Soccer Pen Pals Wanted!
The U12 Rovers would like to share their experiences with other players around the world. If you are part of a team that would like to correspond with us, please e-mail us with the name of a contact person, the names of each player on your team, and an address where all the letters can be sent to at one time. Each of our players will be matched up with one of your players, and will write to that player. We will write about our team, where we live, and what our interests are. We have also been known to include a bunch of cool stuff in each letter. In turn, we expect you to do the same. Players can give out their home address to whomever they wrote to, so further correspondence can take place between individual players.
It's Fun! It's Educational! It's Soccer!
Our Current Soccer Pen Pals:

Sheffield, England

Write Today!