Team Tsunami
Girls Fastpitch Softball

Team Tsunami is the Silicon Valley
ASA Class A
Girls Fastpitch Softball Team.

In 1999 we are fielding
12U, 14U and 16U teams.

For the fourth year
Team Tsunami is hosting
a 12U and a 14U tournament on
August 14-15
at Crittenden Park in Mountain View
Entry fee will be $275.00 per team
1st and 2nd place team trophies
and 1st place individual awards

For further information contact Tony Anunciacion
at (510) 659-0284 or e-mail
Ray Hafalia or Tony
Come and have a great time

The following is a photo
taken in Las Cruces, New Mexico,
where Team Tsunami was playing in the
1998 ASA Western National tournment

Recent Successes

Tsunami Blue took first place at the
Hayward, Round Robin Invitational Tournament

Tsunami Green took second place at the
Modesto Tournament

If you are interested in trying out for Team Tsumani please e-mail us
1999 16U tournment schedule

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