Moto &
La pagina dei Viaggi su due
Ecco un' altra delle mie
passioni: questa è legata a tutto ciò che comporta
l'uso di questo cavallo a due ruote, che ci permette di spostarci a
nostro piacimento senza essere legati a tutto ciò che è
convenzionale; partendo da questo, impariamo ad amare la vita
all'aria aperta, l'avventura dei viaggi non programmati, il fascino
del campeggio e la libertà di godere di paesaggi e di panorami
difficilmente raggiungibili altrimenti. Personalmente uso una moto
Guzzi 650 Custom, con la quale ho girato in lungo e in largo il
nostro bel Paese, in compagnia di altri amici centauri appassionati
come me.

Vallelunga, 21 - 22 giugno
Ho partecipato
con piacere al Meeting Harley, godendo delle due giornate veramente
dense di iniziative; ve ne voglio raccontare un sunto.
La cosa più
appariscente del Meeting è stata, naturalmente, la grande
partecipazione dei possessori di moto Harley Davidson di tutti i
tipi, coloratissime con grandi opere di aerografo e cromature, che
hanno polarizzato l'interesse del pubblico. I motociclisti, quasi
tutti in tono con i loro mezzi,hanno fatto mostra di sè
portando una ventata americaneggiante e di grande colore con le loro
mise in pelle o con i loro tatuaggi in ogni parte del corpo. La loro
allegria e disponibilità ha contagiato un pò tutti e
dopo i primi approcci prudenti, anche noi appartenenti ad altre
marche di moto ci siamo uniti a loro, contribuendo a rendere la festa
completa. Abbiamo sfilato con piacere lungo il circuito con un gran
serpentone di moto, saremo stati circa un migliaio e vi posso
assicurare,con divertimento unico.
Nelle due giornate
si sono svolte molte manifestazioni, intermezzate da esibizioni dei
nostri Hovercraft, che hanno destato grande
curiosità. I Dragsters hanno disputato prove brucianti nel
quarto di miglio, nella prova di accelerazione ed in questo campo
abbiamo visto macchine autocostruite con potenze incredibili, motori
turbocompressi da 1800 cc. su telai appositamente costruiti che
scaricavano a terra su ruote da formula 1 tutti i cavalli di cui
erano capaci, abilmente pilotati da drivers di grande esperienza.
Moto d'epoca, sidecar ed altre moto hanno riempito le due
giornate,insieme a spettacoli di musica leggera ed altro, il tutto
incorniciato da stands dove i motociclisti hanno trovato di tutto per
la loro passione.A giorni, su questa pagina, vedrete foto e articoli
più particolareggiati della manifestazione. Se qualcuno di voi
presenti alle giornate, vuole farmi sapere le sue
impressioni,inviatemele via e-mail: le pubblicherò
Questo spazio
sarà a disposizione di cronache di Raduni, Gare, Riunioni e
Viaggi . Una specie di giornale rivolto ai Centauri Italiani. Attendo
le vostre e-mail.
I link che vi consiglio:
Malaguti* Guzzi * Jack
Motoclub * Sportnet * Harley* Campionato
Mondiale * Motorcycle
Mag. *
Enduro * Vespa
- American
Vintage Racing Motorcycles - riders and manufacturers of early
bikes from 1900 to 1933. Photographs included from the Statnekov
- Andy's
Bike Site - great site for motorcycle fans; includes technical
data and some pictures of motorbikes sold in Germany.
- Aprilia
Moto 6.5 - In German.
- Australian
Motorcycles Licencing Regulations
- Australian
Motorcycling Online
- Belgium
Motorcycle Network - provides information about traveling in
Belgium; includes itineraries, bike dealers, clubs, hotels,
restaurants, events, and links.
- BikeNet - The
UK's first, and Europe's Premier online motorcycle
- Biker Trash -
directory and searchable data base of sites related to
- Bob
Westinicky's Vintage Motorcycle - Motorcycles from the 1960's
to 1970's. Images, links, clubs and more.
- Boomers
Roadhouse Club - where real bikers, like yourself, can pull
off the cyberhighway and feel right at home.
- Cameron
Simpson Moto Page - Australian moto info and categorised
references to most other web moto resources.
- Chicago
Motorcycle Rider's Guide - source for events, clubs, dealers,
services, news and more.
- Chicky's
Bikes - This page includes many pics of kawasaki, yamaha,
suzuki, harley and ducati motorcyles.
- Classic
Bikes and Working Motorcycle Museum
- Classic
Motorcycling - explores the world of veteran, vintage,
classic, historic, rare, and unusual motorcycle riding, racing
restoration and possession.
- Courtney
Hook's Motorcycle Page
- Crazy
Canuck's Hardy-Deviation Motorcycle Clubhouse - deviants only!
Also enter if riding American Motor Works, Boss Hoss, Illusion,
Confederate, or Titan bikes.
- Cycles On-Line
- info motorcycles, quads, atv, 3 wheelers, snowmobiles, go karts,
accessories, clubs, races, etc.
- David
Scholefield's Bike
- Feet
Forwards Motorcycles
- Flash's
Cruiser Page - dedicated to all non-Harley "cruiser"
- Humber
College Motorcycle Riding Programs - offers a variety of
training courses for both new motorcylcists and those with various
levels of experience.
- Jason's
Motorcycle Page - information about and pictures of a variety
of motorcyles, with a particular focus on Kawasakis.
