Black Page
page is setup for Kienbock's
Disease. You
may have it and not know it. It is a degenerative bone condition
in the wrist that is often mis-diagnosed as carpal-tunnel or arthritis.
Blue Page
always under construction, we hope!
page centers around Our vacation trips out of the US.
There are links to informative sources about each destination, which has its own page, and links to pictures as well as some comments, trip reports and so on. Got any comments? If so, please email us.
Red Page
constantly under revision
page has some general pictures, a link to our Boating page with additional links and who knows what other stuff.
There is a link to a Family Tree page.
Gold Page
page is the fun page. Visit here for the lighter side and some less than serious links.
Others may wish to contact the family.
Please come back soon and visit us.
© 1997-2003 rhmayer