The Official Utah Jazz Fan Page

The Jazz finished the 1997-98 season 62-20,
the best record in the league are
have the homecourt advantage throughout the
1998 Playoffs.
Operated by,
Brandon Stephenson

Welcome to the Official Utah Jazz Fan Page.
If you haven't been here since it's been last update please click the RELOAD button to get the new version. This page was last update May 31, 1998.

Current Info

Well the Jazz have swept the Los Angeles Lakers in four games. So I guess Cory Blount's prediction was right it was a sweep, just not for them. And may I might ad that Del Harris' career is probably over by now. May he should stop blaming the refs for his mistakes and adjust once and a while. So this is how I see it now, I think Magic Johnson will probably take over this sorry excuse for a team for a least a year and by then they will now who to hire as Official Head Coach. Now if you Lakers fans don't like what I have to say, well then just shut up and cork it.

Up Coming Events

The Jazz next game will be on Wednesday June 3rd to start the first game of the 1998 NBA Finals against the Chicago Bulls or the Indiana Pacers. The deciding game for them will be played today May 31st at 7:30 Eastern Time.

Picture Gallery

Well the Utah Jazz Gallery is under construction to make it better and faster to load. It should be back up in about two weeks.

Here's Some Utah Jazz Links

Utah Jazz Official Web Site At

Utah Jazz Drive For The Title
Jazz Notes
Cbs Sportsline
You Can Get Your Weather Reports At This Page
Erik's Weather Page

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This page was last updated May 31, 1998.

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