“We don’t put together pool teams, but if we did they’d look nothing like this lot” – Carlsberg

“They’re really really good and when I grow up I’m going to play for them” – Jamie Mc (Cricketers ‘A’)

“Who?” – Champion of Champions opponents

“If they’re that good, why are there still 7 yellows left on the table” – Pissed bloke at bar who know not of the ancient art of fudging

“Just a bunch of Low Budget International Playboys” – Low Budget International Playboy Weekly

The link that brought you here may say “Beehive Pool Team”. We may even be the “Beehive Pool Team”. The lack of a pool table in the Beehive now makes it tough to play from there. So we became The Hustlers Stingers and then, cutting a long story short, we became the RAFA Stingers. If you’d like to read the full story then go to our web blog (we’re always a few years behind with the latest crazes!):-


Don’t tell our hosts we’ve buggered off somewhere else – we haven’t paid the rent and snuck out the back door whilst they were erecting some pop-up ads.