The only place on the web where you can get files and information on BOTH NHL '98 and Powerplay '98 for the PC.
Why both games?
Quite simply, I enjoy playing both of these great hockey games because they each have their own merits. Since all of the pages I've scene on the web are dedicated to just NHL '98, I've
decided to support NHL Powerplay '98 as well, all on the same page. I've written
a comparison between the two for anyone who's interested.
That certain NHL game not on TV tonight? Then listen to it HERE courtesy of NHL.COM!
New Stuff...
- NEW updated NHL Powerplay '98 rosters as of February 7th, 1998 by Ken Blackley. Good job Ken!
(75 KB) Mar. 3rd, 98.
- Looking for another NHL 98 roster set? Then give Alex Madore's a try! (165 KB) Jan. 31st, 98.
- The Powerplay '98 Editor version 1.0 by David Roberts. Here it is, the 1.0 release of the Powerplay '98 editor. New in this version is a line changes screen (much like the one in PP96) and a function to fix the jersey back textures in the game. (350 KB) Dec. 28th, 97.
- The NHL Powerplay '98 patch. The exact changes can be found in the patch README. To summarize; the patch fixes the amount of player injuries and penalties occurring, it makes some small changes to the computer players to play more realistically, the length of the instant replay has been increased, the selection screen runs faster for 3DFX video cards, and annoying problems with certain joysticks have been solved. (700 KB) Dec.1, 97.
- The NHL '98 Patch. It includes the following fixes; the 100+ shot error, the Intergraph card problems and the loss of the rink announcer during games. Nov.26, 97.
- There's a NEW REVIEW of NHL Powerplay '98 up at Online Gaming Review's web page which is better late than never. This is the FIRST detailed review of the PC version and seems to follow my same views that I originally posted in my comparison about a month ago. Good to see this great gaming site agrees with me! Nov.22, 97.
- Listen to assistant producer Doug Hollinrake talk about the finer points of NHL'98. Don't miss this behind the scenes discussion at what went into creating this game. VERY INTERESTING! From the Game Time Network. (50 minutes long) Visit them and show your support for this great web site! (Real Audio required) Nov.13, 97.
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Last updated: 03-Mar-98

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