If you are interested and want to buy any of these shoes please send e-mail to Kingson.(Please serious buyers only). The prices below do not include shipping unless it's otherwise noted.(shipping is not a problem, because my sister works at a postal company i can send it anyway that you want.(BUT NOT include COD).Also all the new shoes come shoes that is not noted used is brand new and come w/ the orginal box.
Note:The logo in the back of the shoes was baned few yrs back. There is no way that you can find one like this to buy anymore, great collecter item. This shoes is used but in very good condtion litte worn on the bottom only Email if you need to see more pics
Air Foamposite ONe size 9.5 Used
List:180 My price:$220
Note: Selling this shoes only because i have 2 pairs, i am not planning to sell the brand new one. This pair is in great condition. Only some wear on the bottom, very very rare and hard to find
Air Foamposite Pro size 10.5
List:170 My price:$220SOLD..
Note: Not available at stores anymore. Nice pair of shoes
Note:This shoes is sold only at Footaction. It is very rare, highly collectable for collecters.
Air Foampoiste Pro size 10
List$170 My price:$250
Note: This one is exclusive sold only at footlocker and they didn't have very many of these. Very hard to find, and good for collecting
Air Jordan XIII low size 10.5
List$150 My price$140 SOLD
Note: The lower version of AJXIII, did't sold alot of these in the US.
Air Jordan XII size 9.5
List$140 My price $140
Note: These are no longer available in stores for long time ago. A lot harder to find then the white one
Air Jordan XIII size 10.5 Solded
List:150? My price$140
Note: Not available in any store anymore.
Air Penny 2 size 14 (autograph by Penny)
List:??? My price: I am taking offer right now Email me with your offer.
Note: This pair is 23/100, that means only 100 is availabe in the whole work. It is backed by a upper deck certificat w/ the hollogram. Come w/ a upper deck bag, the box and the certificate.
Air shake size 10.5 Used
Price:?? My price:$80
Note: this is shoe is all leater alot, in good condition. i would say it's 80% new. Can't find in color in stores no more.
Air Total Foamposite size 11
List: $170 My price: $200>
Note: Very collectable shoes, it's in the Foamposite family.
not availabe in stores anymore.
Air max 95 orginal color size 9.5
List:140 My price: 200
The orginal color of the air max 95, very good looking and it's alot of people favorite. This one is the first remake, which came out few yrs back.
Nike Air?? size 11
List:??? My price: 80
I know this shoes i very collectable, old school style and hight tops . But no box.