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Dominique is the coolest gymnast alive (or at least I think so)! She was the youngest gymnast ever to make the junior national team. In 1994 she became the Junior National Champion, and a year later was the youngest senior National Champion in history. She was the only individual medalist for the US at the '95 Worlds. In '96 she placed 3rd in the nationals despite a nasty leg injury that caused her to miss the Olympic Trials. Even though she skipped that competition, she still made the team, and with her six American sisters, otherwise known as the Magnificant Seven, made history by becoming the first US Women's Gymnastics Team to win a gold medal. And she was only 14!! I hope you enjoy my page of her! It is kinda new so bear with me while I find some more stuff to put on here! Don't forget to sign my guestbook! Thanx!

Dominique's Message Board!

My Newsletter!!
Updates on my Page!!
Some Things You Have Probably Never Seen On the Net!!
Dominique's Phone Card!!
Articles About Moch!!
Updates On Nique!
About Me!!

Please don't take any of my pics without asking. If you e-mail me, I'll be more than happy to let you use them!
Here are some pictures you've seen and some you haven't! They might take a while to download, but just wait, they're really good!
The Olympics!
Pictures of Domi doing whatever!
JH Tour!!
The Magnificent 7!!
Other Competitions!!
My Favorites!!
A Funny Pic!!
More Pictures!!
Even More Pictures!!
Never Seen Before Pictures!!
Here are some more!!
Dominique Collages!!
The Goodwill Games and Extra!!

These next few things that you won't find almost anywhere else on the Net!!

The Wheaties Box!!
Some Domi Art!!
Dominique won the All-Around at the Goodwill Games!! She got a check for $10,000 too!! Looks like she's doing much better! Keep it up Nique!

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This page is always under construction, so come back soon and see what is new!
Having any problems? Just wanna chat? E-mail Me!

Links to other sites on the Web

Moceanu Gymnastix!!

USA Gymnastics
Matt's Dominque Moceanu Homepage
The Dominique Moceanu Homepage
Dominique Moceanu; America's Dream
GK Elite Sports Wear!!

Visit CGA Online!

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