Hi I'm Howe.
My interests are:
Sports, computers, art and movies.


I am a regular 14 year old guy, I love sports. I play basketball, soccer, volleyball, track and I ski but I especially love waterpolo. I now play with the St.John's Bulldog in St.John's Newfoundland. I've played waterpolo for 4 years. I started when I was 10 with the Pan Am Paranhs, also known as Winnipeg Neptunes. I've played in 2 nationals, 2 times in Western Canadian Championships, a couple times in Calgary and Regina. I've also played in high school and cadet leagues when I was 12 and 13. My postions are play maker and a forward. My first coach is Grand Badger, and my coach now is Garth Murphy.


My favorite NHL team is the Pheonix Coyotes. My favorite player is Keith.K. I used to live in Winnipeg for 9 years and because the Pheonix Coyotes were once the Winnipeg Jets, they are still my favorite team. I my self don't play hockey but I love watching a nice game of hockey on a saturday night. If you have anything to contribute to my page, please send me any pics or animations of the coyotes.

If you want to send mail to the Pheonix Coyotes the address is:

Pheonix Coyotes
One Rennaissance Square
Two North Central Ave. Suite 1930
Pheonix, Arizona 85004 USA
TEL:(602)379-2800 or (602)379-7825



Official Pheonix Coyotes Web Page
Pretty Cool Coyotes Site
Unofficial Pheonix Coyotes Web Site

Email me at howe14@rocketmail.com

Please come back soon and visit me.

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