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Visitor Since Nobember 20, 1997
"This Web-Site Was Inspired By and Dedicated To Michelle Kwan!"

"Through the last few years I have been deeply inspired by this young lady. She is a World Champion Figure Skater, and on the side she can still maintain a GPA of 3.8. Then I asked myself how does one such as her do this? In many interviews she said that "If you work hard and put your mind to it, you can acomplish anything." It was these words that has made me work hard and really put my mind on the stuff I wish to accomplish. If you are reading this Michelle I thank you from the bottom of my heart!"
Progress...(The Latest Updates)
1/4/98 : I know I havn't been updating my page lately, but the main reason is that I was on vacation, and also that I am trying to learn more of active x and vbscript. The web site will be totally changed before the end of the month. It should be faster to load and with a better layout... I'm sorry for the delay. Son.G.
2/1/98: AHHHH FINALS ARE FINALLY OVER... NO MORE STUDYING... guess that means I have to get back and start updating my sites now :)...
3/2/98 : I haven't been even coming online anymore... Tennis is kind of overtaking my schedule, that and the fact that I was grounded for the past month has something to do with it. Also I don't really know what to add to this website. If you have ideas, pictures, etc... you would like for me to put on please e-mail me to BTW I also changed my E-mail address... my other account was deleted by my dad about a month ago... :(
3/17/98 : WOW!!! over 4000 people!!! but only 7 or 8 people that has signed my guest book :(... Please try to take the time to sign my guest book. On a side note I don't know why the JavaAmplet isn't working but I guess geocities is having trouble with it right now. I have started to update my site as you have noticed and I will soon be making this site faster to load :)
4/27/98 : OH MY GOD I UPDATED MY Site :) Acutally I just wanted to share something with everybody. I usualy don't do this but this is just kinda funny. Somebody webpaged me this what you think?
Your web page sucks, are you like totally obsessed over her or what??? I mean, naming your web page My Krush??? I have seen way better. Michelle is soooo much better than this! Any way, I hope that you get real!!!!
As always I have no comment :)
ConGrats to Tara and Michelle For Getting 1st and 2nd
Comments??? Suggestions??? Other things you want on this Page??? Please e-mail me or use the Icq Panel above.
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