Tampa Bay Kickers U-16
Tampa, Florida, USA
(The 2000 - 2001 Soccer Season)
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Southern Region Semifinalist
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Two players joined the team for the new season, Josh Smith and Julian Mascoll.   A former member, Derek Gelcich also returned to the team.  And joining us in December was Shawn Liesch.
We welcome them all. 

In addition to the regular season games, the Kickers took part in the inaugural season of the Florida Premier League.

Tryptophan - Why You Should Be Aware Of What It Is
And How It Can Affect You As A Student And An Athlete
Seminole Super Clubs Spring Break Tournament (March 17th, 18th, 2001)
This was a much better performance than at the Thanksgiving Tournament. This time the team had reserves and games were scheduled at much better times. All three games ended in victories for the Kickers.
Scores: vs Miami - Coral Estates Rams (2 - 1), vs Parkland (2 - 1), vs Jacksonville Cyclones(2 - 1)

Sun Bowl Scores
U16 Blue
All Ages From Quarterfinals In PDF Format.
Events To Come

Southern Regionals, Memphis, TN
June 21 - 25, 2001
Other Events

Puma Results - Bloomingdale Group
Puma Results - Gaither Group
Seminole Super Clubs Thanksgiving Tournament
This turned out to be a minor disaster. Due to unforseen circumstances, we had NO Substitutes for the games, in fact 10 days before the start of the tournament the team seriously considered opting out. But after a short discussion it was decided that the tournament would provide much needed practice for the Sun Bowl whatever the outcome and in addition, if we did not go, the tournament organizers would not have been able to fill the position at this late stage.
To compound matters, the last two games were within an hour of each other.
Scores: vs Seminole (1 - 1), vs Ohio (0 - 2), vs Miami - Coral Estates Rams (2 - 3)

High School.

In the December 2000 Puma Invitational, held in Tampa, FL, eleven of the Kickers were on their respective high school teams (five) taking part in the tournament. Of those five teams, three of them (seven players) reached the finals in the two brackets. Congratulations to Gaither on winning their bracket. Bloomingdale finished second in their bracket.
December 2000 Kudos to our trainer, Adrian Bush, who coaches Gaither High School, on his 100th high school win. He did this against arch rival Bloomingdale High School and it was also his first win at Bloomingdale's Stadium. Newspaper Article.

Congratulations to those who made their high school team:
Bloomingdale High, Valrico, FL
---Adam Collett
---Todd Cripe
---Patrick Dunnigan
---Jeremy Fung

Gaither High, Tampa, FL
---Brenden Crampton
---Josh Smith

Riverview High, Sarasota, FL
---Jarrett Bourgeois

Manatee High, Bradenton, FL
---Daniel Anderson
---Colby West

Clearwater Central Catholic, Clearwater, FL
---Teddy Anderson
---Nick Kohlschreiber

Jesuit High, Tampa, FL
---Derek Gelcich

Osceola High, Orlando, FL News Item 1 News Item 2
---Shawn Liesch

Super Youth League

The Kickers took part in the round of the Super Youth League which was played at USF, Tampa on the weekend of October 21, 22. The easy win on Saturday morning did not bode well for them when they played the afternoon game and they were unlucky to lose by a lone goal. Playing the afternoon game without key starters did not help either.

Sat 10 am vs Tulsa - Win (8 - 0)
Sat 6 pm vs San Antonio - Lose (0 - 1)
Sunday 8 am vs Memphis - Win (2 - 0)

Florida Premier League

August 19th w/end in Jacksonville.  In this first round the Kickers got off to a rocky start, losing to Brevard 1 - 2 but winning the other two games against Pensacola (4 - 0) and Seminole (4 - 0).

Sept. 23rd w/end in Cocoa. These were tighter games, but the Kickers did well. They had a draw against Jacksonville Cyclones (1 - 1), a win against Orange County Strikers (5 - 2) and a win against Temple Terrace Spirit (1 - 0).

Oct. 14th w/end in Tampa (Temple Terrace). This was another round of tough games. The Kickers won against Jacksonville FC United (4 - 2), lost, in the last three minutes, against West Palm Beach (2 - 3), and drew against Jacksonville Cyclones (1 - 1).

Regular Season (GYSA League)

Aug. 15th away vs Blackwatch Win 3 - 0
Aug. 26th away vs Hernando Win 10 - 0
Sept. 9th away vs Manatee Win 6 - 1
Sept. 16th home vs Central Pasco Win 2 - 0
Sept. 26th away vs Clearwater Chargers Win 8 - 0
Sept. 30th home vs Lakeland Win 2 - 1
Oct. 7th home vs Carrollwood Win 8 - 0
Oct. 8th away vs Largo Win 4 - 0
Oct. 28th away vs Temple Terrace (make-up) Win 3 - 1

Total Goals: 46 for, 3 against.

Atlanta Cup Labor Day Tournament

In spite of being drawn against their opponent in last year's final for the very first game ...
In spite of having a game postponed so that they would play both the semi-final and final on the same day .....
In spite of NOSA's pre game  lengthy chant (?).  Is that what caused all the rain? ....
In spite of playing the final on a field that is really a poor excuse for a soccer field (the center line must have been at least four feet higher than the end line at one end) .....
In spite of running out of water by the end of regulation on the only hot, humid day of the tournament (where was NOSA when you needed them?) .....

The Kickers continue their dominance in this tournament by registering their fourth straight  victory.  This time the battle went past regular overtime and  penalty kicks and was decided on sudden-death penalty kicks.  (The score was 0 - 0 at the end of regular overtime).

The road to victory: vs St. Giles (2 - 1), vs Knoxville (4 - 2), vs RYSA (2 - 0), 
semi vs. NOSA (3 - 0), final vs Norcross (1 - 0).

Summary Of Past Achievements

Under 12 (1996 - 1997)

First Place - Jacksonville Labor Day
First Place - Clearwater Thanksgiving
Second Place - Tampa Sun Bowl
First Place - GYSA League
Second Place - Countryside Easter
Second Place - Region C Cup
Final Four - Pike's Peak, Colorado
First Place - Tampa Children's Hosp. Classic

Under 13 (1997 - 1998)

First Place - Atlanta Cup Labor Day
First Place - Clearwater Thanksgiving
Third Place - Tampa Sun Bowl
Second Place - GYSA League
First Place - Countryside Easter
First Place - State Cup

Under 14 (1998 - 1999)

First Place - Atlanta Cup Labor Day
First Place - Clearwater Thanksgiving
Third Place - Tampa Sun Bowl
First Place - GYSA League
Attended Dallas Cup
First Place - State Cup
Attended Southern Regionals In Oklahoma City

Under 15 (1999 - 2000)

First Place - Atlanta Cup Labor Day
Final Four - Tampa Sun Bowl
First Place - GYSA League
Second Place - State Cup