I was born on 1970.
I graduated on 1994 the Technical University from Cluj-Napoca, Machines Building Technology .
Now I work in a mechanical factory, SC MEBIS SA, as System Engineer, administering a computers network and programming. I like my job and I try to improve my skils everyday. Somebody said "It's a blessing to work what you know the best, to like what you work and to be paid for that". Thanks God, this is almost true for me (well, about money there is more place, like everywhere in Romania).
I'm married from 1993 with Doina and I
have a child, Rares (4 years old). Click here to see a picture of my family .
Beside my work, I like to have fun with my family and my friends, to listen music and to read.
I think my life was blessed by God, because I realy believe in God. I'm not a "religious" man, but I am a christian. I go to church every week and I'm involved there in music and in bible study. You can visit the website of my church Bethesda designed by me.
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