Now, another way to break kayfabe is to go against what your character is billed as. Now let's take Mel Baltazar's character for example, Philip Donovan. He's a face, with slight attitude. Sort of like a Buff Bagwell-esque guy. Now, if Mel were to make a post where he's pissed, punches some old lady, kicks her in the stomach, and gives her the Stone Cold Stunner... Then the next day, be nice, handing roses, helping old ladies walk across the street...That's -WAY- deviant of what he's -supposed- to do. Unless you make it a permanent heel change, you can't go outside the parameters of your character and just "flip-flop" (unless your character is BASED on "flip-flops" like Mick Foley did when he had 3 personalities).
A third way to break kayfabe is, if you are facing a real wrestler, such as Shawn Michaels, would be to say, "Hey, remember at Wrestlemania XIV when Stone Cold beat your ass?" That's a COMPLETE break of kayfabe. Any reference to a character that relates to what they've done in real wrestling is a break.
All of these are kayfabe breaks, and are subject to the above punishments.
**To speak out. At the message board, you can feel free to compliment me on the EWA, post suggestions you have about rule changes, the way I do things, etc., that would make the EWA a better place for us all, and if you have a problem with the decision of a match or something else I do, you may also post it in the message board.
**To talk about the EWA out of character. I see a lot of your roleplaying, but it's not too often I get your opinions on the happenings of the EWA outside of your interviews. Feel free to talk about anything going on in the EWA in the message board; just remember not to do it in character.
**And basically, if something's bugging you, post it here. If you post something, I'll always respond to it, as I'm sure others will do. Hopefully, this will open up communications with all of the EWA members, and add to our growing success.