buster
Finisher Description: A top-rope legdrop with a chair.
Hometown: South Memphis, Tennessee
Age: 24
Birthday: March 19, 1975
Ethnic Background: African-American
Appearance: He's about the size of Steve Austin, he has tattoos on his arms, shoulders, and back, he has a bald head and a light goatee
Hardcore Division: Yes
Wrestling Style: Extreme.
Wrestling Attire: Black pants, black boots, & a black baseball jersey with 'FTW' on the back
Manager: Jade
Entrance Music: 'F*** The World' - NATAS
Titles Won: NWW United States Heavyweight Championship, NWW Hardcore Championship, NWW World Television Championship, NWW Cruiserweight Championship, NYSWF Cruiserweight Championship, NYSWF World Tag Team Championship, XWA World Tag Team Championship, EWA Light Heavyweight Championship
EWA Title Reigns: 1
Name: Lunatikk Crippler
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 231 lbs
Finisher: The Crippler Crossface
Finisher Description: Crippler Crossface.
Hometown: South Bend, Indiana
Age: 20
Birthday: August 24, 1979
Ethnic Background: Caucasian
Appearance: Got a bowl-cut hairstyle, jet black, has a muscular build, has a scar on his left cheek, and scars that forms the word TWISTED on his abdomen, has black hair on his chin and nothing more, has a tattoo of a bloody line across his throat and has a tattoo of a knife that is on his left shoulder.
Hardcore Division: Yes
Wrestling Style: Hardcore High Flyer.
Wrestling Attire: Wears long black leather duster to the ring only, wrestles in trademark black shirt with a green anarchy symbol on it, black cutoff jeans, and has black boots with a green AH on it. Also comes to the ring with a pair of green rimmed, black sunglasses.
Manager: Dawn Lee
Entrance Music: 'The Kids Aren't Alright' - The Offspring
Titles Won: AWT Cruiserweight Championship (2x), AWT World Tag Team Championship (2x), AWT World Television Championship, SWF World Tag Team Championship, SWF Cruiserweight Championship, SWF World Television Championship, SWF Hardcore Tag Team Championship, XCW Hardcore Championship, WECF United States Heavyweight Championship, IWA European Championship, WWA Hardcore Championship, E-Revolution Hardcore Championship, EWA Light Heavyweight Championship
EWA Title Reigns: 1
Name: 'The Heartbreak Kid' Shawn Michaels
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 227 lbs
Finisher: Sweet Chin Music
Finisher Description: Standing sidekick/superkick.
Hometown: San Antonio, Texas
Age: 33
Birthday: July 25, 1966
Ethnic Background: Caucasian
Appearance: WWF
Hardcore Division: No
Wrestling Style: All-Around.
Wrestling Attire: WWF.
Manager: N/A
Entrance Music: 'Sexy Boy' - Shawn Michaels
Titles Won: Click here
EWA Title Reigns: 4
Name: Morbius
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 237 lbs
Finisher: Diabola
Finisher Description: The Impaler.
Hometown: El Paso, Texas
Age: 28
Birthday: August 6, 1971
Ethnic Background: Caucasian
Appearance: Morbius has the build of The Rock, but just slightly more muscular. He has a goatee like the Fred Durst of Limp Bizkit. His hair is like Buff Bagwell, only it's blond. He has red contacts. Looks like a rocker.
Hardcore Division: Yes
Wrestling Style: Heavyweight/Martial Arts
Wrestling Attire: Pants Hardy Boyz style, with black boots. Trademark cross necklace, similar to the one worn by Gangrel. Morbius written in red text on each pants leg, in diablo-type font.
Manager: Bullgod
Entrance Music: 'Psycho Man' - Black Sabbath
Titles Won: WFWA Hardcore Championship, WFWA Crusierweight Championship, NWA World Heavyweight Championship, NWA Hardcore Championship, NWA World Tag Team Championship
EWA Title Reigns: None
Name: Johnny Napalm
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 325 lbs
Finisher: The Napalm Bomb
Finisher Description: Forward brainbuster.
Hometown: Boston, Massachusetts
Age: 28
Birthday: ??
Ethnic Background: Caucasian
Appearance: He has long black hair, he has a very muscular build and also has a goatee.
Hardcore Division: Yes
Wrestling Style: Technical/Hardcore.
Wrestling Attire: Black Jumpsuit with the 3 letters O.M.A. on the front and "I am the LAW!" on the back.