- Jeff's
Vintage and Classic Motorcycle Page - Pictorial walkthrough of
my Hodaka Road Toad restoration. Pictures of motorcycles and
motorcycle events. Main features are Hodakas and Bultacos, but
many other cycles too.
- Joe Bar Team
Motorcycle - All pages include smashing graphics, scrolling
marquees and delirium background sounds.
- Ken Mackow:
Motorcycle Daredevil - last world record holder for the Tunnel
of Fire stunt.
- Ken's
Bike Page
- London Bike
Page - information on motor biking in London, including tours,
runs, events and services as well as links to other bike
- Longriders
Internet Bikers Club House - biker bulletin board.
- Mica Peak - Home
for 8 motorcycle related electronic mailing lists.
- Minibike
Central - how to make minibikes and pictures of
- Moga
Deluxe - contains pictures of motorcycle madness.
- Mostly
Motorcycles - Denmarks first Motorcycle homepage. Triumphs and
links to other sites.
- Motobase
- comments, pictures, specifications for a variety of makes and
- Motorcycle
Commemorative Gallery - 90 years of Harley-Davidson; a must
have poster!
- Motorcycle Cyber
Network - features racing results, motorcycle-related site
index, and directory of dealerships and companies with web
presences. Sponsored by American Road Racing Magazine.
- Motorcycle
- Motorcycle
Madness - everything on cycles, sport touring, touring, sport,
dirt, quad racers, and racing.
- Motorcycle
Memories - research, books, magazines, posters, sales
brochures, restoration information and more. Initial searche free
- covers all makes, models and years of motorcycles.
- Motorcycle
Page [] - links, pictures, trip reports, Team Iguana
info and more.
- Motorcycle
Page []
- Motorcycle Page
- Motorcycle
Repair Manual - large online repair manual, lots of short cuts
and tips for BMW, Honda, Yamaha, Kawasaki, Suzuki and Moto
- Motorcycle
Routes in the UK - Great motorcycle routes in the UK. This
site will list all the great motorcycle scratching roads in the
UK. Add your own favourite routes.
- Motorcycle
Safety and Survival Archives
- Motorcycle
Tips & Techniques - dozens of detailed discussions on all
aspects of motorcycle safety from group riding practices to how a
highside happens and how to avoid them.
- Motorcycle
Touring Arizona
- Motorcycle
Training (Oxford) Ltd - training and general information about
motorcycling. Getting your motorcycle through the UK MOT
- Motorcycle
Web Directory
- Motorcycling
- MZ
- east german MZ motorbikes.
- Nightshift,
- Norm's
Trailer Page - Complete do-it-yourself plans to build a pull
behind trailer for any motorcycle.
- North American
Sportbike Road Registery - for sportbike riders searching for
a twistie road. Motorcyclists are encouraged to browse and post to
the list.
- Nothern
Ireland Biker - motorcycling information with a Northern
Ireland slant. Local roads, riders and gossip -- complete with
pictures and too much chain lube.
- O'Malley's
Alley - dedicated to motorcyling enthusiasts
- Official
Bikers Page - dedicated to providing the motorcycle owner with
valuable information. Clubs, Groups, Events, Parts, Laws, Tattoos,
and much more.
- Panther
Motorcycles - made by Phelon & Moore (P&M) in
Cleckheaton, Yorkshire, UK from 1900 to 1967.
- Pennsylvania
Motorcycle Page
- Pete's
Solo Disabled Motorcycle Project - details of a motorcycle
adaption allowing a paraplegic rider to ride.
- Poseur
Motorcyclist - for those interested in vintage Japanese road
and race bikes. Pictures, links, and book reviews.
- Pre
World War II British Motorcycles
Chat - Webchat Broadcasting System Channel
- Rec.Motorcycles.Reviews
Archive - contains a Veritable Plethora (tm) of bike (and
accessories) reviews, written by readers based on their
own experiences.
- Sidecar.Com -
gathering of sidecar related groups and associations.
- Spdtrap's
Motorcycle Page
- Speedtrap
Registry - like to drive over the always-too-slow speed limit?
This is where you can find out where the speed-busting cops hide
in each state.
- Speedway
- place on net for speedway fans all over the world.
- Sportbike -
links, photos, bike information and classifieds for the sportbike
- Stolen
Motorcycle Page
- Texas
Wingz - Motorcycle activites, schedules, and organizations
with a focus on North Texas and Goldwings. Links to numerous Moto
related sites.
- Thames
Valley County Motorcycle Training
- Thumper
Page, The - Dedicated to Thumpers (four stroke single cylinder
motorcycles), the site has a message page, photo archive, and
several FAQs and articles.
- Tom-Martin
Berger's Page - includes nice motorcycle pics and related
- Trev
Deeley Motorcycle Museum
- Troy's
Motorcycle - Honda's 1983 VT750C Shadow Page
- Two
Strokes Mail List Archives - Some archives & how to's from
the two stroke mail list.
- Vegan
- Vimal's
Motorcycle Page - Everything you wanted to know about
motorcycles (well, almost), some neat bike related links, pictures
of sportbikes, and a special feature on 'Women in
- VirtualRally
- An on-line road rally where motorcyclists socialize, play games,
and cruise inforation on riding events, routes, trip planning
tools, clubs, etc.
- WetLeather
Organization - Home page for Pacifc Northwest motorcyclists;
features a mailing-list, events/activities, info.
- Will
Heyman's Motorcycle Page
- Wyoming
Motorcycle Safety Education Program
- Yvette's
Corner - Biker Women's News & Views - biker womens issues,
fashions, music, riding, and philosophy.
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