Kiting in Herold's Bay
It all started off with perfect weather, but then came a storm...during
the second day of a storm that took the lives of seven fishermen, I decided
to buy a wetsuit to protect me from the cold, howling wind, and sand burns
as a result of not being able to hold on to the powerkites....
Standing in the sea (where I always seemed to end up), flying my
Phantom. This was after the storm, which resulted in huge amounts
of dead plant material being washed into the sea.

Body-surfing with my powerkites. I found the Nasa Parawing
5 to be very well suited for this activity, as the other kites tended to
"suck" sand into the ribs when the crashed or fell into the water.
Hanging on to my Sputnik 4. The yellowish foam is from the
Playing with my 3-D on one of the quieter days. Prior to
and after the storm, the wind ranged from close to zero to a stiff breeze
and I managed to fly all the kites that I took with.
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