Manager: Aaron Eaton
Entrance Music: 'Welcome To Planet M.F.' - White Zombie
Titles Won: E-Revolution World Television Championship, EWL Extreme Championship, NYSWF Hardcore Championship, NYSWF Northern Atlantic Championship, NYSWF World Television Championship, NYSWF World Heavyweight Championship
EWA Title Reigns: None
Name: Nukeman
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 254 lbs
Finisher: The Nuclear Bomb
Finisher Description: A middle-rope Spinebuster, driving the shoulder into midsection upon impact.
Hometown: Chicago, Illinois
Age: 24
Birthday: April 20, 1975
Ethnic Background: Caucasian
Appearance: Nukeman is muscular, but not steroid like. He has short black hair, a goatee, and a scar on his left cheek from a previous cage match.
Hardcore Division: Yes
Wrestling Style: Technically Skilled Brawler.
Wrestling Attire: In the ring he wears orange trunks with yellow streaks and the word "Nukeman" in silver letters on the back in front of the nuclear symbol, black shin-and-knee guards, black wrestling boots, black fingerless gloves, and black elbow pads
Manager: N/A
Entrance Music: 'A New Level' - Pantera
Titles Won: AWT X-Treme Championship, WWA Hardcore Championship, NWW Hardcore Championship, IWW United States Heavyweight Championship, EWA Hardcore Championship
EWA Title Reigns: 1
Name: Stevie Richards
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 223 lbs
Finisher: The Stevie Kick
Finisher Description: It's kinda like that Sweet Chin Music done by that Stevie wannabe Shawn Michaels but it's better.
Hometown: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Age: 26
Birthday: March 2, 1973
Ethnic Background: Caucasian
Appearance: Long dirty blonde hair, skinny build, blah blah.
Hardcore Division: No.
Wrestling Style: All around with a touch of brawling thrown in.
Wrestling Attire: Black boots, coochie cutter shorts, cut off t-shirts.
Manager: N/A
Entrance Music: 'Talk Dirty To Me' - Poison
Titles Won: EWA World Heavyweight Championship (2x), EWA World Television Championship, EWA North American Championship, AEWF Intercontinental Championship, AEWF United States Heavyweight Championship, AEWF World Heavyweight Championship, GWF Intercontinental Championship, GWF Crusierweight Championship, EWF Intercontinental Championship
EWA Title Reigns: 4
Name: Rip Ridah
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 244 lbs
Finisher: Compton Crucifixtion
Finisher Description: Crucifix Powerbomb
Hometown: Compton, California
Age: 24
Birthday: Unknown
Ethnic Background: African American
Appearance: Just think Mustafa formerly of ECW
Hardcore Division: Yes
Wrestling Style: Extreme
Wrestling Attire: He wears black combat pants, black combat boots, no shirt, and a blue "rag" over his face
Manager: N/A
Entrance Music: 'Natural Born Killaz' - Dr. Dre & Ice Cube
Titles Won: XWA Intercontinental Championship, NYSWF World Tag Team Championship
EWA Title Reigns: None
Name: SmirtDogg
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 221 lbs
Finisher: True Perfection
Finisher Description: Superkick.
Hometown: Newark, New Jersey
Age: 26
Birthday: February 11, 1973
Ethnic Background: African American
Appearance: http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Sideline/8054/index2.html
Hardcore Division: No
Wrestling Style: All Around Athlete
Wrestling Attire: black boots, black tights, black armpads. Are you noticing a pattern here?
Manager: N/A
Entrance Music: 'Hate Me Now' - Nas (feat. Puff Daddy)
Titles Won: http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Sideline/8054/ -- You can find Smirt's title chart here.
EWA Title Reigns: 6
Name: Grady Smith
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 257 lbs
Finisher: The Chokebuster
Finisher Description: Inverted Death Valley Driver (DVD from a torture rack).
Hometown: San Antonio, Texas
Age: 27
Birthday: August 2, 1972
Ethnic Background: Caucasian
Appearance: Face - short black hair, long sideburns down to the bottom of his ars, very thin black goatee, hazel eyes. Body - Muscular build with large ecs and 6-pack abs. Thick legs (quads, hams, calfs, etc..)
Hardcore Division: No
Wrestling Style: Master Technician
Wrestling Attire: Wears gold trunks with his initials "GS" enscribed on the front in lack. Black wrestling boots, black kneepads with gold trim, black lbowpads with gold trim.
