Washington D.C. Eagles
Australian Rules Football Club
Established 1998
1999 DC Eagles Survey - Please respond!
Welcome to the Washington DC Eagles, Australian Rules Football Club contact page.
1998 is the inaugural year for the club, and we intend to show right from the start on how we can fly above the pack. If you have never tasted the grit of this great Aussie culture, or if you have and are here in States and would like to soar with the Eagles, you are more than welcomed to contact us (see contacts below) and participate in any of our training runs, games or social events. We are after all, the only team that drinks real Aussie Beer after a game !!!!
For the 1998 season, we intend to get as many newcomers into this great game as possible throughout the year, and hopefully get several Eagles players eligible for selection into the US National Team to represent the US in a Tri-laterial competition against Canada and Denmark later in the year.
The DC Eagles have kicked off the '99 season with a hard fought but disappointing loss to the Baltimore Bombers. The final tally was Baltimore 11.6.72 to DC 8.7.55. Recognized for their outstanding play for the Eagles were: Cameron Ashe, Dave Stewart and Tom Balkos. Aside from the final score, the game was a huge success as were the festivities afterwards at the Boomerang Pub. A great deal of thanks to all who participated.
The DC Eagles are already planning the schedule for the upcoming year. Already we have been contacted by the North Carolina Crash (for a potential January match), the New York Magpies (for a home & away series starting April 10th in New York) and the Nashville Kangaroos (looking to come to DC in the July timeframe with DC to visit Nashville at a date TBD).
The DC Eagles will be assisting WNVC during their membership drive and in return will be able to promote the team. WNVC out of Fairfax, Virginia brings international programming to the Washington, DC area. You can get more information at the WNVC Home Page
The United States championship was held over the weekend of August 29th and 30th in Cincinnati. The East Coast was well represented, with the Boston Demons walking off with the national championship and the New York Magpies losing a close thriller in the preliminary final.
In Club News:
The Eagles hosted the Broadview Hawks from the Canadian Australian Football Association on September 6th. The Canadians invaded in full force and defeated the DC Eagles quite handily. Despite the score, a great time was had by all and many new aquaitances and friends were made.
And finally......The Jumpers are IN!!! We are now in possession of 25 West Coast Eagles jumpers. Thanks again to Keir for making this happen (see below)
Keir Semmens, the marketing officer for the DC Eagles recently sent a letter of introduction to the West Coast Eagles. West Coast has agreed to a relationship with the DC squad (see their response below) that promises to be beneficial to both organizations. A warm thanks to the West Coast Eagles and a job well done to Mr. Semmens.
Our game against the New York Magpies on the Saturday August 15th was an incredible success, with DC enjoying a well deserved victory. Those in attendance were treated to a magnificent display of footy DC style and a taste of Australia after the match. Many thanks to all who participated as players and guests, and especially to our guests from New York.
Practice/Game Dates:
Practices will be held on the following dates:
Additional training times TBD
Upcoming Game Dates:
The next game is a road trip to North Carolina to paticipate in a tournament with teams from North and South Carolina on June 12th, 1999. We are currently setting up travel arrangements, etc. Please contact Tom, Allan or Ian with availability.
Click here for directions to Ft Meade
vs. Baltimore Bombers, Baltimore, MD May 22nd, 1999
vs. Broadview Hawks, Potomac, MD September 6th, 1998
vs. New York Magpies, Ft. Meade, MD August 15th, 1998
tri-Match vs. New York Magpies and Boston Demons, New York City June 6th, 1998
vs. Boston Demons, Fort Meade, Md. March 28th, 1998
vs. US All Stars, Washington, D.C. July 28th, 1997
From a phone call by Jason Eustice from Kansas City, a challenge was put down for us to pull a Football Team together to play his Midwest All-stars Team. This challenge was taken seriously by the Embassy of Australia here in Washington DC and at a regular end of week meeting, several members discussed the possibility of putting a team together over a few cold Australian refreshments. During this traditional custom, many Australian male is said to have been " a Legend in his own time", hence the Embassy Legends Team was born.
On the 25 July 1997 the Embassy of Australia's Legends Football Team was formed to play their first game of football on the 27 July 1997, against the Mid West All-stars Team.
Tom Fahey tafahey@ix.netcom.com
Coach Allan Purdie plugger@dc.infi.net
Mailing Address:
Embassy of Australia, 1601 Massachusetts Ave, Washington DC 20036
c/o Washington DC Eagles
or e-mail us at dc_eagles@geocities.com
Everything you ever wanted to know about the players and coaches who make up the Washington DC Eagles.
US Aussie Football Club Links and Results Page -- updated 9/17/98
United States Australian Football Association
Link to our Namesake Club in the AFL:
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