Ken Valentine's Homemade Homepage

Hi there. Thanks for visiting my little corner of the 'net. Below are a few links to some of my favorite sites. I'm getting a little better at this HTML stuff, and this page might just get better looking still as time goes by.

So who's Ken Valentine? Well, you either already know because you looked me up on a search engine, or it doesn't really matter. I've been in Saskatoon most of my life. My hobbies are soccer, rugby, riding and driving horses and surfing the `net (of course). Drop me a line, I'd love to hear from you.
And hey, since everybody else is doing it, I've placed a copy of my resume here for all to view. Go ahead, offer me more money than I could possibly refuse. I dare ya.

While you're here, Drop in on Romeo's Barn. A few pictures of my favorite horse doing what he does best.

The links:

The Canadian Driving Society-All about the sport of Combined Driving.

The North Saskatchewan Rugby Union -Information about Rugby around these parts.

image: Klingon Crest The Klingon Language Institute - Yes, it really exists! image: Klingon Crest

HayNet -Everything horsey, tons of links.

Ebon Stables - Saskatoon's foremost Hunter/Jumper facility.

SETI@HomeHelp the SETI project look for extraterrestrial life!


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Last update: October 8th, 2005