Manager: N/A
Entrance Music: 'Shut 'Em Down' - Onyx
Titles Won: EWA Intercontinental Championship, WAA World Heavyweight Championshp, NYSWF World Television Championship, NYSWF World Heavyweight Championship
EWA Title Reigns: 1
Name: Snake
Height: 6'10"
Weight: 330 lbs
Finisher: The Epic Proportion
Finisher Description: Fireman's carry into a jawbreaker. Like Mero's TKO.
Hometown: The Jungles of South America
Age: ??
Birthday: ??
Ethnic Background: Caucasian
Appearance: Long stringy black hair, muscular build, scraggly facial hair, scars on arms and chest from previous matches.
Hardcore Division: No
Wrestling Style: Brawler.
Wrestling Attire: Wears a sleeveless, black vest with "The Name" on the back. Wears long black tights with snakes down the pantlegs.
Manager: Brian Eckert
Entrance Music: 'Psyched Out' - Supersuckers
Titles Won: LIWF Intercontinental Championship, IWA World Heavyweight Championship, NCWF Extreme Championship, NWW World Heavyweight Championship
EWA Title Reigns: None
Name: Joseph Thompson
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 235 lbs
Finisher: Coup de Matire
Finisher Description: Konnan's 187.
Hometown: Orange, Texas
Age: 25
Birthday: July 28, 1974
Ethnic Background: Caucasian
Appearance: Auburn colored hair, under cut style. Short goatee. Blue eyes. Build like Triple H.
Hardcore Division: Yes
Wrestling Style: All-Around.
Wrestling Attire: Navy blue shirt with the sleeves cut off. Indian necklace. Navy blue tight. Blue stripe accross each upper thigh. "The Franchise" written on the buttocks in gray.
Manager: N/A
Entrance Music: 'Don't Tread On Me' - Metallica
Titles Won: None
EWA Title Reigns: None
Name: 'The Beast Of Torment' Vendetta*
Height: 6'11"
Weight: 284 lbs
Finisher: The Vengeance Drop
Finisher Description: Crucifix Power Bomb (ie Outsider's Edge).
Hometown: Unknown
Age: 24
Birthday: Unknown
Ethnic Background: Caucasian
Appearance: Tall and lean yet muscular. Very pale skin, shoulder-length dark blonde hair.
Hardcore Division: Yes
Wrestling Style: Technician primarily, with brawling and shoot-fighting abilities.
Wrestling Attire: This enigmatic soul always wears black jeans and some dark-colored t-shirt in the ring, along with his favourite Doc Martens. On the way to the ring, and outside of events, he'll usually be wearing his trademark leather jacket with "You Will Feel It" written on the back in red, and wrap-around sunglasses.
Manager: N/A
Entrance Music: 'Blind' - KoRn
Titles Won: NYSWF World Tag Team Championship, NYSWF Hardcore Championship, NYSWF World Television Championship
EWA Title Reigns: None
Name: 'The Extreme Superstar' Venom
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 245 lbs
Finisher: The Extreme Poison
Finisher Description: a Nowada bomb, which is basically a powerbomb/chokeslam combo.
Hometown: Newark, New Jersey
Age: 28
Birthday: March 7, 1971
Ethnic Background: African American
Appearance: Venom has a body similar to Chris Benoit's, but of course, taller. His skin is light skinned, with his head shaved and a goatee. He wears contact lenses, which gives him blood red eyes. He always can be seen with a wicked sneer on his face.
Hardcore Division: Yes
Wrestling Style: Japanese technical style/Hardcore brawler.
Wrestling Attire: Venom wears long tights(Benoit, Jericho, etc) which are black(or dark blue), with a dark blue(or black, depending on tights he wears) cobra wrapping around the left leg. He wears dark blue snake skin boots, and he always wears one dark blue elbow pad.
Manager: 'The Doctor Of Style' Slick
Entrance Music: 'U A Thug Nigga' - Memphis Bleek
Titles Won: EWA World Television Championship, EWA Intercontinental Championship, AEWF Intercontinental Championship, AEWF World Heavyweight Championship, HFWA Intercontinental Championship, HFWA World Heavyweight Championship, EWA World Tag Team Championship
EWA Title Reigns: 3
* = Injured/Suspended/On Vacation