Welcome to my spot on the net! Check out my high jump section and you can see some pics of me at the WIAA state meet in 1999. The new Beer Bong section will be expanded as soon as I get some more pics! Don't forget to sign the guestbook if you haven't already, it's a new one so if you did before... you probably need to again! Thanks!

Some things that I like:

High Jumping
This is the High Jump section. 
Anyone like to BEER BONG?!?!?! This is recommended for broadband connections because I was too lazy to resize the photos. Deal with it.

<--Click here to see a pic of me and rate it!

Click here to visit Iconwrestling.. (My friend's backyard wrestling page)

Click this: to visit Chris' site!

Click here to visit Katie's site! 

Click above to e-mail me at:


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All information and pictures on this site are the sole property of the webmaster. If you want to use anything then utilize the email link above to make your request. Most requests will be granted.